The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 180 - Pamper Herself

Megan was happy as she is getting more time for herself now

She cursed herself for not breaking up with Ronald before but was also glad that their live-in relationship lasted only for less than two months and she didn't suffer that long as before that they were in a one year relationship but she didn't suffer that much then, so now after thinking it through she was fine and was also thankful that she got out of this toxic relationship so soon.

After taking her sweet time she got dressed up well and went to teach her students, as she is an assistant professor, her schedule was fairly free and during her breaks she came back to her room to take rest and she was loving it.

She was done early that day so she called Jim but he was still busy with his office work, he is a Morris with a lot of responsibilities so she understood it and she asked him to take his time.

Jim informed her he will meet her after two hours.

So, Megan wondered what to do as she had a lot of free time and even money.

Other than the money she stole back from Ronald, she had her own savings and just some time ago the owner of the house they were staying in sent her the balance amount and deposit. She also has her savings and salary in the account and now with living in the dormitory she is going to save even more so she decided to spend some money today to pamper herself and have fun.

Since she has time to spare two more hours, she first went to a great salon and got a haircut. 

Her brown shoulder length hair was now cut short and is now neck length, she looked beautiful and loved her new look.

Megan always loved short hair style but not too short, she prefers neck length but she didn't get time to pamper herself so she just let her hair grow.

After the salon, she visited a shopping mall in London.

The area where she was currently residing in, was in the main city and everything was very near to her location.

She went to shop for some new clothes and there was a sale going on so she happily bought a lot of dresses for herself with a good discount.

Then she went to a tea cafe and ordered a cup of tea and a blueberry pastry cake for herself.

She really loved this day and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

She checked the time to see two hours already passed, she earlier messaged Jimmy to come to this shopping complex and asked him to message her once he reaches.

By the time she was done with her tea and cake, Jimmy called her and she invited him to join her in the tea cafe.

Jimmy arrived and joined her, he was surprised with her new look.

"You are looking amazing Megan, so beautiful." He complimented her new look.

"Thank You" She politely accepted his compliment. 

Then he saw all the shopping bags and smiled, "Seems like someone is enjoying their post break up period.

"Yeah Jim, I am suddenly loving life and everything around me. I am loving this new phase."

"I can see that. How was your day?" He too ordered himself a cup of tea.

Then Megan told him how much she enjoyed her day and how she got some time for herself.

"That is awesome, short hair really suits you."

"Thanks again"

After some time the two went to 3HK in Megan's car and Jimmy parked his in the parking area of the shopping complex.

After reaching 3HK, one of the employees there greeted Jimmy and she understood they were acquaintances.

Jimmy then told the guy that Megan is his friend so he should give her more discount and the employee promised he would.

Then this guy went to evaluate Megan's current car, he requested her if he can drive and test its condition, which she happily obliged to.

The guy then took her car for a short drive.

"It seems you have a lot of friends around the town. Last night too you knew that guy from where we bought those costumes." Megan commented after the guy left for a test drive as Jimmy knew this employee too.

Jimmy laughed at her words, "Yeah, I go to a lot of parties and meet many people, a friend of mine bought his car from here and introduced us at a party. Their work is really awesome and they are the big shots in London as Car resellers, so I know this guy and believe me he will indeed give you a heavy discount as you came with me."

"Lucky me, to have a friend like you"

"Obviously, I am the best."

Then the guy came back after the trial. 

He informed her that with proper servicing he can improve this car and he quoted her a price for which he would buy it, Megan was happy with the price as it was more than what Thomas Motors quoted and also more than what she expected so she was about to accept it but Jimmy chimed in and tried to negotiate the price and the guy and Jimmy finally settled on a price a bit higher than the one he quoted.

Megan was impressed with Jimmy's negotiation skills and thought 'perks of having a businessman as a friend as they are experts in negotiation'. 

Then Jimmy and Megan checked out other cars that they can purchase.

She already had a car in her mind but then Jimmy asked her about her usage and other relevant information then he recommended some other car to her which was around her budget.

She was impressed with the car he recommended as it was indeed better than what she thought of, this car was bigger and more spacious. It also had advanced features.

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