The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 173 - Still Have A Lot To Learn

"Sure Ms. Carlson."

"Also, I'll be coming to London after two days, so this Friday I can visit your warehouse if that is fine with you."

"Sure, I'll make the necessary arrangements. Also, we have a guest house here in London if Ms. Carlson would like it, I can make arrangements for your stay."

"Thank you so much for your consideration Ms. Richardson but my family lives in London so my living arrangements are sorted."

"Good to know that but if you ever need anything here, please don't hesitate to contact me."

"Sure, thank you so much Ms. Richardson."

Then Sam, who already received his laptop sent Jessica all the profiles of their team and then he mailed June to fix an appointment with her.

"I'll update you after discussing with her"

"Thank you"


Jessica then called Daniel after talking to Rachel.

"Hey Jess"

"You messaged me you will contact me later as you were busy and you didn't"

Daniel sent her the same message when she contacted him that he is busy but then he was busy with Rachel during the weekend so he forgot to contact Jessica.

"I am really sorry Jess, a lot of things happened and I couldn't get time."

"This is what happens when guys start dating, they forget their best friends"

"Hey that is not true, the weekend was really hectic"

"You have to make up for it"

"I promise, I will"

"By the way your love won the contract and we are soon going to collaborate our businesses."

Daniel expected this as he believed in Rachel's talent but he was still happily surprised.

"Wow, that is awesome"

"And mind you, she won it because of her talent and the bid she prepared and not because she is your girlfriend"

"Of course, that was expected of you and her"

"Haha I know right, by the way I am coming to London day after tomorrow"

"Amazing, send me and Jimmy your flight details, either of us will come to receive you."

"Yayy and where will I stay?"

"Obviously with me in my penthouse"

"Can we ask Jimmy too to stay with us, it will be fun just like the old days"

"Of course, I was also thinking the same"

"Amazing, I have lot of work to do, we will talk once I reach London"


Jessica then received the mail from Sam with all the profiles and she started shortlisting them.


After scheduling a call with June, Sam called her. They had a detailed conversation for an hour where Sam noted all important points and he prepared a brief to discuss in the meeting.

He then sent mail and scheduled a meeting with the team they decided would work on the Carlson Project as these people too were involved in the bid and other project related work.

That meeting started after lunch, everyone was seated in the conference room. 

Rachel and Sam too arrived on time then she announced to the whole team that they won the contract.

Everyone in the room got very excited, to know they got this project, they know the significance of getting it.

"As you all know the association with the Carlson project will help us be an international brand and expand our business and its reach." She added, "From now on we have to work harder and our responsibilities are only going to increase."

The team nodded at her words.

"Also, there is another news, it is not a great news. Ms. Carlson is right now going through your profiles and if she feels someone is not fit to be in the team for this project then you will be allotted some other project."

Rachel took a pause to let the team digest this news and everyone in the room looked at each other as they got a bit tensed, she then added, "Similarly I too would be going through the profiles of the team Ms. Carlson decided. I know it is a bit upsetting for you all but this is something that has been requested by Ms. Carlson and it was non-negotiable."

Her team got a bit sad, so Rachel added, "There might also be a chance that none of you would be shifted to some other project and you all might be working on this one. I just wanted to let you know this in advance so that you don't get a big shock later. Also, you are all the best employees of mine, I know your capabilities and if you are not a part of this project that doesn't mean you are not capable or not good enough to lead it. It just means you are not a fit for this project that's it, and I'll ensure you will be working on the other best project of ours, so please don't feel belittled if you don't make it to the final team."

Rachel wanted to be very clear with her stand, she could have just waited for Jessica's shortlist and then announced the results and if everyone made it to the final team then there was no need to inform them about it but that was not the right way and she believes being transparent with her employees is the correct thing to do.

Although the team was upset they were also glad that Rachel told them everything honestly and the fact that they would be getting another project if not this is fine also as all the projects under Rachel are big and worthy.

Sam then gave a brief to all the employees, there was a chance that some of them wouldn't be a part of it but they all worked on the Carlson Project so Rachel believed they had a right to know the basic details of the project.

Sam then gave the brief he discussed with June and the teammates honestly gave their inputs.

Then Rachel too went through the profile of the teammates that Jessica hired from her end as expected of Jessica, everyone she chose were perfect for the team and they all were the perfect fits for the roles assigned to them, Rachel didn't find any fault with them and therefore she had no changes to recommend.

Similarly, Jessica too was impressed with all the employees Rachel chose and she too had no changes to suggest and by the end of the day, the two had a call and they informed each other that the teams chosen from their ends is perfect and the team was finalized.

Sam sent an official mail to their teammates that everyone chosen will be continuing with The Carlson Project and no one is being shifted to other project and all the employees were very happy for themselves and also for each other and now they felt even better that Jessica too believed they are a good fit to work on this project which motivated them and they all decided to work hard on this project and to ensure it reached the greater heights.

Sam came to visit Rachel to update her on the day's progress, "June is sending me Jessica's schedule, we two would be finalizing the project timeline and there are some documents she sent me, I went through all of it, I'll send you the highlighted points."

"Thanks Sam, that will be great" Rachel was a bit tired.

"By the way you did a nice thing when you told all the employees of Jessica shortlisting them before finalizing."

"Yeah, they had the right to know the truth."

"Honestly I felt you were wrong and you shouldn't have informed them about this so soon, I wondered what if Jessica actually shortlists everyone as all our employees are the best and we are just giving out information unnecessarily. But now they are even more motivated as they understood Jessica too is happy with their profiles and finds them perfect."

"Hmm, I thought all of it through, either way it was a win-win situation for us, if any one person too was shifted then this way we were preparing them and if they all stay then they would be motivated."

"No wonder you are the best businesswoman."

"No Sam, I still have a lot to learn."

Sam just smiled at her as this is what she always says.

After finishing the work, Rachel went to Daniel's house as she was tired and she wanted to rest for sometime also she wanted to share the good news of her getting The Carlson Project with him in person.

Daniel was not yet home, so she took a shower and relaxed on Daniel's bed.

After they started dating, Rachel once brought some of her clothes over to Daniel's house and kept them in Daniel's room so that it is convenient for her whenever she would visit his house.

She informed James she would be at Daniel's house and he was happy as the two were spending more time together.

She drowsed off to sleep after the shower and an hour later Daniel came home

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