This night, the caravan inevitably encountered many attacks, but the monsters attacked were either lone rangers or not strong.

It was not Zhang Chongyang's turn to make another move, and Commander Fang led the guards to repel him.

As the sun and moon in the sky began to take shifts, the light on the earth replaced the darkness, and there were fewer demon beasts encountered along the way, and the frequency of attacks dropped significantly.

At this time, the speed of the caravan also increased, counting the road last night, it was estimated that it would be able to get out of this canyon before dusk and arrive at the nearest Liuyun Town.

"How far is Liuyun Town from Changchun City?"

At this time, Zhang Chongyang was holding a Kanyu map called the subordinate forces of Changchun Gate that Xiao Sanniang bought in Fang Market yesterday, which roughly marked the names of the major cities and rivers, but did not mark the distance, nor did it draw according to the proportions, so it was difficult to guess the actual distance according to this Kanyu map.

He asked Xiao Sanniang, but Xiao Sanniang didn't know ......

Because she left Ivy Spring City in the teleportation array, she did not directly teleport to Liuyun Town, but Baishan City, which was three hundred miles away from Liuyun Town.

She inquired about the situation in Pingfu Town in Baishan City, and felt that it was very suitable for her, so she drove for three days and came to Liuyun Town.

After waiting in Liuyun Town for more than half a month, she finally waited for the caravan that was willing to take her.

So Zhang Chongyang directly asked how far it was from Liuyun Town to Changshan City, and where could she answer.

The clouds are rolling and the sun is slanting to the west, Zhang Chongyang is standing on the wheel, the shadow is facing east, he turned his head, looked at the majestic, rolling 100,000 mountains behind him in the field of vision, gradually 'low and small' to himself, stretched a lazy waist, and murmured in his heart: "In the online text of my previous life, I can be regarded as finally getting out of the novice village, right?!" After the caravan came out of the 100,000 mountains

, it walked on the official road, the road was smoother and wider, and the natural speed was increased again.

When the 100,000 Mountains became a hazy shadow on the distant horizon, what caught Zhang Chongyang's attention was the 'farmers' who appeared along the way and the 'crops' they planted.

These peasants are different from ordinary peasants because they have cultivation in their bodies, some high and some low.

At the same time, it is adjacent to the 100,000 Great Mountain, although the aura is not as good as that of Pingfu Town, but it is still relatively strong.

It would be a waste to grow ordinary rice in such an environment.

So what they grow is actually spiritual rice for the monks to eat.

In addition, in addition to their figures, there are patrol law enforcement officers and thatched huts in the fields.

Since they have been in this kind of field all year round, they have naturally been familiar with the caravan coming out of Pingfu Town.

Even Zhang Chongyang's ears heard the sound of several farmers in front of him talking to Fang Commander at this time.

"Commander Fang, what are the good goods this time

?" "Fresh demon wolf meat

, do you want a few of them?" "How fresh is it?" "It was just slaughtered last night, do you say it is fresh?"


Hahaha, that's okay, I want ten catties."

"I want only a thigh.


At first, Zhang Chongyang thought that these farmers were very poor, but when he saw them carrying back one by one with more than ten or twenty catties of demon beast meat, he admitted that he was dazzled.

'I'll take a break

, is farming so good?' couldn't help but be curious, so he looked at a young guard who 'escorted' them all the way and asked, "This fellow Daoist, I don't know what to call it?" "

The junior is called Zhang Erniu, and the senior can call me Erniu."

"Dare to love is still my family." The

other party put his posture very low, Zhang Chongyang didn't take a shelf, and asked in a kind tone: "Erniu, do you know how profitable these people are from farming?"

"Senior, if you can farm here, the profit is still very considerable." "

Listen up. Zhang Chongyang said.

Zhang Erniu said that in this kind of field, one mu of spiritual field needs to pay ten lower grade spirit stones a year, and the average yield per mu is 500 catties of spiritual rice.

The purchase price of Lingmi in Liuyun Town is twenty catties of a low-grade spirit stone, and five hundred catties is twenty-five lower-grade spirit stones, throwing away the ten lower-grade spirit stones handed over from the rented field, and the protection fees of law enforcement officers and other costs are also required.

If a person contracts a dozen or twenty acres of spiritual land a year, it is more than enough to earn more than 100 low-grade spirit stones a year.

After listening to Zhang Erniu's explanation, Zhang Chongyang suddenly realized.

Although the farmers of this kind of field are also the bottom of the severely exploited, they are much luckier than the scattered cultivation in Pingfu Town.

At least they're just exposed to the wind and the sun, and they don't need to lick the blood from the knife.

The caravan stopped and stopped all the way, and before the monster meat was transported into the city, a third of it was sold first.

Although it was also delayed for a lot of time, it still entered Liuyun Town, Liuyun Town, before the red of the sunset completely disappeared.

The Jiang family has a stronghold in Liuyun City, if there is no accident on the road, then at this point, Zhang Chongyang and they should part ways with Jiang Ji's caravan.

Now they are treated as guests, not only arranged for them to have a good room, but also a delicious meal.

After two days and one night, even Zhang Chongyang felt a little tired, not to mention Luo Xiaofan, who was an ordinary person.

Yes, he did use a hypnotic charm, and he slept most of the way, but even when he was asleep, his body kept shaking.

There was still some motion sickness, and after dinner, I sent him and Rabbit Flower to rest early...... Because he has two rooms in one.

Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang climbed the tall building and looked at this Liuyun City, not so much to see the scenery here, but to show affection, after all, even if it is an old husband and wife, they occasionally need to be romantic.

It was not known when the two of them would return to the room, but the night seemed to pass quickly.


The next stop of Jiang Ji's caravan was Baishan City, but Baishan City was not in Jiang Yunchu's current plan, so several people, including Zhang Chongyang, officially parted ways with Jiang Ji's caravan in Liuyun City.

"Senior Zhang, do you still need to recuperate in Liuyun City for a day?" Zhang

Chongyang glanced at Luo Xiaofan, and saw that he looked much better after last night's rest, so he shook his head at Jiang Yunchu: "No need. "

Okay, then after breakfast, let's go directly to the hub platform and sit in the teleportation array, and we can reach Everspring City in two teleportations."

"Listen to Miss Jiang's arrangement. Zhang Chongyang nodded, but don't look at him on the surface, in fact, he has already set off waves in his heart.


this time, Zhang Chongyang's mood is probably like the mood before he took a plane for the first time in his previous life, no, the first time he took a spaceship.

Although he had never been in a spaceship in his previous life.

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