"Dog official, you have the court's money, but you murder my human race children for the demon beast, where is your conscience? Where is the heavenly reason? Is it worthy of the black gauze hat on your head?"

"Folks, don't listen to this group of dog officials' gossip to confuse the public, Tongsha River is not a river god at all, that is, a demon beast that likes to eat children after cultivating into refinement. In

the crowd, several enthusiastic young people suddenly jumped up, trying to tell the truth to the people in words and expose the true veil of those officials.

Sure enough, some people were in a hurry, and Wang Dahai, the county magistrate of Qiantang County, stood up and scolded:

"Presumptuous! A few yellow-mouthed children dare to make a big fuss about the sacrifice, if they anger the Jiang Shen, won't the millions of Li people in Qiantang County suffer with you? Come on, take it down for me, and if you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot." "

In fact, there is no need for the county order to speak, there are already fast catchers in the yamen and gang masters who are in the same stream as the government and surrounded several hot-blooded young people.

It's just that since these young people dare to stand up, they are naturally not general.

They are the four heroes of Linchuan who have recently become famous on the rivers and lakes of Dafeng: Wu Ziyang, He Zimo, Bei Chengfeng, and Shangguan Yanran.

"Bullshit river god, folks, wake up, there is no god in this Tongsha River at all, it is just a demon beast that has become a spirit. "

If you don't believe it, why do they only take your children to sacrifice, don't they have children?"

It's just:

when everyone around you shouts 'Jiangshen' in their mouths, you can't help but shout along.

When everyone around you kneels on the ground and prays, you will silently bend your knees.

When everyone around you doesn't stand up to refute, you don't want to be the first bird, and you even secretly rejoice that you didn't choose your own child.

But you have been worried in your heart, and you are worried that sooner or later, the boy and girl who were sacrificed to the god of the river will be your child.

The last cry of the Lingchuan Four Heroes was like a spark of fire, igniting the blood and conscience of many people present, and finally some people stopped kneeling and began to stand up, and there were two for one, three for two, and three for more.

Soon, when almost all the people at the scene stood up, the momentum of the black and powerful suddenly shocked the people on the side of the government.

"Daring, what do you want to do? rebel?" Wang

Dahai seemed to have become a Taoist priest chanting words on the altar at this moment, although he had already exerted his strength, outsiders could not hear his voice at all.

At the beginning, some people died at the hands of gang masters or officers and soldiers, and the contradictions between officials and the people were further intensified.

Maybe the people in front will be afraid and admit it when they face the weapons in the hands of the officers and soldiers, but they have no way out, and the people behind will push them to catch the white blade with their bodies.

People are really cornered, either dying in fear or exploding in fear.

As more and more people erupted in fear, there began to be casualties among officers and gangs.

The four heroes of Linchuan obviously didn't expect the development of the situation to be so smooth, they were young, hot-blooded, and impulsive, and they stood up just for the chivalrous spirit in their hearts, and when they saw that they really awakened the conscience of the people, the four of them were even more enthusiastic, and took the lead in killing the officers and soldiers.

This government is rotten, there are usually interests involved, and everyone still hates the same enemy, but at this time, it has caused a popular uprising, and it is said that there are gangs, even if it is a government officer and an officer, they are all self-preservation.

At first, there was a group of officers and soldiers covering the retreat of officials such as the county order and the chief bookkeeper, but as the situation became more and more unfavorable, this group of officials ran and found that there was no one around them.

"Dog officer, take your life to ......"

The county commander Wang Dahai was frightened by this roar, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, and immediately got wet under him.

"No, Woman, I'm an official of the court, you can't kill me...... Please, don't kill me, I can give you anything...... Ah~"

Yes, the person who killed Wang Dahai, the county commander of Qiantang County, was Shangguan Yanran.

"Second brother, I killed this dog county order.

"Kill the four sisters well, today our four heroes in Linchuan will eliminate harm for the people, and we will definitely leave a name in history." "

The situation has developed to this point, and the people, relying on their numerical superiority, have indeed completely gained the upper hand.

But no one went to rescue the boys and girls who were still locked in cages on the altar, Wu Ziyang and Bei Chengfeng both noticed this, the two glanced at each other, each performed light skills, and in a few leaps, they boarded the altar.

At this time, on the altar, except for the Taoist priest who presided over the sacrifice, everything else was gone.

Wu Ziyang and Bei Chengfeng didn't have time to find the Taoist priest who didn't know where to go, so they prepared to rescue the child.

But that's when something happened.


loud bang came from the river, and the splash was a hundred feet high.

Suddenly, the chaos on the riverbank suddenly came to a standstill, as if someone had pressed a timer.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking for the direction from which the sound came from.

I saw that behind the splash, a very large head, whose shadow just revealed the true face of the silver carp shrouded in the altar.

Wu Ziyang and Bei Chengfeng, who were on the altar, quickly woke up under a fishy smell that came to their faces.

'Run!' the thought crossed their minds at the same time.

Other than that, things like saving people have been forgotten.

It's a pity that they are just qi and blood martial artists, and they may be considered masters in the rivers and lakes, but in front of a demon beast in the late stage of the first order, they are really no different from ants.

Before the two of them could even leave the altar, the silver carp's water arrow pierced their chests, and then, with a curl of their tongues, they swallowed them in their mouths as if they were eating two pieces of snack.

"Big brother, third brother.

Shangguan Yanran watched Wu Ziyang and Bei Chengfeng being eaten by a giant fish, and the joy of killing the county order with her own hands instantly turned into sadness, and she wanted to rush forward regardless of it.

"Fourth sister, calm down, this beast is too powerful, even if we rush up, we can't save the eldest brother and the third brother.

At this time, whether it was the people who had beaten the chicken's blood, or the masters who helped the people, or even the officials and officers and soldiers wearing official uniforms came back to their senses.

"It's Jiang Shen!" Jiang Shen

ate those two young heroes.

"Jiang Shen won't really anger us, right?"

"My mother, let's run." "

Run, run......"

The silver carp spirit just took a nap at the bottom of the river, but he didn't expect such a earth-shaking thing to happen on the shore.

It was angry at this point.

Very angry.

The reason for its anger is that it feels betrayed by these foolish people.

Obviously, one second, these foolish people were still praying to it, but the next second, they dared to rebel?

To be honest, it still enjoyed the local foolish people worshipping it as a river god, probably because of the incense, and their cultivation speed was much faster.

So it feels like it's becoming 'kind'.

As for eating a few Terran children, for it, it's just a snack.

It's getting bigger and bigger, but even five pairs of children are at most the size of a meal.

Obviously, it was the Terrans themselves who said that it was a blessing for the Terrans to sacrifice their children, but it was just a matter of kindness.


, you abominable fools, bear the wrath of God for your rebellion.

This silver carp essence does have the ability to turn the river into the sea, and the turbulent water in the Tongsha River no longer flows downstream, but is controlled by some kind of force, and swells towards the river bank.

The river was surging, rushing forward, and soon caught up with some of the people who were running slowly, and there seemed to be countless ghosts hidden in the water, as if they were catching up with the dead ghosts, after catching up with a person, countless hands stretched out to him, this person couldn't break free at all, and he didn't even have time to let out a few screams, and was swallowed up by the river.

He Zimo and Shangguan Yanran were also in the fleeing team, and at this time, they heard the voices of the people in their ears again, the good guys became dog officials, and the bad guys became them.

Both of them felt ironic, but when they thought of the crisis behind them, they couldn't argue.

The high altar was already crumbling under the washing of the river.

Most of the five pairs of boys and girls in the cage woke up, and their cries were probably their last catharsis to this world.

A sound of breaking the sky sounded in the ears of the people who were fleeing for their lives, and when someone looked up, they saw an immortal with a sword flying over their heads.

"It's the Sword Immortal, great, we're saved. I

don't know who shouted like that, and suddenly, how many faces that were almost desperate rekindled hope.

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