The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 172 - Sees Her Like A Family

The promised mass release: 5 chapters done


Will smiled seeing her being concerned for him, "Are you that worried about me?"

"Will, stop smiling and leave." Liz composed herself and again turned cold.

"Liz, I love you and I am not going from here, until and unless you accept my love."

Liz left and went back to her dormitory leaving Will there alone but he was happy as at least he got to know she too loves him.

It took him a few more days to pursue her and she finally gave in and accepted his proposal.

Then they dated each other for a few years, after completing her studies Liz worked at a reputed architecture firm and paid back money to her orphanage who paid for her education when she had no money. James and his wife loved Liz and happily accepted her into the family, then they got married and she later joined Richardsons' family business and managed it with Will and James.

Before their marriage too Ethan approached her to profess his love and tried to pursue her but Will sent him away using his power and he never bothered him again.


"Wow, that was really an amazing love story, it is like a film." Rachel was smiling after knowing her parents' love story.

Although Daniel knew only half the story he liked it and felt bad for Will as he had to struggle a bit before winning his love and was thankful in his heart that Rachel didn't make things difficult for him the way her mom did for her father.

"Yeah, I agree. They really spent all the next years in bliss." Catherine informed her and Rachel nodded her head in understanding. 

"Thank you uncle and thanks auntie for so patiently telling me what happened"

Harry and Catherine smiled at her.

Then Rachel took her leave and Daniel went to drop her home.

"Where will you be staying tonight?" Rachel asked him.

"I am planning to go back to my home as it is still evening."

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Rachel requested him, she wanted to spend more time with him.

"Sure I would obviously love that but what excuse will we give to your grandpa?"


The two thought for a while, when Daniel came up with something and called Jimmy.

"Yes Dan?"

"When will you be back home?"

"Late night."

"Can you stay at a friend's place tonight?"

Jimmy then talked to someone and after a few seconds he answered, "Yes, I just asked my friend Leo, today I'll crash at his place."

"I hope that is not a problem?"

"No, not at all, we anyway have to come back for rehearsals tomorrow early morning, we are utilizing the weekends completely."

"Thanks Jim and if anyone else asks you, then just say you, me and Rachel with a few of our friends are just hanging out at my place."

Jim chuckled from the other end, "You two are acting like teenagers."

"Okay, bye" Daniel ignored his teasing and informed Rachel, "Sorted"

Then she informed her grandpa and he was fine with it, as long as she is happy, he was good.

James was already very tensed about Frank's revelation and he was more focused on it. 


Rachel spent the rest of the weekend at Daniel's house and she went to her office directly from there. Jessica already sent them another proposal as discussed during the meeting, it was a small proposal so she and Sam completed it within a day and sent it back to Jessica.

Daniel too went to hospital after a long break, because he followed Rachel to Italy he took leave and since he had no major surgeries lined up he was able to get a break but now he had more work to do.

After reaching the hospital he took updates from Steve and Lisa and focussed on his work.

One of the lawyers working in Nick and Michael's firm took the case to fight for Andrew and Sophia and he intends to deliberately lose the case as he was instructed to do so by Nick.

Michael decided their firm will fight the case for Andrew and Sophia instead of against them as they wanted to ensure that these two would get the maximum sentence which Nick too supported.

Few days later Jessica decided to disclose her new partner with whom she wants to be associated to launch her new brand Eli. She gave instructions to her secretary and told her to send the email to all the bidders announcing who the winner is.

Sam was preparing some business proposal when he received an email from The Carlson Company.

June Bell sent an official email on behalf of the Carlson company announcing Radiate Cosmetics as the winner of the bid. Radiate cosmetics is the brand under Rachel. This mail went to all the bidders and next Sam received another mail officially confirming that they won the bid, which was only sent to him, Rachel and their company official mail ID.

Sam got excited reading the mail and he ran towards Rachel's cabin to share the good news.

He directly opened her office door without even knocking on it. Rachel was seriously reading some document and he understood she didn't read the mail yet.

"Rach, congratulations we won the Carlson project" He happily announced while panting.

"What?" She couldn't process what she heard.

"Yes Rach, check your mail, we have received an official email from the Carlson company." He was very excited.

Rachel then went through the mail body and she too was very happy as they officially got the project.

"Congratulations Rach, your hard work paid off."

"Our hard work, congratulations to you too Sam, you have worked really hard for this project too."

"Congratulations to both of us and hope you remember your promise?" He winked at her.

Few days back Rachel promised him that she will increase his salary if they get this project.

"Sure, as promised, I will increase your salary."

"You are the best"

"Sam, please announce a meeting after lunch with the team of people we were considering to work on this project, we will share the news with them and also we have to honestly tell them about Jessica's condition of where she too would go through their profiles before finalizing them for this particular project. Before that, call June, Jessica's secretary and get all the details we need that we need to discuss in our meeting" 

"Wait, June? Didn't Jessica fire her?"

"Why would she fire her?"

"Have you forgotten how her secretary was double crossing her and making unfair deals?"

"Oh, I didn't inform you, sorry I forgot"

Then Rachel told him all the details of what happened and how it was Jessica's plan.

"God, this Jessica is very different from the people we dealt with in the past, she is a dangerous person, Rach."

"No, she is not dangerous, she has trust issues is what I felt."

Sam just nodded his head.

"It is okay she is not wrong in confirming what kind of people she is dealing with."

"I am surprised now"


"How are you so patient and understanding of Jessica's tactics, it is a bit unlike you."

"Hmm" Rachel didn't say anything else as what Sam said is right and she knows the reason why she herself is so lenient with Jessica, it is because she means so much to Daniel, she is like his sister and so subconsciously Rachel sees her like a family and therefore she didn't get upset with what she did.

"I'll contact June then and after that I will arrange a meeting"

"Thank you" 

Just then Rachel received a call from Jessica and she asked Sam to stay back.


"Congratulations Ms. Richardson." Jessica formally congratulated her.

"Thank you Ms. Carlson for choosing us, we will ensure to meet your standards and won't disappoint you."

"That is exactly what I expected to hear from you Ms. Richardson." Jessica added, "My secretary will contact your secretary soon, hope that is fine?"

"Sure, Sam was anyway planning to contact her."

"Great and as discussed earlier, I'll be sending the profiles of the people who will be working from the Carlson team and hopefully by the end of today, you will let me know who you want in the team and who you don't."

"Yes please and I'll too send you all the profiles in the next fifteen minutes and you too can do the same."

Rachel then signaled Sam who quickly asked one of the workers to get his laptop to Rachel's room so that he can send all the files needed.

"Sure by tomorrow early morning, we will hopefully finalize the team."

"Of course, if things work out then maybe by today itself we can do so"

"That would be great, our legal team already started preparing the contract, once the team is finalized, I'll be sending it to you." Jessica too loves completing things quickly.

"Sure Ms. Carlson."

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