After leaving Pingfu Town, if you want to leave the 100,000 Mountains, you need to pass through a canyon that stretches for thousands of miles.

It is this canyon that separates the scattered cultivators living at the bottom of Pingfu Town from the outside world into two worlds.

With Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang's cultivation, in fact, without the relationship of the caravan, they should be able to break out.

It's just that they still have a child who is an ordinary person, so they would rather spend more money than risk it themselves.

The wildebeest can travel thousands of miles a day, which is true, but if you put it in a carriage and walk in a bumpy canyon, this speed will be reduced by several notches.

According to past experience, starting from Pingfu Town this morning, you can probably get out of this canyon before dusk tomorrow, and even arrive at the nearest Liuyun Town.

Of course, there is a premise, and that is that everything goes well.

The bumps in the carriage and horses are also a kind of torture for people who do not sit often.

is like Luo Xiaofan, he didn't sit for long, and he was already getting motion sickness.

Fortunately, Xiao Sanniang was thoughtful, and when she went to Fang City to purchase supplies yesterday, she bought a few hypnotic charms, which were prepared for Luo Xiaofan.

"Husband, I'll rest for a while, and if you're tired of driving, wake me up.


Zhang Chongyang sat in the driver's position, and responded after hearing Sanniang's voice, and after a while, he lifted the curtain of the car and took a look, there were two people, one big and one small, plus a rabbit with their eyes closed, breathing evenly, and they had fallen asleep.

Emotions are contagious, and Zhang Chongyang was also yawned by this environment.

Of course, he didn't dare to sleep with ......

As the distance between the carriage and Pingfu Town became farther and farther, the cries of various demon beasts in Zhang Chongyang's ears became more and more frequent.

Yes, even very close to them.

Zhang Chongyang could sense the breath on them.

If it weren't for the guards of this caravan who showed their swords at the right time to deter those demon beasts who were about to move, I am afraid that they would have attacked them long ago.

Under normal circumstances, monsters have their own territory and will not easily cross the line, so even if some monsters want to find an opportunity to attack them, if they have not found a chance beyond their territory, they will usually give up.

The carriage provided by Jiang Ji's caravan to Zhang Chongyang was the last one, and this position was actually quite awkward, because if the demon beasts wanted to start, most of them would choose their carriage.

It was also a loss to pay the protection fee, and when the Fang commander saw that some demon beasts began to follow, he sent two guards to cushion the back.

The strength of these guards was actually exposed in front of Zhang Chongyang when they pulled out their swords and released their momentum to deter demon beasts.

If the strongest is the strongest, there is no doubt that the burly Fang Commander, but the weakest also has the strength of the middle stage of Qi refining.

And they all seem to be well-trained, and compared to the loose and free casual cultivation in the town of Peace, it is obvious that the word elite is revealed.

Zhang Chongyang thought to himself, although just looking at the cultivation, this guard didn't seem to be good, but in terms of momentum, it gave him an inexplicable sense of security.

From sunrise to dusk, the caravan did not rest for a moment, eating and drinking were settled on the march, Lazar's words...... Hold on.

Because the caravan is full of monks except for Luo Xiaofan, in fact, there are very few cases of holding and urine.

Seeing that the dusk was about to pass and the night was coming, I thought that I would not be attacked by demon beasts today, but at this time, a big bird fell from the sky with a swooping posture and lightning speed, and almost when everyone found it, it was already close at hand.

Zhang Chongyang spotted the bird of prey before the Fang Commander issued the warning signal, and saw that it was not coming towards his carriage, so he did not make any other moves except to be on guard.

It attacked a carriage in the middle of the caravan, and when Zhang Chongyang thought it was going to succeed, he saw a roar mixed with sonic magic come from the carriage, and then an old man rushed out with a sword.

The old man Zhang Chongyang is very familiar with it, and he is Wang Tong who is recruiting him on behalf of the young lady behind him.

Just now, Zhang Chongyang felt that the old man's cultivation was good, at least he would not be weaker than him, and he had already reached the ninth level of qi refining.

The raptor obviously underestimated the strength of this caravan, and at the same time picked the wrong prey, and was successfully cut down by Wang Tong with only one sword.


"Wang Lao is mighty. "

Wang Lao is domineering. Seeing

that the crisis was lifted, the guards attached rainbow farts one by one, and the atmosphere suddenly changed from tense to active.

At this time, Wang Tong put the sword back into the sheath and threw the dead bird in his hand to a guard, but he did not put a strong man's shelf, but scolded like an elder: "Damn, I thought it was a powerful fierce bird, but it turned out to be a big bird with no eyes, take it, and roast it later." "

Don't look at what Wang Tong said lightly now, in fact, the strength of this fierce bird is not low, it is like a monk who is about the seventh level of qi refining when encountering it, it is worth careless, and he may die in his hands.

In the last carriage of the caravan, Xiao Sanniang stepped out of the carriage and stood side by side with Zhang Chongyang.

She thought that after this little turmoil was resolved, the caravan would continue to set off, preparing to come out to catch the carriage for Zhang Chongyang for a while, and let him go in to rest.

At this moment, the owner of the carriage that had almost been attacked just now lifted the curtain and walked out.

It was a woman in her twenties, and after getting out of the car, she glanced at Zhang Chongyang and them, although they were separated by more than ten meters, and the sky was darkened, but the woman's delicate appearance and dusty temperament still left a deep impression on someone.

Zhang Chongyang seemed to notice that there was a gaze sweeping towards him beside him, turned his head sideways to meet Xiao Sanniang's gaze, and said without thinking: "Not as beautiful as you."

After speaking, I didn't see the emotion in my wife's eyes, but I got a slap in the face.

Zhang Chongyang was aggrieved in his heart, but he wouldn't say it, so no one would know.

Jiang Yunchu glanced at Zhang Chongyang and the others before retracting his gaze, then raised his head slightly, seeing that it was not early, he looked around again, and found that this place was quite open, so he looked at Fang Yu and said

, "Commander Fang, tell the brothers to spend the night here tonight, but pay attention to arranging manpower to be on duty for the night." "

Yes, Miss Yun Chu. Zhang

Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang originally thought that the caravan would rush overnight, but they didn't expect it.

Night really came, and tonight was full of stars, and when piles of bonfires were lit, the darkness in the vicinity was dispelled a lot.

Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang did not have any acquaintances in this caravan, so naturally they would not step forward to join in the fun.

Of course, they didn't make a bonfire themselves, but stayed in the carriage all the time, anyway, they brought food in the storage bag, and they could eat it directly when they were hungry.

The people of the caravan automatically ignored them, but this was not a picnic after all, everyone knew that in the dark jungle around them, there must be many pairs of green eyes drooling at them, so they didn't dare to relax.

The night is getting deeper and quieter.

The concert of insects and birds should have started a long time ago, but tonight they all fell asleep.

That is, in the depths of the jungle, from time to time there will be a few cries of fierce beasts, and the sound is estimated to be far away.

Zhang Chongyang had been driving the carriage for a day, and it was reasonable to say that he would be a little sleepy, but at this moment, he didn't have it at all.

Luo Xiaofan has already woken up, although he was forcibly hypnotized by hypnotic charms during the day, but he really slept for a while, and now he naturally has no sleepiness.

That is, the rabbit got up and went back to sleep.

It is estimated that he dreamed of a handsome and handsome male rabbit, and the dream was broken at a critical moment, and he wanted to continue.

Xiao Sanniang sat in the position where Zhang Chongyang sat during the day, leaning back on the carriage, looking up at the stars in the sky tonight, it is estimated that she should be homesick, no, she misses her parents in the sky.

When the moon was on the branches, a dark cloud drifted in front of her, and she took the opportunity to take a nap.

But at this moment, where a caravan was staying overnight, a demonic wind suddenly blew, the wind howled in the mountains and forests, and wolves howled.

Woo ~ Woo ~ Woo ~

"It's not good, it's a pack of wolves."

"Alert, vigilant, vigilant!".

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