The next day,

the sky cleared.

After Zhang Chongyang installed the carriage, his eyes were attracted by the pair of villains who were separating in the fence yard.

At this time, there happened to be a golden crow from the back of the mountain, spraying red light, inlaying their shadows on the bluestone steps at their feet, giving people a sense of youthful and splendid, and the years were quiet.

Later, everyone got into the car, Zhang Chongyang drove the carriage out for a long time, and when he looked back, the little girl of the Wu family was still standing at the door, and his students seemed to be a little absent-minded.

He exchanged a look with Xiao Sanniang, and asked by himself, "Are you reluctant

?" "Ah?" Luo Xiaofan walked out of his own world and confirmed: "Master, are you asking me?"

"Well, in your opinion, what about the parents of the little girl of the Wu family?"

So Luo Xiaofan is only a master, and this question is just a test, he thought about it, and answered honestly: "They are all kind."

"What about the little girl of the Wu family? You seem to have taught her to write her own name." Zhang Chongyang continued to ask.

"Yes, Master, Sister Xiaohua, she is very smart, I only taught her three times, and she actually learned. "

Is it three times? That's indeed a genius, but the focus of Zhang Chongyang's attention is that his students call the little girl of the Wu family 'sister'.

He didn't continue to try, and finally showed his hole cards: "If there is an opportunity for you to stay in Wujiagou and be that little girl's brother now, are you willing?"

Is it coming, is it finally coming?

Although he had known that there would be a day, his mind was still blank when he heard it with his own ears.

"Chirp~" Rabbit Hua saw her little friend stumbling in the carriage and almost pressed it, so she was so frightened that she quickly jumped to the side.

Xiao Sanniang stretched out her hand to help her husband's student, but after all, her heart softened, and comforted: "Your master is joking with you, although the Wu family is simple, but after all, they are too poor to even afford books, so they won't leave you here."

What she said was also for Zhang Chongyang.

Obviously, she did not approve of Zhang Chongyang leaving Luo Xiaofan to the Wu family as his son, and she also said the reason: Poor!

But poverty can be changed, if Zhang Chongyang really left his students in the Wu family, he would definitely give them the means to get rich.

So he didn't think about the Wu family's economic situation just now, he thought about it, but he just put this factor behind.

However, he just saw the stress reaction of the students, and his wife also relented, so he naturally had to give up this idea.

On the slightly muddy official road in front of the "driving ......",

more than a dozen fast horses galloped over, and the splashed sludge stained the grass on both sides of the official road that had been washed with great difficulty, and the crazy swaying looked like an aunt scolding at the entrance of the village.

And the people on horseback are not good at first glance, each of them is either pinned with a sword at the waist, or with a stick in his hand, if it weren't for the fact that a few people are wearing the official uniforms of the officials, Zhang Chongyang would have thought that he had encountered a horse bandit.

There is a chain of contempt between any race, and in this regard, animals are more obvious, like horses.

The wildebeest belongs to the spirit horse, the bloodline is more advanced than ordinary horses, at this moment, more than a dozen ordinary horses without even horns are running towards them, and the wildebeest with a heavy shackle around its neck just snorted, in an instant, the dozen horses are like mice seeing cats, directly stunned, let the whip fall on their buttocks, and dare not jump again.

"Hey, it's really evil today, it's just a strange horse with two horns on its head, so it scares you like this?"

A young man with a sharp beak and a monkey cheek with a domineering face first scolded the horse under their seat, and then pointed to Zhang Chongyang, who was slowly driving in front of him and was sitting in the carriage, and scolded: "Wu Na old man, who are you...... Hey, Master Tiger, why are you beating me?" Before

he finished speaking, a bald man with a five-centimeter-long scar like a centipede on his face slapped the young man in the face, and he didn't listen to his grievances, and shouted angrily in a low voice: "If you don't want to kill everyone, shut up Lao Tzu." "

The young man with the cheeks of the sharp-beaked monkey...... Dad is the head of the county government, and the bald head who beat him is named Tang Hu, who is the leader of a gang named Tiger Gang in Qiantang County, known as Tiger Master.

Normally, for the sake of the main bookkeeper's face, he would not take the initiative to provoke this arrogant and domineering second generation, but if he really wants to start a surge, he will naturally be able to live in a small area.

On the Yamen side, the leader is Yang Zhukuai, although he usually can't get used to the behavior of young people, but his father is the boss of himself and others after all, and now seeing that he was beaten and intimidated by Tang Hu, he had to stand up and fight a round.

"Master Hu, do you know that old gentleman?"

Tang Hu glanced back at Yang Zhukuai, then looked at the other people who cast puzzled eyes, and said in a low voice: "I don't know that old-timer, but I know this kind of horse with horns on its head, in short, if you believe me Tang Hu today, you will give me a little rule, and if you think that my Tiger Master is alarmist, you can try it yourself." When

everyone heard him say something, they may still have some doubts in their hearts, but they still don't dare to take risks.

Including the second generation of the official who was beaten.

Soon, Zhang Chongyang drove the carriage and was already close to this group of people, and they didn't even need these people to command, and the horses under their seats all avoided one after another and gave way to the middle road.

Their conversation just now fell on Zhang Chongyang's ears word for word, for the young man with sharp beaks and monkey cheeks, he should really be grateful to this bald tiger, otherwise he might have come out of his mouth now.

The two groups of people passed by without saying hello, but when this group of people looked at Zhang Chongyang, his eyes also swept over them one by one.

With the vision of his eighth-layer qi refining, it can naturally be easily seen that there are no monks in this group, but most of them have strong qi and blood, and they have obviously practiced martial arts.

The strongest is the bald tiger, Zhang Chongyang doesn't know how this mundane martial arts realm is divided, but if he takes his own refining body as an example, the other party's realm is probably in the blood refining realm.

Zhang Chongyang also didn't have a good impression of him, because this person had a lot of evil spirits on his body, and obviously had a lot of lives on his hands.

Again, if it weren't for the fact that some of them were wearing official uniforms, they wouldn't have been treated as horse bandits.

It wasn't until Zhang Chongyang's carriage went away that Tang Hu came back to his senses and wiped the cold sweat on his head, he was secretly glad that he had seen a horse with horns on his head, and knew that this kind of horse was generally worthy of riding by immortals, otherwise, he was afraid that it would be dangerous today.

"Master Tiger, are you okay?" saw Tang Hu sweating profusely, and asked in some surprise.

"Lao Tzu can have a fart thing, hurry up and go to the nearby village to catch a few boys and girls and go back, Niang Xipi, fortunately Lao Tzu is well-informed, otherwise you will be killed today.

"Master Hu, in front of you is Wujiagou, last year there was a boy in their village, should we go this year?"

"Go, why don't you go?" It is their blessing to sacrifice this group of untouchable children to the god of Jiang, and at the same time, it can also ensure that the wind and rain in Qiantang County are smooth, which is called the best of both worlds. "

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