The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 179 - Charity

Then on the way she asked him, "Do you know of any orphanages in London?"

"Yeah, I know of many my mom is a social worker."

"Oh." Then Megan took out the 5000 Pounds she kept in her pants pocket and gave it to Jim.

"Hey chill Megan, keep this money to yourself, no need to give it to me." Jimmy thought she was offering 5000 Pounds to him.

Megan laughed at his innocence, "You are so rich, why would I give you 5000 Pounds?"

"Umm to thank me for my help?"

"I already did that by treating you to a good hearty dinner at a fancy place."

"Oh yeah, then why are you giving me this money."

"Give it to your mom and ask her to donate them to one of the orphanages. I want to give them away as a charity."

Jimmy was surprised by her actions.

"Why Meg? Just keep this money to yourself, think of it as your interest."

"No Jim, that would be wrong, I got my money back and that is enough for me."

"Meg, trust me I would not judge you if you keep this money with you and use it for yourself."

Megan laughed at his words, "Jim, you think I would care if you judge me."

"As far as I know you, no."

"Exactly, I am giving it because this is Ronald's dirty money and I don't know how he earned it so I rather donate this money to orphans who genuinely need it, maybe this way I am helping Ronald too, as his dirty money will be used for something good."

Jimmy was impressed by her thought process and promised to give this money to his mother and will ask her to donate them.

"Also Jimmy, I need another help."


"Since tomorrow also we have no rehearsals, I am planning to buy a new car. Would you like to accompany me to 3HK? That place where you said they sell second hand cars at a good price? My knowledge with cars is still not great."

"Sure, not a problem and by the way your choice in men also sucks."

Megan laughed at it as what he said was right. So, they decided to go to 3HK where she will sell her old car and finally buy a new one.

He then dropped her at the dormitory and went to Daniel's house to crash.

That night Megan had a peaceful sleep after a long time.

Rachel and Daniel laughed a lot after knowing the whole story of what Jimmy and Megan did.

"You guys did the right thing, that asshole deserves it." Rachel was pissed after knowing what Ronald did with Megan.

Daniel too laughed a lot but yet he scolded Jim, "Dude what you did was risky. Next time please don't be so reckless"

"But it was fool proof." Jimmy defended himself

"But I have to appreciate Megan, she decided to donate those 5000 Pounds, I like her." Rachel shared her thoughts.

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me." Jimmy then transferred 5000 Pounds to his mom's account and called her.

He informed her that a friend of his wants to donate 5000 Pounds and gave him the cash and he rather transferred it into her account and asked her to do the needful.

Catherine was impressed as the younger generation these days don't do donations like this and she promised Jim she would do so the very next day.

After chatting with Rachel and Daniel for some time, Jimmy went to sleep in his room as he was very tired.

Rachel and Daniel went to sleep in his room, after they started dating, Rachel stays in Daniel's room whenever they are in the penthouse.


The next day when Megan woke up she felt like it was a new beginning of her life, then she checked the cash in her handbag and sighed in relief as all that happened yesterday was indeed the truth, for a moment she felt like it was all a dream.

It was so unlike her that she would go and steal money from someone by mugging them and that too her ex-boyfriend, she was so high on adrenaline rush last night that she didn't care about anything else and just went with the flow trusting Jimmy.

Megan has always been that ideal student in school who follows all instructions given by her school, who does her homework every time and there were never any complaints against her, she even won model student awards in her school.

It was all because of her upbringing, both her parents were professors so they were very strict about academics and following rules.

Megan too had the same qualities as her parents and it came naturally to her.

Last night was the first time in her life, she went against the law and it was a not small law that she went against but she mugged a guy and stole money from him although it was technically her own money but her approach was still wrong and the most weird part is she enjoyed stealing money and beating up Ronald. She enjoyed it so much that she forgot the sadness that was caused by her break up.

Earlier she felt betrayed and was annoyed with herself but after spending some time with her friend and getting back her money in a very non-conventional way made her feel alive and much better and she got over Ronald already.

She loved mugging Ronald so much that she wondered who exactly she is and what kind of a person she is. In general she never enjoys such stuff and that is when she decided to treat the next of her days as a new beginning to her life, like a new volume of a book.

Megan was happy and she took her time to get ready as unlike every other day where she has to rush through everything because she needs to travel for an hour to reach the university, now with she living in the university dormitory itself she need not bother with travelling, also the theater too where they rehearse is very near to this university, she was happy as she is getting more time for herself now.

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