After dinner, Zhang Chongyang told Luo Xiaofan to rest early and not run around, and then went back to the house to make sure that Xiao Sanniang had not woken up, closed the door gently, and left the inn.

The news from the shopkeeper is still reliable, and there is indeed an auction in Furong House tonight.

Furong Building, with a large background, is located in the most prosperous East Market in the outer city, and its nature is equivalent to the high-end Fengyue Club.

But you really want to think of it as a hook.

Zhang Chongyang inquired a little and came to Dongshi.

If there really is a Realm Breaking Pill at the auction later, he will definitely bid for it.

As the saying goes, wealth is not exposed, and if someone targets him because of this, it will also be a trouble.

In order to minimize such hidden dangers, Zhang Chongyang decided to change his face and get a new identity to participate in this auction.

For Zhang Chongyang, who has bone shrinking skills and disfigurement techniques, this is obviously not difficult.

He walked through an uninhabited alley, and when he came out again, he was no longer Zhang Chongyang with a childish face.

has become a middle-aged man with a mediocre appearance and no memory points.

This middle-aged man Zhang Chongyang once played, his name is Hu Hansan.

Yes, Hu Hansan is back.

Tonight's auction in Furong Mansion is about to start, and there are many guests here, and each guest needs to pay a low-grade spirit stone to enter, and

nearly a thousand lower-grade spirit stones are collected just for the entrance fee.

Just this income and expenditure, I don't know how many people are red, it can be seen how big the background of Furong Building is.

Of course, the more important thing is that Furong House has set the tickets so high, but there are still many people who are eager to rush to it, so it can be seen that the specifications of tonight's auction are still quite high.

Zhang Chongyang didn't think about fishing in troubled waters, he honestly handed over a low-grade spirit stone and got a seat number plate;

just when he didn't know how to go, a young welcome lady walked towards him, and under his leadership, Zhang Chongyang quickly found his place.

As a gentleman, he did not hesitate to refuse the various paid services recommended to him by the welcome lady, such as beautiful women, food and wine, ......

The auction venue is designed like a bird's nest, with a large stage in the middle, around which many seats are placed one after another, and the second, third and fourth floors are 'VIP' boxes.

Miss Welcome introduced to Zhang Chongyang just now that if you want to go up from the hall to their upstairs box, you don't need to have anything to do with it, and it doesn't depend on what strength you have, just add money.

And the second floor is a price, the third floor and the fourth floor are another price, Zhang Chongyang does have a small amount of savings, if you want to say, 'upgrading can also be upgraded', but money is not so squandered.

Probably because there are more people in this hall, and it is difficult to get out the sound when you say a word, so it seems a little noisy.

Zhang Chongyang came late, his position was in the last row, no one knew him, and he didn't know anyone, waiting for the auction to start a little bored.

Pedal ......

A pair of white and bright long legs made a rhythmic footstep sound through the soles of their shoes and the wooden floor, and it was amazing that the originally noisy hall was quieted in an instant.

Zhang Chongyang did not stare at the pair of jade feet with vulgar eyes like everyone present, but landed on the pair of high heels at her feet, and couldn't help but be a little surprised:

"There are also high heels in this world?"

His gaze moved upward, and the woman was wearing a purple tight-fitting tulle palace skirt, where it should be exposed, and where it should be covered, this is a woman who can dress herself.

She has a delicate figure and a very beautiful appearance, and her hair is not tied behind her back with a hairpin like a monk, but is coiled high on the top of her head, but she allows a few strands of hair to hang down along her sideburns, moving without wind, showing the temperament of a noble maiden, and not lacking in charm and moving.

'I'm afraid it's not a goblin. This

woman's name is Ziqing, and she is the number one brand in Furong Building, but she only sells her art and does not sell herself.

Because of his ventriloquism, he also won a job as an auction host for himself.

There were nearly 1,000 people at the scene, and it is estimated that there were many people who simply came to her Ziqing girl.

"Ziqing, on behalf of Furong Building, welcomes all distinguished guests to tonight's auction......"

After a short opening remark, a staff member of Furong House brought the first lot up.

However, it is still covered with a red cloth, creating a sense of mystery.

Miss Ziqing understands people's hearts, and she doesn't waste everyone's expectations at this time, and after counting the three countdowns, she ripped off the red cloth and revealed the true face of Lushan in the first lot tonight.

"Magic sword?"

"It seems to be a second-order magic sword. "

Hey, is the first lot so big?"


Zhang Chongyang is of course also yearning for the second-order magic sword, but his strength does not match, so he does not have much luxury for the time being.

The reserve price of this second-order magic sword was fifty medium-grade spirit stones, and it was finally auctioned by a certain 'big man' on the fourth floor for seventy-three medium-grade spirit stones.

It's a good start to tonight's auction.

Immediately after that, the second lot, the third lot, the fourth ......

Except for the first lot, the units used in the subsequent lots are all lower grade spirit stones.

It's like a first-order lark grass, like a bottle of ten Bigu Pills, like a broken secret art, like a true solution ...... a first-order high-level talisman

Zhang Chongyang has been sitting for about half an hour since he entered the venue, and he has also encountered what he wants during this period, but he finally restrained himself.

Up to now, the reserve price unit of the newspaper has finally risen from a low-grade spirit stone to a medium-grade spirit stone again.

"The next lot, the storage bag of the five-square space, the reserve price is five medium-grade spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than one low-grade spirit stone, please bid.

At this moment, Zhang Chongyang's heart beat violently, and the clenched fists under the cuffs slowly loosened and were exposed.

Meaning, he finally couldn't help but make a move.

"Add five lower-grade spirit stones. "

I'll add ten lower grade spirit stones.

"Add eighty."

Seeing that the sound of following the shooting was becoming less and less, Zhang Chongyang also shouted: "Add a hundred."

"Plus one hundred.

"Plus one hundred and two. In

the end, the storage bag of this five-square space was successfully auctioned by Zhang Chongyang with six medium-grade spirit stones and twenty low-grade spirit stones.

If you don't have a Realm Breaking Pill tonight, then this storage bag can be considered a harvest...... Zhang Chongyang thought so in his heart.

It's just that what he never expected was that the next lot next came to be the Realm Breaking Pill.

On the bidding table, Miss Ziqing introduced the rules before the auction began: "There are a total of ten Realm Breaking Pills this night, and there will be four auctions, one for the first time, two for the second time, three for the third time, and four for the last time."

"Now auction a Realm Breaking Pill, the reserve price is three medium-grade spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than one lower-grade spirit stone, please bid."

Zhang Chongyang did not participate in this auction, and when the second round of the auction of two Realm Breaking Pills at one time, he began to shout.

After a fierce price increase, he finally succeeded in auctioning nine medium-grade spirit stones.

Half an hour ago, he sat in the back row, almost unknown, but in the short time that the storage bag was on the auction table until now, Zhang Chongyang felt that he had become the most beautiful boy in the entire hall.

He didn't want to do this, obviously what he hated the most was to be in the limelight, but he couldn't help it, he wanted the storage bag, and the Breaking Pill wanted it even more for his wife.

It's just that the seats in the hall are too soft, so he didn't follow the advice of the welcome lady at first, otherwise he would have been promoted, and now he is leaving quietly, who knows that he is ...... The

auction continued, and the more the auction went, the more valuable it became, but Zhang Chongyang no longer had any interest;

he felt more and more eyes being cast at him, and sitting in the hall seemed to be sitting on pins and needles.

'No, I have to leave as soon as possible~'

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