Pingfu Town, the gate of the East City.

Zhang Chongyang's family came here to wait earlier than the time given by the shopkeeper Jiang, but they didn't wait long, and more than a dozen carriages under the banner of Jiang Ji slowly drove out of the city.

The horse pulling the cart is different from the horse in Zhang Chongyang's previous life, the biggest difference is that it is horned, belongs to the spirit animal, and has a certain combat effectiveness, but there are not many.

If the road is smooth, this kind of wildebeest can travel thousands of miles a day, so the price is not cheap, a beast can have more than five medium-grade spirit stones.

Zhang Chongyang was looking at this kind of wildebeest curiously, and in Jiang Ji's caravan, the leader, a burly man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing armor, walked towards them.

If it weren't for the aura released invisibly from this person's body that brought some pressure to Zhang Chongyang, it would really be difficult to connect him with an immortal cultivator.

"A few people are just going to leave Pingfu Town with us, right?" asked the burly man on horseback, although he didn't deliberately target Zhang Chongyang and a few people, but between his eyebrows, there was still a bit of rebelliousness.

His surname is Fang, and his single name is a jade character, and his name does not match his appearance, but he was given by his parents, and it is difficult to change, so he prefers others to call him Commander Fang.

He has reached the cultivation of the eighth layer of qi refining, has innate divine power, and the Xuan armor on his body is made by a refiner, and when fighting people, he is comparable to a humanoid beast.

As long as he is close to him, Rao is cultivator of the ninth layer of qi refining is slightly careless, and it is also possible that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

In fact, there were indeed monks of the ninth layer of qi refining who died under the opening axe of this great commander Fang, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to enjoy the treatment of the Jiang family's first-class guest with the cultivation of the eighth layer of qi refining.

At that time, Zhang Chongyang faced the condescending question of the head of the Jiang family's bodyguard, but he was not angry, and nodded at him calmly.


"There are three of you, and you need to pay thirty lower grade spirit stones. Seeing

that the other party didn't quote a high price, and didn't take a certain rabbit into account, Zhang Chongyang was also happy and didn't bargain.

On horseback, Commander Fang counted the spirit stones in the bag, one was not much, and one was not less, nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Zhang Chongyang again:

"The carriage at the end is for you, if you need a coachman, you have to hand over another low-grade spirit stone."

Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang exchanged a look, and then the other party's commander shook his head: "Thank you, we don't need a coachman."

Seeing this, Commander Fang didn't persuade much, pulled the reins, and returned to the position of the leader of this caravan.

Zhang Chongyang got into the last carriage of the caravan with his family, but when the coachman handed over the carriage to them

, he asked, "The old gentleman is Zhang Daoyou, right?"

"It's me." Zhang Chongyang didn't pay attention to it, just when the old man was an ordinary coachman, listening to him speak, he was shocked, and he was still careless.

This 'coachman' is not simple.

He reflected on himself many times in his heart, "Be

cautious when you go out! Be cautious when you go out! Be cautious when you go out...... The 'coachman' greeted Zhang Chongyang in this way, but in fact, he also had a tentative heart.

In this caravan, the real person who spoke was not the leader of Fang Yufang, and certainly not him.

It was the young lady of the Jiang family sitting in the carriage in the middle, Jiang Yunchu.

Jiang Yun was born in the Jiang family, but unfortunately the spiritual root is not good, but he has a talent for business, so he took the initiative to apply to take care of the family industry.

And this old man was sent by the Jiang family to protect this concubine.

The reason why he wanted to test Zhang Chongyang was because someone recommended him to Jiang Yunchu.

The person who recommended it was none other than the shopkeeper Jiang who contacted this caravan for Zhang Chongyang.

The reason for the recommendation is naturally because of his Zhang Chongyang's super high level of talisman making.

However, it is obvious that this concubine of the Jiang family is not very interested in Zhang Chongyang after hearing about his age.

Although her uncle said a lot of good things about it.

Therefore, she did not come forward in person, but just asked 'Uncle Wang' to take a look.

After all, the Jiang family's dignified cultivation of the true family is not something that anyone can enter if they want to.

"Don't get me wrong, Zhang Daoyou, there is no malice in the bottom. Uncle Wang didn't know if it was an illusion, just now, he actually had a feeling like a man on his back.

If it hadn't been for a flash, he would have been screaming in the wind.

And Zhang Chongyang sensed that the old man had no malicious intent, so he controlled his murderous intent that was almost ignited because of stimulation in time.

"I don't know who your friend

is?" "In Xia Wang Tong, Jiang Family Keqing, my young lady heard that Zhang Daoyou is a skilled talisman maker, so I asked Zhang Daoyou to ask Zhang Daoyou, would you like to become a Jiang family talisman maker?"

If Zhang Chongyang is alone, for the sake of building a foundation in the future, he may still consider it.

Now, of course, it's a direct refusal.

"Zhang is very old, and he promised his wife to accompany her back to her parents' house to live, so, please forgive me for my shallow fate, I am not blessed to enjoy the Jiang family's quilt Ze Mengxu, and I thank Miss Jiang on my behalf

," "Why should Zhang Daoyou refuse in a hurry, anyway, this road is still long, think about it first, and then make a decision." "

In Wang Tong's view, it is a great opportunity to cultivate the true family in a casual cultivation, after all, it is better than being like a mayfly in the wind and rain outside, and not knowing when you lose your life.

Of course, if the old man in front of him is not interested, he will not persuade him much.

After Wang Tong left, Zhang Chongyang boarded the carriage, and the caravan composed of more than a dozen carriages and horses drove towards the rolling mountains in the air mixed with the breath of early spring...... Disappeared from sight.

Xiao Sanniang arranged a soundproof wall in the carriage, and then discussed the problem with Zhang Chongyang just now.

"Husband, I heard that the Jiang family's reputation is good. "

What do you mean?" Zhang Chongyang looked at her and frowned.

"With the strength of the husband and the ability to refine talismans, I really have a chance to enter the Jiang family, and it is more than enough to be a first-class guest in the future, so don't refuse this rare opportunity because of me. "

What about Sanniang?"

"I...... I'm going to go back and see, maybe the family doesn't know about my parents' deaths.

Speaking of this, Xiao Sanniang paused for a moment and continued: "If the husband really becomes the guest of the Jiang family, it is better for Sanniang to come to you again at that time than to be a scattered cultivator."

Zhang Chongyang shook his head and said: "This matter is not in a hurry, even if you really want to defect to the family, then you have to take the time to find out the word of mouth in person, and if you join it, what if there is a pit?"

Xiao Sanniang smiled dumbly, and sure enough, it was something that she was familiar with Lao Zhang's mouth that could come out.

She didn't persuade her anymore, she was born in a family, in fact, she knew better that she had the protection of the family, and of course you had to abide by the rules of the family, and you would inevitably lose the freedom when you were a casual cultivator.

Which is good and which is bad, depends on the person, but also depends on the fate.

At the same time, a spacious carriage in the middle of the caravan was also equipped with soundproofing.

"Uncle Wang, what do you think of the person recommended by Uncle Jiang Liu?"

"Miss Yun Chu, that person does have some strength.

"Oh, so you invited him?"

"Yes...... But.

"But what?"

Jiang Yunchu's eyes narrowed, and he guessed in his heart that the old man should have made some conditions that made Uncle Wang embarrassed, if this was the case, a casual cultivator who was over 100 years old, even if he was more powerful in talisman making, what if he didn't have a few years to live, and if he couldn't figure it out, she wouldn't mind retracting the invitation.

But he refused. Uncle Wang sighed.

"Rejection...... Uncle Wang, do you mean that the old man rejected my Jiang family's invitation?" Wang

Tong nodded, but relayed the reason for Zhang Chongyang's refusal just now.

After Jiang Yun heard it for the first time, his surprise disappeared, but he didn't get angry, smiled indifferently, and said: "Okay, anyway, the Jiang family doesn't lack a talisman maker, and since he refused, then so be it, Uncle Wang, you don't have to ask again." "

Good ......


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