"Master Tiger, the sword fairy who flew over our heads just now is the old man we met on the road this morning, right?"

"You fuck, that's an old fairy, what an old man." "

Yes, yes, the old fairy, the old fairy, the little mouth is stupid, or the tiger master has a high consciousness!" But the tiger master, do you say that we have any hope of being favored by the old immortals, accepted as apprentices, and learning the method of immortality?"

Tang Hu looked at the few little brothers around him who were daydreaming for the rest of their lives, pouted and said: "Just a few of you crooked melons and cracked dates, and you don't pee to take care of yourself, are you worthy

?" "Yes, yes, we don't deserve it, what about you, Lord Tiger?"

"I'm not worthy either... ... Hey, you're fucking squeezing Lao Tzu, aren't you?" "Don't

you dare, don't you dare, Master Tiger, you dissipate your anger...... Alas, Master Tiger, where is the way back to the county seat

?" "Master Dog, where is Master Tiger

going?" "Where are you going?" "

Why are you running

?" "Let's go catch the child this morning, did you have a relationship with the old fairy?"

Before long, the other little brothers reacted one after another, and said while chasing:

"Tiger master, dog master, wait for little brother." "


In this riot, most of the officials in Qiantang County died, and of course many people also died.

The follow-up words must be a very troublesome mess, but I don't know how the Dafeng Imperial Court will deal with it.

Thinking that this matter has the endorsement of immortal cultivators, the imperial court should not put the hat of anti-thief on the heads of the people of Qiantang County.

Zhang Chongyang drove the flying sword to Wujiagou, and with him came the little girl of the Wu family.

He thought that he would see a picture of lost and regained family affection in the world, but he didn't expect to see that the villagers of Wujiagou were helping Wu Gou'er and his wife arrange the funeral.

Zhang Chongyang walked into the mourning hall as if no one was around, and it was not difficult to judge the cause of their death from the corpses of Wu Gou'er and his wife.

Wu Gou'er's wife was kicked and died of a broken heart, and Wu Gou'er was also injured, but he hanged himself.

Looking at the little girl of the Wu family who was kneeling in front of her parents and crying, Zhang Chongyang only felt inexplicably irritable.

"In your village, is anyone willing to raise the

daughter of this family?" "Immortal Chief, I am the patriarch of Wujiagou and the second master of Xiaohua, you can rest assured, as long as our family in Wujiagou still has a mouthful of food, it is absolutely impossible to starve this poor child left by the dog and his daughter-in-law."

After the old man finished speaking, the people around him echoed him, and Zhang Chongyang could see from their tone and expression that he was not acting in front of him.

He left a swordsmanship called 'Yishui Sword', and in the kneeling sound of all the villagers in Wujiagou, he drove the flying sword and left.

In Qiantang County, the people who rushed back alive saw the sword fairy hovering above their heads, and they knelt down and kowtowed.

Zhang Chongyang didn't come to accept the gratitude of these people, he came to find someone.

came to find the bald tiger and others who had a relationship with him when they came out of Wujiagou this morning.

Here, he can unleash his divine consciousness with impunity.

Soon, several officials, including Yang Zhukuai, were discovered by Zhang Chongyang.

There was no suspense in erasing their vitality, and the people in the city didn't even know what was happening, and when they looked up, the sword fairy was already gone.

Tang Hu ran for more than 20 kilometers with a few younger brothers in one go, and he was almost about to leave the border of Qiantang County.

Even though the clouds now obscured the sky, they all ran sweating profusely.

"Tiger ...... Tiger Master, almost...... That's it, old ...... Even if the old fairy wants to kill us, I guess ...... I guess I can't find them either.

Tang Hu touched his bald head, and he was tired enough to choke and said: "Okay, I think we are no different from ants in the eyes of the old immortals, and people can't chase us at all."

"Yes, yes, the old fairy must have let us go for a fart. "

You fucking can't speak, so shut up your ass for me."

Tang Hu said, raising his slap and preparing to teach this little brother a lesson.

The younger brother was ready to be beaten, but he waited for a long time, and he didn't wait for the boss's care, so he boldly followed his gaze and glanced behind him, and at this glance, his soul almost floated up directly.


Zhang Chongyang also didn't give these people a chance to justify, and several sword qi flew out from his fingertips, instantly completing the harvest of several lives.

In the city just now, Zhang Chongyang didn't touch the corpses of those few fast catchers, not because he disliked them for being poor, but because he was just a few taels of silver, he lost his demeanor as a sword immortal, which really couldn't be done.

And here is different, this is a wilderness, there are no bystanders, and there is no baggage.

"Phew, it's so poor!" Zhang

Chongyang counted, and the money bags on several people didn't exceed fifty taels of silver.

What is even more ironic is that five taels of silver were circulated from him last night.

In the afternoon, the dark clouds dispersed from the top of Qiantang County, and a jade plate appeared hanging high above the colorful clouds, and at this time, on an official road on the ground, the shadow of a carriage dragged longer and longer under its illumination.

In the carriage, Zhang Chongyang was sharing his experience at the bottom of the river with Xiao Sanniang, and when he talked about digging up two corpses from the intestines of the silver carp essence, Xiao Sanniang took the conversation.

"Those two should be Wu Ziyang and Bei Chengfeng. "

Oh, Sanniang, do you still know each other?" Zhang Chongyang said in surprise.

Xiao Sanniang explained: "When you sent the daughter of the Wu family back, I met a pair of young people who wanted to apprentice, and I knew it from them. "

The pair of young people who want to apprentice to Xiao Sanniang are the four heroes of Linzhou, He Zimo and Shangguan Yanran.

They are sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, and they are more informal, thinking that one master can accept many disciples.

Of course, many martial arts celebrities on the rivers and lakes are indeed like this.

Seeing that you are pleasing to the eye, I will accept you as a registered disciple, and I am in a good mood today, so I will accept you as a registered disciple ......

But this one, put on the body of immortal cultivators, is a big taboo.

Because cultivating immortals also cultivates cause and effect, and the cause and effect between master and apprentice are very heavy.

This is also the reason why many immortal cultivators will not accept disciples indiscriminately.

Xiao Sanniang is naturally the same.

"By the way, husband, did you kill all the people we met this morning?"

Zhang Chongyang didn't want to talk about it, but since Xiao Sanniang asked, he still nodded.


In Xiao Sanniang's opinion, although this group of people really deserve to die, but after all, they didn't directly provoke them, with his husband's character, he generally wouldn't deliberately kill people for the sake of heaven, so there must be other reasons.

Zhang Chongyang didn't want to talk about it, because it involved the death of the parents of the little girl of the Wu family.

But since Xiao Sanniang asked about this, he no longer concealed it, and told all the causes and consequences.

Sure enough, Luo Xiaofan trembled after hearing this.

"Master, are Xiaohua's sister's parents really dead?"

"Yes, but the villagers of Luojia Village are willing to adopt her. "

......" There was silence in the carriage for a while, and then Luo Xiaofan said softly: "Those uncles and aunts should be good to Sister Xiaohua." "

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