After Ghost Chunqiu introduced Elder Changhong to Qin Haitang, the latter asked,

"What are Qin Daoyou's plans in the future?"

Qin couldn't ask for it. Of course, Qin Haitang had no reason to refuse, and directly agreed.

"Good, old ghost, I can be your guide. Ghost Chunqiu laughed, he asked Elder Changhong to sing white face, and he sang red face.

"Thank you, Elder Ghost. "

After all, we can't avoid the contradiction between Qin Haitang and the Li family.

Although, after the ancestors of the Li family closed their lives, they also acquiesced to the division of the interests of the Li family by their respective families, but they never thought of unloading the mill and killing the donkey.

After all, the Li family is branded with Changchun Gate, and they don't want to be wiped out one day after their death.

Therefore, at this time, no matter what new and old hatreds there are between Qin Haitang and the Li family, it is impossible to watch him continue to slaughter the Li family.

In this way, it is also to maintain the face of Changchun Gate.

Qin Haitang is not stupid, of course he understands this truth.

Therefore, when Elder Changhong stood up to make peace between him and Li Botong and persuaded them to 'shake hands and make peace', he was also willing to cooperate with the end of the scene.

As for whether it is really turned into a jade silk, will Qin Haitang continue to suppress the Li family in the future? Or will the ancestor of the Li family go further after he leaves the customs and ask Qin Haitang for an explanation.

It's all a personal favor, just like a conflict between your own children, which is a commonplace ...... between major forces

At that time, it will be important for him to be Elder Changhong, and he will not be willing to watch the fun.

Under the world order of the jungle, weakness is the original sin, so even if the Li family suffered a big loss in the hands of Qin Haitang, they could only swallow their anger and passively accept the reconciliation of the elders of Changchunmen.

Building a foundation has the opportunity to build a foundation, and the refiner has the blessing of a refiner, which is not a conflict.

In the center of the secret realm, the owner of the tomb arranged the true inheritance here, and set up his Dao test.

After the foundation monk came in, he immediately came to this inheritance.

It's just a pity that the test was not so easy to pass, and more than a dozen foundation builders were helpless in their own ways here.

At that time, the second-order demon beast pockets sent in by the four demon kings were all bulging and came to the land of inheritance.

They knew very well that this inheritance was left by the Terran powerhouses, and most of them could not inherit it.

But it doesn't matter, they come in with one more mission, which is to prevent anyone from getting this inheritance.

As time slowly passed, the Qi Refining Cultivators also came to the center of the secret realm one after another.

Of course, they just came to see the fun, after all, all the treasures in the secret realm were all looted by them, and there was no need to dig three feet into the ground.

In this case, everyone guards against me, I guard against you, in fact, there is a hiding, but until now, the test set by the owner of the tomb, even if it is consumed little by little, is far less strong than at the beginning.

But the more this time came, the more tense the situation became.

Looking at the lively melon-eating group, if there is an experienced experience, it has quietly retreated a little farther at this time.

It's worried that if those foundation-building monks get into a fight, they will hurt the pond fish.

Zhuji takes the sect as a faction, exchanges eyes with each other, and understands each other.

The second-order demon beast also seemed to smell the oppressive aura coming from the air, and began to move.


The test array arranged by the tomb owner for his inheritance let out a 'wail' that was about to collapse, although it was very light, it was like a little fire, which directly ignited the already tense atmosphere on the field.


At this moment, all the foundations moved, including Qin Haitang, who also took the initiative to stop a second-order demon beast.

As for why he didn't compete for the inheritance left by the tomb owner, first of all, he was self-aware of his own strength, and secondly, it would be even more dangerous.

In fact, the four major sects have all formed a tacit understanding, that is, one person from each faction competes for the inheritance, and as for the rest, they will stop the group of second-order demon beasts who came in to cause destruction.

The battle started in an instant, but what was quite strange was that it was not very intense, taking Qin Haitang and a tiger spirit as examples, these two were not so much fighting as acting.

Please, please be serious.

The four people who rushed to the inheritance were also holding each other back and pulling, but they all took out the ability to press the bottom of the box.

Anyway, whether it's a demon beast or a different sect, they all have one thought, that is, since I can't get the inheritance, you don't want to get it.


boom, boom



In the battle of more than 20 foundation builders, the power of the foundation still poses a threat to the safety of this secret space, and there are already signs of collapse.

The Qi Refining Cultivators didn't have the heart to watch the excitement at this moment, and began to run towards the entrance one after another.

However, there was a relatively special 'loose cultivation', which went the opposite way, and no one noticed, he pinched a shuttle talisman in his cuffs, ignoring the aftermath of the foundation building battle in front of him, and the next moment, he rushed straight towards the inheritance.

"The shaft is presumptuous~

" "Bold!"

"Looking for death." "

Because this 'casual cultivator' has grasped the timing so accurately that no one else has reacted, he has already approached the inheritance.

Of course, this inevitably angered others.

In the blink of an eye, countless attacks came at him.

This person seemed to have expected it, dodged in advance, and let all these attacks fall on the test array, just listening to the 'bang', the already crumbling test array did not select an excellent inheritor for the tomb owner, but was directly bombarded to pieces.

'Good calculation!' Qin Haitang and a certain big cat couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

It's just that who is this person

?" "Master?" Li Botong, the head of the Li family, who was about to evacuate, was attracted by the sudden shock, and then his pupils widened, revealing the identity of this 'scattered cultivator'.

Yes, the person who plans to be a fisherman at this time is the ancestor of the Li family.

Outsiders speculated that he had become ancient, but in fact, he still had a breath to wake up again, just in time to hear the family discussion that there was a Jindan secret realm in the 100,000 mountains, so he broke through the barrier, came in disguise, and did not tell anyone, just to take the peaches by surprise at a critical moment.

Today, his calculations are halfway ......

At this moment, the entire secret realm suddenly began to shake violently.

"It's not good, the Great Test Array is the rock that maintains this secret realm, and now that it has been broken, the secret realm is about to collapse. "

If the secret realm really collapses, unless you are proficient in the spatial Dao method, even the foundation building monk is in danger of falling.

Therefore, at this moment, who cares about the inheritance left by the owner of the tomb, they all flew towards the exit.

The ones who ran at the front were naturally Qin Haitang and a big cat, because they slipped the fastest.

However, there is one person who has not left, and that is the ancestor of the Li family.

What if he escaped? He couldn't escape the fate of the coming time.

So step by step towards the inheritance of the tomb owner, the already cloudy pupils revealed a look of seeing death as home.

The speed of the collapse of the secret realm was faster than everyone imagined, and the spatial turbulence poured into the secret realm, and some of the qi refining cultivators who were scraped were killed on the spot.

The constantly shaking space made many Qi Refining Cultivators stand unsteadily, from running to stumbling and walking, and their speed dropped significantly, even if they looked at the exit in their sight, they felt that this road was close to their own ends.

In the face of this kind of catastrophe, even the Qi Refining Cultivators exposed their fragile nature, withering one after another, and it didn't take long for the number of dead to catch up with the number of people who died just now because of the competition for treasures and various cultivation resources.

Boom ......

A space completely collapsed, almost taking away a foundation building monk of Qingyun Sect, but fortunately, at this time, the Jindan Ancestor from the outside world noticed the abnormal movement in the secret realm and began to intervene.

But it was only for the life of this secret realm to renew a stick of incense, and then in a loud thunderous explosion, it was completely swallowed up by the spatial countercurrent.

When they entered, there were about two or three hundred people, but now it is only a few hours, and the number of people who come out alive is not enough for a hundred......

PS: I heard that the little rabbit is going to start school tomorrow, and the author sends eight words - study hard, and go up every day!


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