From the family's point of view, is the Xiao family's approach wrong?

Similarly, from Zhang Chongyang's point of view, he is not wrong.

It can only be said that the positions of the two sides are different.

And the reason why Zhang Chongyang was angry just now was not because of the Xiao family's attitude towards him, in the final analysis, he was an outsider and didn't care. The main reason is that they didn't respect Sanniang, as if she was just a marionette of the family, and she should contribute everything to the family.

He borrowed the topic to play, mainly for his wife.

Perhaps, it is indeed a bit heavy.

Because Zhang Chongyang knows very well that his wife has feelings for the Xiao family.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have come back.

And today is the day of her grandfather's funeral, and it is really cruel to force her to choose between herself and her family.

At this time, the five old men of the Xiao family didn't expect Zhang Chongyang's attitude to be so tough.

Especially Xiao Sanniang's grandfather, Xiao Hetang, covered his chest angrily.

But I have to exercise restraint.

The atmosphere in the room was particularly solemn at this moment, Xiao Sanniang was about to speak, and Xiao Heguan, the elder of the Xiao family, stood up and became a peacemaker.

"No, it's really not going to get to this point.

He first advised Xiao

Hetang: "The head of the family, it can be seen that this Zhang Daoyou is a jade pot with a heart of ice to Yu'er, and at the same time, Yu'er also likes him, the two are happy, and they are all happy, why should we be the villain who beats the mandarin duck

?" Xiao Hetang stopped talking, and twisted his head to the other side with a cold face.

If you don't refuse, you still make concessions.

Xiao Heguan moved his gaze to Zhang Chongyang again at this time, and said, "Zhang Daoyou, although my Xiao family values the interests of the family, it is not as cold-blooded and ruthless as you think.

"Yu'er has been wandering outside for all these years, and the family has been sending people to look for it every year...... Indeed, the words of the head of the family just now were a little heavier, but he is still Yu'er's grandfather.

"Let's take it as a test for you, and the result is that you are worthy of Yu'er's liking for you.

"Besides, it goes without saying how important Yu'er is to my Xiao family...... Zhang Daoyou, you don't want to embarrass Yu'er, right?" Zhang

Chongyang glanced at Sanniang's eyes, he was able to stand up for her just now, and now he can compromise for her.

He looked at the Great Elder again and said, "As long as the Xiao family doesn't object to me being with Sanniang, I naturally don't want to force her."

Xiao Heguan did not rush to make a promise, but communicated with the other three elders for a while, and then the second elder came out to say:

"Zhang Daoyou, the Xiao family can not interfere in Yu'er's emotional problems, and even you can become my Xiao family's guest elder, but ...... There is a requirement.

Zhang Chongyang's eyes narrowed and asked, "Please speak."

"In the future, the heirs born to Zhang Daoyou and Yu'er need to be surnamed Xiao.

As a modern person, Zhang Chongyang's thinking in this regard is still relatively open-minded, and he can accept his children with his surname or his mother's surname.

It's just that voluntary and forced are two different things.

Xiao Sanniang seemed to be worried that her husband would not be able to accept this condition and became angry again, and she shook her head helplessly and aggrievedly at him who was caught in the middle.

She wanted to persuade Zhang Chongyang to endure first, after all, she would have to have a child after breaking through the foundation, and when that time came, she would naturally have a lot of right to speak, no matter whether she let her child be surnamed Zhang or Xiao, who could have an opinion.

It's just that people are fighting for a breath of Buddha to receive a stick of incense, but Zhang Chongyang wants to make his words clear today, of course, this time he did not directly scold, but after thinking about it, he put forward a plan that he accepted in his heart.

"First of all, I must reiterate that I, Zhang Chongyang, have not joined your Xiao family, so whether our children will be surnamed Zhang or Xiao in the future should be decided by me and Sanniang.

"Secondly, I myself can accept whether the child follows the father's surname or the mother's surname, if Sanniang thinks that our child should be surnamed Xiao, then I naturally have no opinion.

Zhang Chongyang said it sincerely, but when outsiders heard it, they felt that he was wronged in his heart, but he was just hard-mouthed.

"Husband~" Xiao Sanniang was moved, but also distressed.

At the same time, what she thought in her heart was that she must give birth to her husband two sons in the future, one surnamed Zhang and the other surnamed Xiao.

This also shows that in her heart, the status of the Xiao family is still very important.

The five old men of the Xiao family exchanged glances with each other, and they felt about the same.

After so many rounds of confrontation, they also felt Zhang Chongyang's character, knowing that his bones were a little hard, and if he did too much, it would easily backfire.

In the end, Zhang Chongyang also refused to become the Haqing Elder of the Xiao family, and the Xiao family did not insist, and even felt that he could give one less of the Haqing Elder's salary, but he was happy to do so.

Xiao Sanniang's mother was very fond of bamboo, so Xiao Long planted a lot of bamboo around their yard at the beginning.

Today, these bamboos have developed into a lush bamboo forest through the method of 'father begets son, child begets grandchild, and grandchild begets son'.

In addition, the Xiao family is not prosperous, and no one has ever had the idea of this bamboo forest over the years.

However, a maid who was married by Xiao's mother back then has been living here, helping to take care of the yard, waiting for its owner and little master to return.

This is more than 10 years.

Tonight, this loyal maid finally waited for her little master.

"Little master, you're finally back. "

Aunt Feng, have you been here all along?" Xiao Sanniang looked at the woman in front of her who often took care of her when she was a child, and now not only has a lot of wrinkles on her face, but also a lot of gray hair between her temples.

For a while, there were some mixed feelings, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"Yes, since Miss and Young Master Long left with the little master, I have to take care of the yard every day......" As she spoke, the middle-aged woman couldn't help but shed tears.

"Little master, Miss and Young Master Long, are you really unable to come back?"

"Aunt Feng, my parents, in order to protect me more than ten years ago, are gone. In

Xiao Sanniang's heart, although this Aunt Feng has no blood connection with her, she is one of the few 'relatives' she can talk about.

"Little master, don't cry, you can come back safely, I believe that Miss and Young Master Long will be very happy in the sky." The

middle-aged woman kept her tears while comforting Xiao Sanniang, not because she was strong, but because she felt that she was an elder and should be so.

After Xiao Sanniang's emotions were vented, she also calmed down a lot, she wiped her tears, and said to the middle-aged woman:

"Aunt Feng, you will call me Yu'er in the future, don't call me the little master and the little master anymore."

"Then let's call Miss Yu." The middle-aged woman knew very well that she was just a maid and did not want to trespass.

Seeing that Xiao Sanniang still wanted to persevere, she looked at Zhang Chongyang and a child on the side, and asked, "Miss Yu, who are these two?"

"This is my husband, Zhang Chongyang, that is his student, Xiaofan." "

Slave Feng Ying, I have seen Zhang Gongzi and Xiao Fan. "

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