The Dafeng Dynasty had a big river that ran through the land of Sanzhou, called Tongsha River.

It can be said that this Tongsha River has fed tens of millions of people in Sanzhou, and of course, it has inevitably cultivated some demon beasts.

For example, in the Tongsha River in Qiantang County, there is a silver carp essence.

I don't know if this silver carp spirit has lived too long, or what inheritance has been obtained, in short, the IQ is very high, can speak, can entrust people to dreams, except that it can't transform into shape, it is no different from the descendants of the holy beast.

With a late-stage first-order cultivation, he is not good at fighting, especially on land, but he has the ability to turn rivers and seas.

It likes to eat human children, and does not want to do it himself, so it uses the flooding of Qiantang County as a threat, forcing the government to give it a pair of boys and girls as snacks in the form of sacrifices every 100 days.

It's not that Qiantang County didn't want to eradicate this scourge, but it just invited a lot of good people in the rivers and lakes to give their lives in vain, and even the immortals who came out of the Echo Valley returned with their feathers, and the government accepted their fate.

It's just that later, ironically, in order not to arouse public indignation, or to collect boys and girls more smoothly, the government named this silver carp as the river god, and also fabricated that it could protect Qiantang County from disasters.

Even an ancestral temple was repaired for it for the people to worship.

Spread around, don't care if the people believe it or not, anyway, the silver carp spirit really thinks of himself as the river god of Qiantang County.

Its appetite has also grown, from a pair of boys and girls to five pairs.

The government of Qiantang County has no choice but to take it, and it has long been bloodless, so it can only blindly meet the requirements put forward by this silver carp essence.

If you want to say that there is really no one in the entire Dafeng Dynasty who can deal with this late-stage first-order demon beast?

If the royal family of Dafeng is willing to invite a few more worshippers to come, or if the five major cultivators in the Echo Valley send a few more elders, even if this silver carp essence sneaks into the Tongsha River, it still has the means to slaughter it.

It's a pity that the immortal cultivators who can cultivate to a certain level in this world, they have already passed the impulsive age of eliminating harm for the people and being chivalrous and courageous.

What can be done now is either rich enough or has touched their interests.

Like a river monster here in Qiantang County, which eats a few children every year, even if this news reaches their ears, most of them will only feel a fuss.

Starting from Wujiagou, two hours later, Zhang Chongyang and the others came to the county seat of Qiantang County.

At this point, it is not far from their destination, Echo Valley, according to the footsteps of the wildebeest, it can be reached in two days if you are in a hurry, and three days at most if you are slow.

It's been more than a month, and naturally it's not bad for a day or two, and they haven't eaten breakfast yet, so they went into the city just to satisfy their appetite.

"This Qiantang County looks like the scale is not small, how can the street be so deserted?"

Xiao Sanniang lifted the curtain, looked at the street where there were few pedestrians, and made a puzzled voice.

"It's weird, there's a noodle restaurant here, let's go in and have breakfast, and ask the owner what's going on. After

getting out of the carriage and entering the noodle shop, the three of them ordered three bowls of noodles, while a certain rabbit ate dry food.

There were no other customers in the noodle restaurant, and Zhang Chongyang stopped him when the guy brought their noodles

to the table and asked him to turn around and leave, "Man, I want to ask you something." "

Honorable guest, please speak.

"Are you usually so deserted in this county?"

"Distinguished guest, you are a foreigner, right...... There is a river god living in the Tongsha River here, which can ensure that our Qiantang County is smooth in wind and rain, and can also bless the people without disease and disaster, and live a long life. Three days ago, the county commander personally led the people in the city to pray for blessings by the Tongsha River, and it is estimated that there will be three more days, and everyone will come back after the sacrifice is over. "

Jiang Shen?" Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang exchanged a look, feeling that this matter was not as simple as the guy said.

Suddenly, a similar plot in Journey to the West that Zhang Chongyang watched when he was a child in his previous life flashed through his mind, and he immediately frowned, and continued to ask the guy: "How do you sacrifice

?" "This ......" The guy hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth: "Jiang Shen likes my human child, so the county commander sacrificed the boy and girl to it."

"What? sacrifice the child...... Although

Zhang Chongyang was very angry at this time, he could still control his killing intent, and as soon as Xiao Sanniang's temper came up, a fierce aura instantly enveloped this noodle restaurant, even if she didn't mean to target this guy, but at this time the guy still felt like falling into an ice cellar.

As soon as his legs went limp, there was an intimate contact between his ass and the floor.

In fact, they haven't eaten the noodles on the table yet, and they smell very fragrant, but at this time, no matter how fragrant they are, they have no appetite.

Xiao Sanniang didn't apologize to the guy, and no one helped the guy up from the ground, and when he came back to his senses, he looked at the table in front of him, except for the three bowls of noodles that were already cold, how could there be any guests.

"Sanniang, you didn't pay the bill for the three bowls of noodles just now.

"I haven't eaten, so why do I have to pay." Besides, don't you have any silver on you

?" "Then I didn't eat either, Xiaofan, did you eat it?"

"No, Master." "

Haha, that really shouldn't be given.

Zhang Chongyang made a joke and calmed everyone's emotions.

As for the three bowls of noodles, the prostitutes will be prostitutes for nothing, but the main reason is not that they didn't eat them, but that they were unhappy with the ignorance and indifference of the people in the city, including that guy.

The carriage drove out of Qiantang County, Zhang Chongyang saw the military service at the gate of the city, and suddenly thought of the pair of rushing men and horses he met after coming out of Wujiagou this morning, and thought, could that group of people go to rob children, right?"

If they hadn't entered the city today, and hadn't heard that there was a sacrifice for children in Qiantang County, and if Luo Xiaofan had been left in Wujiagou, and when their front feet had just left, their back feet would have been tied up and sacrificed to the so-called Jiang Shen, even if he avenged the students afterwards, he would definitely feel guilty in his heart.

Thirty kilometers away from Qiantang County, there is a fairly open flat dam on the side of the Tongsha River.

At this time, a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a yellow Taoist robe was standing on an altar built on the turbulent river to preside over the rituals, and he had words in his mouth, but the foolish people who knelt by the river to pray for blessings could hardly hear what he was saying, because his voice was really not as loud as the surging river behind him.


the high ground, Wang Dahai, the county magistrate of Qiantang County, led the officials of the county government to enjoy the grand gathering set up by their means, and the corners of their mouths were smug, not ashamed, but proud.

At this moment, a dozen fast horses attacked from a distance, and in addition to the adults with weapons on the horses, there were also three children.

The child does not cry or make trouble, either asleep, but faints.

However, just as the group was about to hand over the child to the person in charge of the sacrifice, a little girl of five or six years old suddenly woke up.

She wailed and wept, and her cry passed through the Taoist priest who was doing the ritual on the altar and reached the ears of some nearby fools who were kneeling on the ground and praying for blessings.

They looked up, some were upset, some had a clear conscience, but the little girl's crying did not last long, and she was soon knocked out again.

If Luo Xiaofan was here, he would be able to quickly recognize that this little girl was the little flower sister in his mouth.

I thought it was just a small episode, but I didn't want it to happen suddenly this time

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