There will be five years in this world, and Zhang Chongyang has used three swords.

The first is the first-order lower grade Xuanzhen sword of the predecessor.

The second was a first-order mid-grade evil sword seized from Ma Sanye's hands.

The third one, that is, the sword that is being used now, is called the True Spirit Sword, and the grade is on the first order, which is also second-hand, from Li Yun's relics.

At the beginning, he wanted to sell this sword, because he couldn't sell it at a reasonable price, and when he heard the news of the decline of the Li family, he used it himself.

It just so happened that at that time, he also wanted to change to a first-order high-grade magic sword.

Zhang Chongyang didn't have the habit of using double swords, since he took a flying sword, the real spirit sword in his hand was kept to occupy the warehouse, so he simply gave it to the shopkeeper.

In the end, after bargaining, his true spirit sword was worth 101 lower-grade spirit stones.

After Zhang Chongyang paid the shopkeeper's three medium-grade spirit stones, he walked out of the store with the flying sword and the shopkeeper's swordsmanship.

On this trip, they spent nearly half of their savings, and on the way back, Zhang Chongyang had a ridiculous idea in his heart: if a good person came out to be a fortune boy, he promised to spare his life.

It's a pity that until they got home, such good people didn't appear.

In the cypress alley, in the courtyard, Zhang Chongyang couldn't wait to study the flying sword as soon as he came back.

The swordsmanship that came with the shopkeeper is equivalent to the manual of the previous life, and it is not difficult to read it several times and master it.

What is really difficult is to cultivate it to the point where you can do whatever you want.


After practicing for an afternoon, the flying sword is in his hand, and it will finally not get out of control for no reason.

However, there is still a long way to go if you want to be able to fight.

Zhang Chongyang wanted to practice for a while, and a communication talisman that transformed into the shape of a thousand cranes flew into the courtyard.

He was slightly distracted, the flying sword was unbalanced, and it fell to the ground again, and at this time he had no intention of practicing again, so he bent down to pick it up and inserted it into the scabbard.

"Is there any news?" Xiao Sanniang also sensed a messenger flying into the courtyard just now, and when she came out, she saw Zhang Chongyang about to check, and asked curiously.

"It should be.

Zhang Chongyang nodded at his wife, and under her gaze, he opened the messenger, and there were words left for him by the Jiang shopkeeper on it, the content was very simple, the Jiang family caravan who was going to leave Pingfu Town tomorrow morning agreed to carry their request, and attached the time, address and price.

The price is ten low-grade spirit stones per person, which is not cheap to be honest, but it is within Zhang Chongyang's expectations.

Xiao Sanniang also came over to look at the messenger, and then glanced at Zhang Chongyang, and the two looked at each other and nodded.

Even so, Zhang Chongyang stopped talking nonsense, took out the messenger on his body, and expressed his gratitude to the shopkeeper Jiang, and also said that they agreed to the request made by the Jiang family's caravan.

Xiao Sanniang saw that Zhang Chongyang had finished getting the messenger, and said to him in a low voice:

"Xiao Fan's mood doesn't seem to be quite right, I guess I heard that he was going to leave with us, and I miss his parents a little."

Zhang Chongyang patronized the cultivation of flying swords just now, but he didn't notice the mood of his students, and when he heard Sanniang talk about it, he subconsciously asked, "Then what should I do?"

Xiao Sanniang stroked a few strands of hair in front of her forehead, and said, "Let's just go, it's really a little too sudden for him...... Well, let's take him to worship his parents?"

"It's okay!"

Zhang Chongyang also felt that it should be so.

Probably after he, the student, leaves tomorrow, I am afraid that he will not have a chance to come back in this life.

When Luo Xiaofan heard that he was going to leave a long time ago, without waiting for Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang to tell him the results of the discussion just now, he spoke first:

"Master, Aunt Xiao, I want to go to worship my father and mother one last time before leaving."

Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang glanced at each other when they heard this, and sighed silently in their hearts.

Then they agreed to Luo Xiaofan's request in unison.

Before going out, Xiao Sanniang said to Zhang Chongyang: "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, won't you say goodbye to your friend surnamed Yuan?"

Zhang Chongyang thought about it seriously, he moved back to Cypress Hutong for three years, although he didn't want to admit it, but it was indeed because he had a wife, and deliberately alienated the first friend he made after coming to this world: Yuan Yi.

But in fact, there is no contradiction or estrangement between them.

Now that I'm about to move out, it's still unknown whether I'll be able to see you again in the future, and it's really right to say hello.

So he met Sanniang's gaze and nodded at her: "It's the right one."

After Xiao Sanniang saw that he had figured it out, she took out a bunch of things that she had prepared in advance that couldn't be taken away anyway, but had some value, and handed them to Zhang Chongyang, and said

, "There is a piece of air-dried bacon here, as well as some daily necessities that can't be taken away, you can give it to her together."

Speaking of this, Xiao Sanniang sighed with emotion: "A woman, alone with a child, in fact, I admire her." This

time, Rabbit Flower didn't want to stay at home alone, and the moment she closed the courtyard door, she jumped out with it.

On the way to worship Luo Xiaofan's parents, he will pass by the door of Yuan Yi's house.

Zhang Chongyang stepped forward alone to knock on the door, but Xiao Sanniang took Luo Xiaofan and didn't go in.

Knock knock knock ~

After the door rang three times, after a while, a question came from inside: "Who?"

Zhang Chongyang clarified his identity, and Yuan Yi opened the door.

Then I saw him standing in the doorway with a large bag of things.

As it was just nightfall, the dim and cold tones formed his background.

A trace of trance flashed in Yuan Yi's eyes, and then there was confusion.

"You, you're ...... Was kicked out by his daughter-in-law?"

Zhang Chongyang's thought of words were blocked in his throat because of Yuan Yi's words, and he was speechless for a while.

But he knew she was just joking.

Use jokes to resolve the non-existent estrangement between the two and the embarrassment of seeing each other again.

"Hehe, can't you hope for me?" Zhang

Chongyang looked at the woman in front of him who had a lot of wrinkles on her face, and even the white hair on her sideburns was so much that she couldn't cover it, and then thought of her when she first saw her in Fang City four or five years ago, and couldn't help but sigh for her.

Yuan Yi seemed to notice Zhang Chongyang's gaze, raised his hand and brushed the hair on his head a little helplessly, even his eyes avoided it, and joked with a smile: "So Zhang Ye came to me so late, do you have any instructions?"

Before the two entered the house, the little girl with two pigtails stood by the door and asked Yuan Yi

, "Mother, who is it?"

Yuan Yi taught her daughter to call her Zhang Chongyang, but she didn't have any other ideas, but she didn't want to be a generation later than him.

The little girl's mouth was very sweet, and she immediately shouted:

"Uncle Zhang, has Uncle Zhang had dinner? My mother stewed meat tonight, but it was delicious."

"Haha, Uncle Zhang hasn't eaten it yet, but who is this? "

I am Xiao Chunyue...... "

In the past three years, although Zhang Chongyang rarely comes, he has been here a few times, he really likes Yuan Yi's daughter, the little girl is beautiful and pleasing, and her mouth is becoming sweeter and sweeter, and she tricks him into giving birth to a daughter.

It's a pity that his wife wants to impact the foundation, of course, Zhang Chongyang has no complaints, after all, he also agreed when he discussed it at the beginning.

Yuan Yi came out with a cup of tea, and when she saw that Zhang Chongyang was teasing her daughter, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Since you haven't had dinner, let's eat some together?"

"No!" Zhang Chongyang stretched out his hand to take the tea, shook his head slightly at Yuan Yi, and said straightforwardly: "I'm leaving Pingfu Town tomorrow, and I'm coming over tonight to say goodbye to you."

Then he pointed to the bag of things he had brought, "You can't take these with you, you can use them if you think they are useful, and throw them away if they are useless."

After speaking, seeing that Yuan Yi was a little stunned, he didn't stay long, drank the tea in one gulp, and found a reason to leave.

Walking into the yard, Zhang Chongyang looked at the big cypress tree, and whispered a precious sentence in his mouth.

It's just that as soon as he stepped out of the yard, he heard footsteps behind him and chased him out, and when he turned around, he saw Yuan Yi standing behind him with red eyes.

"No need to send it, go back. Zhang Chongyang saw Yuan Yi like this, but he actually didn't feel very comfortable.

"Zhang Chongyang, I want you to hug me, just

a moment, okay?" Yuan Yi knew that her request was a little rude, but at this moment, she put all the scruples, distractions, and shackles in her mind behind, and wanted to simply impulse the love hidden in her heart.

However, in Zhang Chongyang's opinion, it is not too much to just meet the request to hug her.


the twilight, the cold moonlight hit a doorway, and the two black shadows hugged together separated in the next second, and then turned into two figures, separating in opposite directions.

One of the figures walked farther and farther away, and soon became completely integrated with the night, and

the other walked a few steps before looking back again, as if in tears.

But at this time

, a little girl with two pigtails on her head, three or four years old, cute and lovely, and beautiful ran out of the yard with her little short legs, hugged her mother's trouser leg and comforted:

"Mother, mother, don't cry, you still have Xiao Chunyue, Xiao Chunyue will never leave her mother."

Yuan Yi wiped away her tears, leaned over and hugged her daughter in her arms, and burst into laughter.

"Thank you, my good daughter, my mother will always love you, mua~"

kissed her daughter's forehead, Yuan Yi hugged her, no longer nostalgic for that person, and walked into the courtyard in front of her.

"Mother, Uncle Zhang gave me a few spirit stones just now, and he asked me to tell you after he left.

Yuan Chunyue, who was held in Yuan Yi's arms, said glutinously, and took out a few spirit stones from his sleeve pocket.

But when she saw that her mother didn't speak for a long time, the little girl was a little overwhelmed and said: "I'm sorry mother, I shouldn't take things from outsiders, don't be angry......, okay?"

The mother was not angry, since it was the spirit stone that you Zhang Abel gave you, then you can accept it, he ...... He won't come to our house again. The

little girl's eyes first showed a look of understanding, and then she was happy, because she knew that these shiny spirit stones were hers.

Of course, she likes the spirit stone not only because of its beautiful appearance, but also because her mother once told her that the spirit stone can be exchanged for food and clothing.


Xiao Sanniang was not at the door of Yuan's house just now, and walked a little way forward, but she didn't go far.

To say that I didn't see anything would be far-fetched.

Zhang Chongyang stepped forward and was about to speak, Xiao

Sanniang said first: "Say goodbye?"

"Well, Sanniang, just ......

" "Let's go, don't delay, otherwise dinner will become the supper you said again."

Xiao Sanniang interrupted Zhang Chongyang's explanation, the reason, she has shared the bed with him for three years, and has communicated with him countless times at zero distance, it can be said that she is an old husband and wife who knows the roots, who doesn't know anyone.

Zhang Chongyang saw his wife's attitude, and he no longer bothered about what happened just now.

The three of them and one rabbit came to a cemetery, where the yin qi is very heavy, but with the cultivation of Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang, not ordinary ghosts dare not get close.

Zhang Chongyang had already prepared an evil talisman for Luo Xiaofan, lest he be affected by yin qi.

Luo Cheng and his wife were buried in a tomb, and after Luo Xiaofan arrived, he knelt in front of his parents' graves with a pop, kowtowed three times, and said

, "Dad, mother, Xiaofan will leave with his master and Aunt Xiao tomorrow." The child is not filial, I am afraid that I will not be able to visit you again in the future, I hope that my father and mother will not blame

the child......" Zhang Chongyang heard this, stepped forward and patted the student's shoulder and comforted:

"Silly child, if your father and mother have a spirit in the sky, they must hope that you will live well...... So as long as you live well, it is the best reward for them and the greatest filial piety.

"As for worship, you don't have to come here to worship, after all, in this tomb, only their ashes are there. If you want to worship them in the future, you can set up a tablet and worship wherever you go.

"Master believes that as long as you are sincere, your parents ...... can be received. "

Really, Master?" Luo Xiaofan raised his head and asked with a serious expression.

"Nature is true.

Zhang Chongyang met the student's gaze and nodded heavily at him.

Then, he reached out and wiped the dirt off his forehead and pulled it up.

After accompanying Luo Xiaofan to worship his parents and returning home, everyone was a little hungry.

It was the last meal, Zhang Chongyang moved out of the barbecue grill and made a barbecue in the yard.

In a short time

, the moon was on the branches in the sky, and the ground was filled with fireworks, and the man was roasting meat in his yard, and the hostess was putting the meat on a plate and serving it to the stone table, and the child was blowing the smoke and dust with a fan to the side to prevent it from reaching his master, and even the rabbit was busy jumping up and down.

It's a good picture of a leisurely farmhouse twilight life, but where is this family what kind of farmhouse, it should be the immortal who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world


! The next day, before the fish belly appeared in the sky, there was a family in the cypress alley, which had already left.

This time, maybe the stone sank into the sea and there was no news, or perhaps, the eagle struck the sky and the dragon soared all over the world.


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