In terms of the size of Liuyun City, in fact, Heping Fu Town is an order of magnitude, of course, there are more ordinary people living here.

It stands to reason that such a city is not worthy of a teleportation array at all, but a few years ago, in order to facilitate the docking with Pingfu Town, Changchun Gate still arranged one here.

As for why the teleportation array was not directly placed in Pingfu Town, the reason was very simple, in the territory where the human race lived, there were countless rivers and lakes, and there must be many demon races living in these places;

the human race could acquiesce to their existence, but would they allow the demon kings in the 100,000 mountains to establish a spatial passage with them?

Similarly, the Demon King would not let the Terrans set up a teleportation array in Pingfu Town, which was located in the 100,000 Great Mountains.

The arrangement of the teleportation array needs to be at least above the foundation, and it can only be completed by a monk with very deep spatial attainments.

And even if it is arranged, the annual maintenance is also a lot of money, so the ticket price cannot be cheap.

In addition, the teleportation array of Liuyun City is connected to Baishan City, which is equivalent to saying that Jiang Yunchu has to take them to Baishan City for a stop before they can go directly to Everspring City.

The distance from Liuyun City to Baishan City is about 300 kilometers, and the per capita ticket price is two low-grade spirit stones, which is ridiculously expensive.

To be honest, after seeing such a fare, Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang both wanted to walk over by themselves.

However, Jiang Yunchu paid for this journey for them, in fact, it was still good to experience the teleportation array.

"This, shouldn't it be dangerous?"

At this time, everyone had already stood on the teleportation platform, and even the staff were about to open the teleportation array, when an inopportune voice suddenly appeared.

Everyone looked for the source of the sound, and then their eyes fell on Zhang Chongyang.

Xiao Sanniang wanted to say at this moment: Who is this, don't say that I know him!

Just when Zhang Chongyang was stared at a little uncomfortable, Jiang Yunchu explained:

"Senior Zhang can rest assured, as long as there is no strong person to intervene, the chance of an accident in the teleportation array is less than 1 in 10,000. "

'Khan, I'm not afraid of the 1 in 10,000 thing. Zhang Chongyang broke out in a cold sweat in his heart, but he pretended to have a relieved expression on his face.

When the staff activated the formation, there was no blazing flame, and there was no rolling loud noise, Zhang Chongyang only felt that a strong light accompanied by a huge suction force hit, and he blinked his eyes and found that he had entered the space passage.

The scene in front of him is like Zhang Chongyang's time and space travel in a science fiction movie in his previous life, the speed is very fast, even if he has the cultivation of the eighth layer of qi refining, to observe the surrounding space, what he sees is still only a vague phantom.

There will be some discomfort, but the overall is fine, because they are all shrouded in a layer of light curtain, and even the breathing of ordinary people is not affected too much.

Before Zhang Chongyang could feel it carefully, another burst of bright light hit, and he was forced to blink his eyes, and he found that it was dawn.

Oh no, it's that this teleportation is over.

He shook his head and noticed that Sanniang next to him looked at him with a strange look, so he moved his gaze downward, and suddenly found that his hands grabbed her arms at some point.


He was a little embarrassed, silently letting go of his hand, and while not forgetting to help smooth the folds on his wife's sleeve, and then rubbed the student's head to transfer the embarrassment.

"Xiaofan, how did you feel about sitting in the teleportation array for the first time?"

Luo Xiaofan raised his head with the rabbit flower in his arms, and said with a serious and excited face: "Master, it's fun, it's just a little fast."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Chongyang pursed his lips and said with a slight bow:

"...... Well, good, good. The

group didn't stay in Baishan City for long, and after Jiang Yunchu paid the toll for nine lower grade spirit stones to the staff of this hub platform, the portal was activated again.

This time, Zhang Chongyang was mentally prepared, and his inner anxiety and expectations were much less, and when he saw Sanniang looking at him, he raised his head seriously.


At this moment, the space passage seemed to have suffered some impact, and even they shook violently, Zhang Chongyang broke his power in a second, he thought it was going to be bad.

Fortunately, the space passage was just a joke with them.

Soon calm returned.

This situation is probably taken for granted to people like Jiang Yunchu who often sit on the portal, but for those who experience it for the first time, they will definitely be afraid.

So when she saw that Zhang Chongyang and the three of them were frightened, she didn't laugh, but explained: "There is a space countercurrent in the space, and it is normal to hit our teleportation channel, so you don't have to worry too much."

After speaking, she deliberately smiled faintly at Zhang Chongyang.

'Am I that obvious?' Zhang Chongyang reflected on himself, and then he realized that he was protecting his wife again.

It turned out that he was indeed a good husband!

After a while, the group arrived safely in Changchun City, and although there was a little accident on the way, fortunately, there was no danger.

"It's here.

Jiang Yunchu led everyone out of the hub platform, and they were greeted by inspections.

There are formations to inspect and cultivate, there are special people to inquire about the origin, and even ask the purpose of coming here ......

Of course, it is also a targeted inspection, and it is naturally aimed at external cultivators like Zhang Chongyang and others of unknown origin.

Jiang Yunchu, as the daughter of the Jiang family, has some privileges that are taken for granted, and she can go directly to the 'VIP' channel.

Also because of her endorsement, Zhang Chongyang and the others only need to go through the cultivation test, and they don't have to go through the whole process.

Coming out of the hub platform, a giant city with no end in sight was lying in front of Zhang Chongyang, and the momentum it exuded without anger and self-authority made people leisurely give birth to a kind of respect from the heart.

At this moment, Zhang Chongyang felt a little small.

"Is Senior Zhang coming to Changchun City for the first time?" Jiang Yunchu had actually read Zhang Chongyang's information last night, and she was deliberately looking for a topic.

"yes, first time. Zhang Chongyang put away the exclamation on his face, glanced at Miss Jiang, there was no need to slap his face and be fat, and generously admitted that he was a 'hillbilly'.

"According to incomplete statistics, there are tens of millions of people living in Changchun City, of which there are at least one million monks, in addition to countless entertainment projects, the cultivation resources here are equally rich, Senior Zhang, you can get to know each other well.

Jiang Yunchu was acting as a guide for Zhang Chongyang and the others, and at the same time led them towards the inner city.

There are countless shops, restaurants, and inns along the way, and the stalls are no longer limited to selling talismans, animal skins, etc., but there are a lot of materials needed by ordinary people to live, just like the bath barrel that Zhang Chongyang can't find in Pingfu Zhenfang City, which can be easily bought here.

There are also many pedestrians on the road, monks are no longer the main theme, but ordinary people are more common.

There are no fights, brawls, bloodshed and killings, but the 'government servants and fast arresters' wearing official uniforms can be seen everywhere.

If it weren't for a voice telling Zhang Chongyang that this was a city under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Cultivation Sect, he would have really thought that he had come to the feet of the Son of Heaven.

Because in his impression, Pingfu Town should be able to reflect the shadow of Ivy Spring City, but now it seems to be very different from what he imagined.

There is order here, the rules are still there, and there is less anger among monks, but there is a lot more fireworks of ordinary people.

Because of this, Zhang Chongyang has a little more beautiful expectations for the outside world.

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