'Huh, somebody's in...... It seems like a lot.

After successfully breaking through the foundation, Qin Haitang opened his eyes and glanced in the direction he had entered this secret realm before, there were many people, and there were even demon beasts.

He ignored it, he had just broken through, the realm was not stable, and the aura here was far richer than outside, so he should seize the time to consolidate it.

You must know that when he came in, he offended a demon king, it's not that he is safe now that he breaks through the foundation, in short, the stronger he is, the more confidence he has.

"Wow! this place is so rich in aura!" At

the entrance, not only the Sanxiu of Pingfu Town let out such an exclamation, but even the people from the family couldn't help but sigh.

"If you can cultivate here for one year, it is worth cultivating outside for three years.

Next to the young man, one of his clan uncles listened to his words and scolded angrily: "Don't be in a daze, hurry up and search for opportunities, and when the inheritance is dug up, even if this secret realm does not collapse, most of it will gradually dry up." At that time, you will not be willing to let you stay here for one more day, let alone a year. "

What a treasure!"

"Mine, I found it first." "

Look for death. "


it...... "Poof, no, why?"


The number of casual cultivators from Pingfu Town is the largest, but it is also the weakest.

When there is a contradiction in the distribution of interests, there is a sword and a sword shadow, and blood is splashed.

"Hmph, sure enough, it's a group of people who can't hold up the wall with mud. "

Compared with casual cultivation, the sect and the family side are much more united, at least there has not been a scene of war between them.

And so a chain of contempt was born.

After the foundation building monk entered the secret realm, he went straight to the inheritance of the tomb owner, and as for other opportunities, in their eyes, they were secondary.

After the people of the Li family came in, their goals were quite clear, mainly to find a way to break through the foundation, and they were not even interested in competing with others for spirit grass magic weapons and the like.

Coincidentally, the Li family came to Qin Haitang's side.

"The head of the family, that person seems to be Qin Haitang. "

Beside Li Botong, the head of the Li family, a person who was in charge of taking care of the property in Pingfu Town recognized Qin Haitang not far away and stood up to remind.

Since the Li family's forces were driven out of Pingfu Town by Qin Haitang in the first half of the year, the Liangzi between the two sides has been concluded.

In addition, Qin Haitang concealed and shielded Li Hao's cause of death, which made Li Botong, his father, kill him a long time ago.

Qin Haitang has been out in retreat for several months, and the people of the Li family guessed that he was dead, but they didn't expect to meet him here, it seems that God wants to arrange for them to end this cause and effect.

"Surround him and kill him.

Li Botong ordered to several ninth-level Qi refining clan elders and Keqing around him.

In his opinion, Qin Haitang should not have broken through to the foundation yet, and his side sent several masters of the ninth layer of qi refining to surround and kill him, which can be regarded as worthy of him.

However, how did he know that Qin Haitang deliberately restrained his breath after seeing their Li family approaching.

In all fairness, he broke through the foundation this time, and he actually didn't have much killing intent towards the Li family.

The reason is very simple, the Li family still has an old Zhuji in retreat

, not to mention, what he boasted of doing before was far from the point of the Li family's death.

But he wanted to fight with the Li family, but the other party wanted to take his life directly.

This made Qin Haitang have no choice.

Feeling that the masters of the Li family had come around, Qin Haitang no longer continued to pretend to be blind, he opened his eyes, his pupils were deep, and he had an indescribable confidence and domineering, glanced at a few people, and scolded in an indifferent tone:

"Give you a chance, get out of me immediately." "

Shaft, arrogance. A

Li family guest who went around behind him couldn't wait, and took the lead in attacking Qin Haitang.

In fact, some people on the Li family's side felt that something was not quite right, but since everyone had made a move, they didn't think about it, and they also chose to attack Qin Haitang.

"Really, I can't do it!" Since

the other party has made a move on him, with Qin Haitang's character, how can he swallow his anger?

With a sudden, his body jumped high on the spot, and the speed was so fast that several Qi Cultivation Ninth Layers who attacked him couldn't even catch his shadow.

"Oh no, he's already laid the foundation. At

this moment, not only the few Qi Refining Ninth Layers who had pounced on the air felt terrified, but even Li Botong, who was watching the battle from afar, and many of the Li family's disciples who had brought them over to increase their knowledge, also had their faces changed drastically.

If you want to say that he, Qin Haitang, has gone from a casual cultivation to today, no one believes that he is not a ruthless person.

Now that he has murderous intent towards the Li family, how can he be soft-hearted.

Whew,,, ......,

sssThe psychological pressure brought by the foundation building to the Qi refining cultivators was too great, so much so that the first thought of the several Qi refining ninth-level monks who had originally killed Qin Haitang was to flee for their lives, rather than joining forces to meet the enemy.

Qin Haitang seized the opportunity and chose to break them one by one, and in a few breaths, the Li family lost a ninth-level Qi cultivator.

"Escape, flee to the center of the secret realm, and ask the elders of Changchun Gate for help.

Li Botong did not give the order to fight back, nor did he stay to buy time for the young children of the clan to escape, but after giving an order to run, he first took out a shuttle charm and slipped away.

In fact, his strength has already reached the ninth level of Qi refining, and he can hit the foundation at any time, but he has failed once before, and he has more or less left some shadows in his heart, and he has no courage to break the cauldron and sink the boat, so he has delayed it again and again.

Qin Haitang himself thought that if the Li family had united from the beginning, with the state in which he had just broken through the foundation, he might not be able to eat them.

Unfortunately, they didn't do that, but they all took care of their own lives, which gave him the opportunity to chop melons and vegetables from behind.

Of course, it also helped him adapt and run in the strength of the foundation building period as soon as possible.

After catching up with and killing six or seven Li family members in a row, Qin Haitang suddenly stopped and took a Yunling Pill.

Then while recovering, he felt at the same time, and at the same time waited for the two foundation-building breaths in the distance to quickly approach his side.

"May I ask who Daoyou is, why do you want to kill the Li family?" The one who asked was the Changhong Elder of the Changchun Gate, although Li Botong had just described Qin Haitang as an evil demon and demon, but it was impossible for him to listen to his words and fight when he came up.

"In Xia Qin Haitang, I have seen this elder, and I have seen ...... Ghost Elder. Qin Haitang arched his hand, lowered his posture, and still bowed first.

He did this because he knew very well that he had only built a foundation, and he had no background and could not float.

Elder Changhong was taken aback after hearing the identity of the person in front of him blow himself up: "You are Qin Haitang?!You actually broke through the

......" At this time, the ghost Chunqiu, who deliberately slowed Elder Changhong for half a beat, flew past him and flew towards Qin Haitang, and said with a hearty laugh: "Hahaha, Qin Daoyou, I'll just say it, when we meet again, you and I will be commensurate with Daoyou...... Congratulations, congratulations to Qin Daoyou for building a successful foundation.

"Qin was able to break through, and I want to thank Elder Ghost again. Saying

that, Qin Haitang saluted the ghost Chunqiu again.

And this time it's a junior ceremony.

The meaning of showing goodwill is overflowing.

He didn't say that the Tsukidan that Ghost Chunqiu bought for him failed to help him break through, but he didn't lie directly, anyway, I thank you, you can experience it yourself.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Li Botong raised his head slightly, not wanting tears to fall.

Feelings, the rescuers who moved in by themselves are all from enemy countries!

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