Influenced by the Dragon Palace in the TV series in his previous life, Zhang Chongyang also has high expectations for the 'home' of silver carp essence.

As a result, when he came in, he found out that he was looking forward to it early.

There are dry bones everywhere here, mostly fish bones, of course, there are also human bones, judging from the size, it should be the boys and girls who sacrificed to the silver carp essence in Qiantang County.

Soon, Zhang Chongyang's eyes were in the pile of fish bones in the corner, and he found a humanoid dry bone that made him frown.

He held the flying sword tightly in his hand, walked cautiously, and repeatedly tested it with his divine sense, and only after making sure that there was no danger did he carefully examine the skeleton.

After a while, he came to the conclusion that this person was an immortal cultivator before his death, and his cultivation was good, and judging from the decaying futon under his seat, he should have been dead for a long time.

So...... It is not so much the palace of the silver carp spirit, but a small space dojo opened up by this human ancestor, but after he sat here for many years, he was given a dove to occupy the magpie's nest by a silver carp that had become a spirit.

In fact, you can still vaguely find traces of people's lives here, such as sword marks left on the walls, such as some bottles and jars containing pills, and ...... A book silk that appears to be made of animal skin, pressed under a futon.

As for what weapons, rings, etc., I don't know if they can't help the baptism of time and turned into antiquity, or if they were thrown away by a certain silver carp essence, I don't know.

Zhang Chongyang took the book silk through the imperial technique, and opened it with a hint of expectation, he thought it was the inheritance left by his predecessors, but it turned out to be a bit of a waste of his feelings.

This is an autobiography.

If you change the environment, it is like seeing this autobiography in the Fang Market in Pingfu Town, Zhang Chongyang probably doesn't bother to look at it.

Here, however, he has a little more patience.

In his autobiography, this senior called himself a sword maniac.

He also specifically mentioned that the sword maniac was called by others, and when there were more people who called, he laughed at it.

According to his autobiography, he was born in a humble background, and he only had the opportunity to contact cultivating immortals at the age of fifteen, but he succeeded in building a foundation at the age of twenty-five, because he had the qualification of the earth spirit root.

At the age of forty-three, the sword maniac has reached the ninth level of foundation building.

Looking at it, Zhang Chongyang's brows became tighter and tighter.

'Forty-four years old, an old guy with a half-step golden pill dares to command in front of me, I am not afraid, draw my sword, and win with three swords...... Half-step Jindan, but Erer. ''

At the age of forty-six, everything was ready, and I began to retreat to attack the golden pill.

''At the age of forty-nine, the opportunity for a breakthrough finally appeared, and I was full of confidence, and I was bound to become the youngest Jindan monk in the Nebula Domain. '

'I failed!''Actually

, I could condense the Void Pill and break through to the half-step Golden Pill first, but I gave up because I was a genius.

''At the age of seventy, I hit Jindan again...... Fail.

''Seventy-seven years old, damn it, the reason was finally found by me, I am an ordinary foundation, and I can only condense the Void Pill...... But it is not without a way to condense the Shi Dan: first, plunder, and second, inheritance.

''Inheritance is a matter of luck, so I choose to plunder. "

After three years of preparation, I finally made a move on a Jindan senior when I was eighty years old. "

Haha, I can't believe it, I actually succeeded in assassinating a Jin Dan with the cultivation of the ninth layer of the foundation, although I have been preparing for three years, although this Jin Dan is already getting old. '

'Yes, I succeeded, but I also failed. He

chose to blow himself up at the last minute, and I narrowly escaped my life.

''Although I survived, all the calculations were burned.

''Alas, after all, I still underestimated the dying counterattack of a Jin Dan.

''My foundation is destroyed, my wheel of life is broken, and my days are numbered.

''Do you

regret it?' If it is to plunder a golden pill, then I will not regret it. Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to build a foundation and repair as a reverse Jindan old monster? Haha, at least from now on, there will be one of my sword maniacs. '

'If I didn't choose to break through the Void Pill, then I don't regret it, without him, Lao Tzu is a genius, and he would rather break through and fail than be trapped in the half-step Jindan realm for the rest of his life. If

you want to say regret, Lao Tzu only regrets one thing, that is, why he didn't comprehend a sword path and lay a foundation before building a foundation. If

any latecomer sees this autobiography, and you happen to have not built a foundation yet, I advise you to honestly carry out ordinary foundation building, don't ask why, because if your qualifications are not even the root of the earth spirit, the great consummation of foundation building is almost the end of your life, and you don't deserve to have the qualifications to build a foundation at all, hahaha...... Hahaha.

Zhang Chongyang didn't expect that he would read an autobiography and was fascinated, and what he didn't expect was that he was ridiculed at the end.

To be honest, if it weren't for reading this autobiography of the sword maniac, with Zhang Chongyang's vision, at most he could only aim at Zhuji, and as for Jin Dan, he didn't have any ideas now.

Moreover, he is only a casual cultivator, and no elder will tell him before he builds the foundation that if he wants to go further, it is best to lay a good foundation before building the foundation.

Of course, it is more likely that even if there is such an elder, he will not tell him about it.

The reason is that his qualification is only a miscellaneous spirit root, and in the eyes of the general public, if he can break through the foundation with the miscellaneous spirit root, it will already be lucky.

Although the sword maniac's self-report did not specify how to lay a good foundation, in Zhang Chongyang's mind, this kind of privilege belonging to geniuses should not be so easy.

In addition, how credible is this autobiography?

Zhang Chongyang once again set his eyes on the dry bones, sighed a little complicatedly, and decided to collect a corpse for him.

Of course, if he later found out that the contents of this autobiography were false, he would not have come back to dig up his grave again.

Before leaving, Zhang Chongyang also found a dry spiritual spring, and he finally knew why the sword maniac chose the place where the bones were buried.

He also deduced that the spiritual spring had not dried up for a long time, probably because it had cheapened the silver carp essence.

That means that this spiritual spring is 'alive', and it may give birth to some spiritual fluid on a regular basis.

Zhang Chongyang didn't know how long the cycle of its spiritual liquid was and when the next one would be, so it was impossible to wait here.

"Anyway, the silver carp spirit is dead, I'll destroy the entrance when I get out later, and I'll come back when I have the chance."

Zhang Chongyang thought in his heart, he won't stay here for a long time, if he doesn't go back, Sanniang should probably be in a hurry.

The body of silver carp essence still has a certain value, and few people may buy it in this world, so eat it yourself.

I don't want the silver carp head, there is no meat anyway, of course, the main thing is that Zhang Chongyang's storage bag was thrown to Xiao Sanniang just now.

As for the internal organs, except for the shiny demon pill, the rest are not wanted.

He didn't expect that there were two young people in the stomach of this silver carp essence who had been 'digested' so much that they couldn't distinguish their appearances.

Zhang Chongyang can avenge them, it is already good, naturally it is impossible to send their remains back.

He buried the two of them at the bottom of the river, and then carried the body of the silver carp that had been disemboweled, performed the sword technique, flew out of the river, and headed downstream.

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