The auction continues, but Zhang Chongyang has already left his position.

His six senses had always been alert, and he noticed that several eyes followed him out of the auction room.

Even if these people are outlaws and their motives are not pure, they probably don't dare to choose to do it in Furong Tower.

After Zhang Chongyang and one of the stewards of the Furong Mansion finished trading the storage bags and the Breaking Pill he had just auctioned at the auction, they asked, "Are there any other exits here?" The steward

was not surprised by the concerns raised by the guests, and it was obvious that Zhang Chongyang's questions had been raised by many people before.

"Yes, you can leave through the side door.

"Trouble leads the way.

After coming out of the side door of the Furong Building, Zhang Chongyang did feel that there were a few fewer snooping eyes, but there were still them.

This is Ivy Spring City, he is new to the city, he is not familiar with the place, he does not want to cause trouble for himself, if not, he really wants to make a quick buck.

After all, as long as he doesn't run into a foundation building master, he is still confident in his strength now.

The moonlight tonight is very beautiful, the galaxy is also bright, there are no black clouds pressing the city, and there is no wind and gloom, a few thieves should be grateful that such a night scene does not create an atmosphere of bloody light disaster, otherwise they are afraid that their lives will be lost.

The East Market was originally the most lively market in Changchun City, it was like this during the day, and it was still at night, after a few eyes stared at Zhang Chongyang's back and penetrated into the crowd, it was almost less than three breaths, and it was no longer found, and even the divine sense was cut off.

"The eighth layer of qi refining is a master!"

However, after Zhang Chongyang chose to purify the divine consciousness of other people in his body, his cultivation was also exposed.

Several strongmen chased out of Furong Tower had insight into his true cultivation, and they all chose to retreat in spite of the difficulties.

With Zhang Chongyang's prudence, he naturally wouldn't go back directly like this, he changed Hu Hansan's identity to Zhang San, and used Zhang San's identity to go around the East Market for another hour, repeatedly confirming that there was no tracker, before restoring Zhang Chongyang's identity and leaving the East City.

When I returned to the inn, the time had quietly entered the second half of the night.

Zhang Chongyang thought that his wife hadn't woken up yet, so he carefully pushed open the door like a 'thief', and then ......

Then he looked at Xiao Sanniang who was sitting on the bed, and the air suddenly became very quiet.

"Awake?" Zhang Chongyang spoke first to break the embarrassment, and at the same time straightened his waist and walked into the room.

Xiao Sanniang bowed slightly, smelling a breath of smoke and willows, her eyebrows were gently provoked, a flash of doubt flashed in her eyes, and asked, "Where have you been

?" Zhang Chongyang did not rush to answer his wife, but turned around and closed the door, and then came to the tea table to get a teacup, and then took out a pot of soju from the storage bag, poured it full, and drank it in one gulp, then looked at Xiao Sanniang again and replied:

"I went to an auction, Sanniang guess what I gained?"

Xiao Sanniang didn't guess right away, and continued to stare at her husband for a long time before she said seriously: "I can't guess." "

I'll give you a hint, it's an elixir. As he spoke, Zhang Chongyang took out the jade bottle containing the Realm Breaking Pill and placed it on the table, and then poured himself a glass of wine.

"Breaking Pill?"

"Bingo, get it right, there's a prize." In

fact, Zhang Chongyang didn't see the suspicion in his wife's eyes just now, he did go to a high-end club tonight, but he didn't go chic, so he was not empty.

At this moment, he saw tears in Sanniang's eyes again, but he knew that they were not just tears, but also touching and happiness.

And he, Zhang Chongyang, has been hiding from his wife, and tonight he even took the risk to shout out the high price of nine medium-grade spirit stones to win these two Realm Breaking Pills, for what?

Isn't it the surprise that this moment brought to his wife.

He stood up, and at the same time picked up the jade bottle containing two Realm Breaking Pills, walked to Sanniang's side, and handed it to her with his own hands.

"Thank you, husband. "

Between husband and wife, say thank you and see the outside. Zhang Chongyang smiled, stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Sanniang's eyes.

In fact, don't say it, Xiao Sanniang in a state of hazy tears really has a sense of beauty that I feel sorry for.

At the same time, she is now kneeling on the bed, and she is looking up at Zhang Chongyang who is standing, which is even more fascinating.

"Goblin, my Sanniang is the real goblin......"

Zhang Chongyang slandered in his heart, at this moment, he only felt that an evil fire was suddenly ignited, this long night, the spring supper moment, how could it be wasted like this?

Not long after, a naughty moonlight shone into the room through the dark yellow window paper, and he saw a room of spring, ashamed, covered his eyes and retreated.

A curtain of dreams ......


Zhang Chongyang was still asleep, and was suddenly woken up by Xiao Sanniang and told him, 'I'm pregnant'.

Mistakenly, it's a dream.

"I'm going to break through. Because

she slept asleep yesterday afternoon, after completing the sacred ceremony with Zhang Chongyang in the early morning, she saw that her husband was asleep, but she was not sleepy.

I was bored, so I took a Realm Breaking Pill and began to comprehend the realm and look for an opportunity to break through.

I never thought that the opportunity that I had been waiting for for more than two years would really appear.

To be honest, the inn is a mixed bag, and it's really not a good place to break through.

But she didn't want to miss this opportunity, so she woke up Zhang Chongyang and asked him to protect the Dharma for herself.

After Zhang Chongyang woke up, he had some gains and losses about the loss of the child like this, but he was happy to hear that his wife was finally about to break through.

Really, if she doesn't break through, she will break through.

"Sanniang, you can break through with peace of mind, everything has me.

After Zhang Chongyang told his wife, he arranged an enchantment in the room.

No, it's actually a reinforced barrier, because he set one up in the room last night.

Xiao Sanniang no longer has the energy to answer Zhang Chongyang, and she is now almost devoting herself to this breakthrough.

One breath, two breaths...... One stick of incense, two sticks of incense...... One hour, two hours ......


Zhang Chongyang still pinched Xiao Sanniang's watch at first, but as time went on, especially after watching the dense sweat on his wife's face come out, he also became nervous and forgot the timer.

Fortunately, although the process was apprehensive, the result was good.

With the sound of a burst of embankment coming from Xiao Sanniang's body, Zhang Chongyang's heart finally landed.

Under his gaze, his wife's cultivation began to rise from the peak of the eighth layer of qi refining, and after a few moments, she officially reached the ninth layer of qi refining.

Although there is some disorder, it does not hinder, this is a normal phenomenon when it first breaks through, and it takes a certain amount of time to consolidate.


This explosion startled Zhang Chongyang, but he quickly reacted, this is his wife's cultivation has just broken through and it is too late to converge, and the barrier he arranged has broken through.

In an instant, not only the people in the inn, but also the people in the surrounding kilometers noticed the movement here and cast awe-inspiring glances.

Although this is Everspring City, Zhuji rarely shows up, so in the eyes of most people, the ninth layer of Qi refining is a big man on the top, and when they see it, they are naturally in awe.

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