The royal family of the Dafeng Dynasty was surnamed Zhu.

The central topic of discussion at today's court meeting was the incident in Qiantang County, Linzhou, yesterday.

Some people spoke out on behalf of the officials, believing that the people of Qiantang County had launched a riot to rebel, and if they were not punished, they would be imitated and feared that there would be trouble.

Some people spoke out for the people, listing the absurd things that many officials in Qiantang County have done in recent years, and postscript that it is not an exaggeration to kill the nine clans.

Some people believe that it is imperative to investigate the purpose of the monks who appeared in the territory of the Daebong Dynasty.

Someone ......

On the dragon chair, Emperor Zhu Wuji listened to the ministers' opinions and issued several orders in one breath.

For example,

a corrupt official in Qiantang County was raided and exterminated.

The champion of last year's autumn Lang Fu Wenbin was appointed as the new county magistrate of Qiantang County.

Led a military camp of 5,000 soldiers and horses to Qiantang County.

At the same time, a royal worshipper in the late stage of Qi refining also left the imperial city.


If you want to ask which immortal mountain in the Dafeng Dynasty can find immortal fate, the answer is undoubtedly Echo Valley.

Echo Valley says it's a valley, but it can also be called an island.

It is located in the middle of the crescent moon lake, with many strange rocks and mist, just like a fairyland.

But it is not the same as what it is, and behind the beauty you can see, there are actually countless poisonous insects and miasma, which are deadly and dangerous.

If ordinary people venture in, they will definitely end up dead.

In the Echo Valley, there are five major Xiuzhen families, namely Xiao, Bai, Yang, Lin, and Ximen.

Naturally, the clansmen of these five great families also have ordinary people, and even if they are monks, not everyone has a flying magic weapon.

But their daily necessities also need to be purchased from outside.

So Echo Valley is not isolated from the rest of the world, it has its own transportation route.

The town connected by this transportation route is Crescent Town.

On the third day of their departure from Qiantang County, Zhang Chongyang and their carriage finally drove into Crescent Town.

"This city is not much better than the state cities we have seen, right?"

When Zhang Chongyang was on the road, he also heard Sanniang mention this town, he thought that a small town could be so big, but he never thought that the breath that came to his face was comparable to that of his state city.

"After all, this is the closest place to Echo Valley, and even the five of us have business here, so it has attracted a lot of people who want to cultivate immortals.

"I think the five of you will also give some of the lucky ones some of them some benefits on a regular basis, so that those who come after them can see hope, so there will be an endless stream of people coming here.

Xiao Sanniang didn't refute it, because this is the truth.

Of course, it's not that this is unconscionable, because that's the law of survival.

Many people who come here don't know what the ditch is in? They are not stupid, they naturally know it, but they still flock to it, why?

There is no other, for the sake of dreams!

Just as the people of the rivers and lakes will cause bloody storms in order to compete for the first place in the world with no fame.

You'll ask them if

it's worth it?" "Guest, do you want to stay in the hotel or do you

want to stay in the hotel?" "Don't worry, bring us your signature dishes first." "

Okay, please, your guest. On

the second floor of an inn, by the window, Zhang Chongyang and a few people sat down, the students took the initiative to pour tea for the master and Aunt Xiao, and the second child trotted to the back kitchen to order, because it was not yet a meal, and the position of more than a dozen tables on the second floor was only two tables of guests, including their table.

"Sanniang, the inn is such a lucrative business, haven't you Xiao family dabbled in it?"

Zhang Chongyang picked up the tea poured by the students, took a sip gently, and then looked at his wife and chatted without words.

"I don't know. Xiao Sanniang answered very sincerely, but talked about this topic into a dead end.

But in the next moment, they turned their heads at the same time, and glanced at an old man in a python robe in the attic opposite, who was also facing them.

"People from the royal Zhu family. Xiao Sanniang introduced to Zhang Chongyang.

Zhang Chongyang nodded, and also used the sound transmission technique on the python-robed old man: "Why do you want to spy on me?"

His tone was not salty or light, saying that it was a reproach, but in fact it was more of a temptation.

"In the Xia Zhu family, Zhu Daoji, I heard that there are sword immortals in the territory of my Dafeng Dynasty to kill demons, Your Majesty specially asked the old man to chat and express gratitude, not to monitor, I hope the two Taoist friends will not misunderstand. "

Zhu Daoji's cultivation is at the eighth level of qi refining, and in the power system of the royal family, he is not the strongest, but he can also rank in the top three.

Before coming, he was full of confidence, and even thought about recruiting another worshipper for the royal family.

As a result, after meeting Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang for a real time, he found that his thoughts were a little too naïve.

He couldn't even see through any of them!

That's why his current attitude is so 'humble'.

Zhang Chongyang naturally doesn't believe in any excuses to express gratitude, surveillance is surveillance.

However, he has no contradiction with the Dabong royal family, and he doesn't want to play tricks, so as to attract suspicion, and also show their identities to the other party.

After Zhu Daoji learned that Xiao Sanniang was the Xiao family, he did relax his vigilance against them.

Then he received an invitation from the two, and he also sat down at the table.

At the beginning, Zhu Daoji guessed that the relationship between Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang was that of master and apprentice, but he didn't expect it to be a Taoist couple.

He admits he's sour.

Zhang Chongyang also learned from Zhu Daoji's mouth about the imperial court's decree on Qiantang County.

Although he didn't want to put gold on his face, in fact, the Dafeng Imperial Court really looked at Zhang Chongyang's sword immortal's face, so it did not investigate the fact that the people of Qiantang County rebelled.

After eating a meal, I didn't eat a few bites of the meal, but every word was a temptation.

Zhang Chongyang boasted that he and people like Zhu Daoji could never become friends.

Don't ask why, it's too tiring to ask.

Xiao Ji Teahouse!

Xiao Sanniang has one of the few impressions of the Xiao family stronghold in her mind.

At this time, there were many customers in the teahouse, three and five tables, and their eyes glanced at the storyteller in the middle.

"It is said that the silver carp demon turned over the river and the sea, and was about to lead the water in the Shajiang River to flood the entire Qiantang County, and hundreds of people fled for their lives, but at this time, someone saw the golden light above his head, looked up, and saw that the sky broke a hole, and a sword fairy with a fairy wind and bones stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds from the nine skies......

" Everyone listened and listened, and one asked curiously: "What does the sword fairy look like?"

So there was a gossip discussion in the teahouse:

" That is naturally the son of the turbid world who is not stained with red dust. "

I heard it's a gray-haired old man. "

But how did I hear that it

was a female sword immortal?" At the door, the sword immortal heard that he was rumored to be a woman, and his face immediately darkened.

Xiao Sanniang glanced at him, and couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker.

Xiao Ye is the owner of this teahouse, and he is the owner of this entire street.

Cultivation is the fourth layer of qi refining, and this kind of cultivation, although it is not ranked in the Xiao family, but in this crescent moon city, it is a big man who sees the beginning and the end of the dragon.

But at this time, everyone saw him rushing down from the upper floor, although they were puzzled, they all hugged their fists and greeted:

"Master Xiao."

"I've seen Master Xiao later. "

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