Ivy Spring City was built around the Changchun Gate, but it was also divided into an outer city and an inner city.

Most of the casual cultivators and ordinary people can only live in the outer city, and those who are qualified to live in the inner city are either rich or expensive.

As a Xiuzhen family, the Jiang family undoubtedly has its one-third of an acre of land in the inner city.

After Jiang Yunchu brought Zhang Chongyang and others into the inner city, he did not take them to visit the head of the Jiang family for the first time, but arranged for them to live temporarily in Jiang Ji Restaurant.

She did this not to despise Zhang Chongyang and others, on the contrary, she valued them as husband and wife.

But the family has family rules, the state has national laws, she is just a young lady of the Jiang family, even if she wants to recruit talents for the family as soon as possible, she needs to go through certain procedures.

The head of the Jiang family is called Jiang Changkong, in his fifties, he has tried to build a foundation twice, but he has failed, and now he has given up and started to be the head of the Jiang family with peace of mind.

As the head of the family, he has a lot of power, but how much power he enjoys, how much obligation he has to bear.

is like Jiang Changkong, he does have a lot of say in the Jiang family, but there are endless trivial matters every day, large and small.

In fact, his job is really not something that everyone can do.

The key is that he can't be arbitrary, because there is still a Dinghai god needle pressing on his head.

Jiang Yunchu is Jiang Changkong's youngest daughter, and if she counts her seniority in the lineage, her identity is the third lady.

Before noon, Jiang Yunchu sent someone to spread the word, and it wasn't until night that Jiang Changkong sent someone to call her own daughter over.

Jiang Yunchu came to Jiang Changkong's study, saw her father leaning back on the chair with a tired face, pretending to sleep, took a cup of tea and walked over gently, and shouted 'Dad' in his mouth.

Jiang Changkong opened his eyes, took his little daughter's tea with both hands, took a sip of it, and put it aside.

"Daughter, Dad heard that you almost fell victim when you came back from Pingfu Town this time. "

Dad, I'm not fine, of course, thanks to Uncle Wang and the caravan guards' desperate protection...... Oh, by the way, Dad, Uncle Wang was not only seriously injured for the sake of his daughter and the family business, but also fell into the critical realm, and his daughter promised to fight for two Realm Breaking Pills for him, hoping that his father would agree.

"Even if it's my Jiang family, the quota of the Realm Breaking Pill from Changchun Gate every month is no more than ten, and you girl has two pills in one mouth, do you really think that the Realm Breaking Pill is a cabbage?"

He continued: "The family only has one, and the other one will be deducted with your cultivation resources for next month. "

Ah, is it okay for half a month?" Jiang Yunchu said coquettishly with some grievances.

"No, I can't. Jiang Changkong saw that his youngest daughter was in her twenties, and she was still coquettish with herself like when she was a child, and she didn't eat her anymore.

Jiang Yunchu pouted, knowing that the old father would not let go, and he no longer pretended to be posturing, but became serious for a second.

"Dad, I have one more thing to tell you.

"Well, I'll listen.

Jiang Changkong probably guessed what his little daughter was going to say to him, it was nothing more than the few people she brought back.

Sure enough, Jiang Yunchu next recommended Zhang Chongyang and his wife to the head of the Jiang family in front of him.

"Daughter, that Daoyou, what is this year?" Jiang Changkong interrupted without even listening to his daughter's words.

"Dad, he is probably over 100 years old, and his daughter also denied him for this reason, but do you know that the wolf king, who was not even an opponent of Uncle Wang that night, had no power to parry under his sword, especially the sword that killed the wolf king in the end, Uncle Wang said that he used sword intent.

Jiang Changkong's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard the sword intent, but at his height, even a young genius who comprehended the sword intent had seen a lot, an old man with sword intent, to be honest, it was like that in his heart.

Of course, he doesn't have to turn away the people recommended by his daughter, but he just stands in the interests of the family and won't give them too good treatment.

"In this way, for the sake of them saving my precious daughter, my Jiang family is willing to recruit them with the treatment of a third-class guest. "

Dad, Senior Zhang's strength is completely worthy of the first-class guest secretary, even if you offer the conditions of the second-class guest secretary, is the third-class guest secretary too insincere?" Jiang Yunchu was a little upset for Zhang Chongyang, and reasoned with her father.

But Jiang Changkong did not let go: "Daughter, although the position of guest secretary is linked to strength, it is not only about strength. Do you think

that the strength of that senior Zhang is comparable to that of a first-class guest, if his father really gave him a first-class guest, how do you make others feel?" "The third-class guest secretary is not low, if he really has the ability, he will make a contribution to my Jiang family in the future, and then evaluate the second-class, or even the first-class, who will have an opinion at that time?"

After Jiang Yunchu calmed down a little, he also knew that what Jiang Changkong said was indeed the truth, but it was only a third-class guest, could he really keep Senior Zhang and their husband and wife?

What really attracts the family is the foundation building resources, but Zhang's predecessors are already at this age, in Jiang Yunchu's opinion, the foundation building is mostly hopeless, and he already has the heart to return to the dust with his wife, and he is only a third-class guest, thinking about it, it is not very tempting for them.

Jiang Yunchu seemed to have heard Zhang Chongyang's refusal.

Since she couldn't convince her father, she was ready to get up and say goodbye.

It's just that Jiang Changkong still has something to say to her.

And it is the marriage that Jiang Yunchu is most unwilling to hear.

As a daughter of a family, Jiang Yun was born with fine clothes and fine food, and enjoyed the glory and wealth that ordinary people could not enjoy in a lifetime.

But the family can't support her for a lifetime.

If Jiang Yunchu's qualifications are very good and she is expected to build a foundation, the family will cultivate her for a few more years.

But it's a pity that her qualifications are ordinary, just a weak low-grade spiritual root, since she has reached the age of talking about marriage, marriage is almost a fate that they can't avoid.

Jiang Yunchu is twenty-two this year, in fact, there were voices in the family two years ago that mentioned her marriage.

It's just that she was very resistant at that time, and Jiang Changkong, who was a slave to some daughters, was soft and hard, which made her delay again and again.

In the past two years, Jiang Yunchu has often applied to go out to take care of her business in order to escape marriage, and outsiders only think that she has business acumen, but she knows that she was forced out.

But this time it was different, after Jiang Changkong heard the news that his daughter was almost in danger, he made up his mind that he would no longer cover up her willfulness and decide to marry her.

In his opinion, as long as this little daughter is a wife, after becoming a mother, her temper will definitely be restrained.

After a long time, Jiang Yunchu came out of her father's study, her eyes faintly red and swollen.

In fact, this night, their father and daughter did not reach an agreement on the issue of marriage.

But the next day, the news that the third lady of the Jiang family was going to marry the seventh young master of the Gu family still spread widely.

Zhang Chongyang and a few people stayed in Jiang Ji Restaurant for one night, thinking that Jiang Yunchu would take them to visit the head of the Jiang family the next day, or introduce them to the treatment of the Jiang family's guests, but they didn't expect that it was a housekeeper of the Jiang family who appeared.

This housekeeper came to convey the meaning of the head of the Jiang family to recruit them with a third-class guest, and his tone was not arrogant, but in the ears of Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang, it felt like charity.

Originally, their husband and wife were a little wavering in their attitude towards whether to become the Jiang family's guest, but this time, they directly broke off their thoughts.

Although they had some doubts in their hearts, such as why Jiang Yunchu played missing, for example, why did the Jiang family have such an attitude ......

Of course, Zhang Chongyang didn't have the idea of questioning, and after he directly rejected a certain housekeeper, he didn't have the intention of visiting the head of the Jiang family.

immediately packed up his luggage and moved out ......of Jiang Ji Restaurant with Xiao Sanniang and a few people

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