The concentration of the aura in the Ethereal Peak was thicker than in the valley, but it was only one to two percent more, which was still more than a step worse than that of Pingfu Town.

In the Bamboo Forest Garden, the night Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang moved in, they arranged the first-order high-level spirit gathering array they brought back.

The effect must have been greatly discounted compared to when they were still in Cypress Hutong, and it couldn't even compare to the effect of their intermediate spirit gathering array in Jinxiu Hutong, but it was not easy to have such a cultivation place in this mundane world.

is the so-called contentment and happiness, Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang did not have much loss when they practiced that night.

It rained overnight, and when she got up the next day, Xiao Sanniang found that the bamboo leaves were wet.

For her, there are still a lot of trivial things to do in the clan, and she doesn't want to go into this small bamboo forest as soon as she comes back.

However, Aunt Feng got up earlier than her and had already prepared breakfast, and Xiao Sanniang couldn't refuse her kindness.

In fact, in Xiao Sanniang's heart, she wanted to help Aunt Feng find a good husband.

Although Aunt Feng is her mother's dowry maid, after all, her father did not admit her into the house at the beginning, if her mother was still there, she would definitely be responsible for this matter, but it is a pity that Aunt Feng has also been delayed in their Xiao family for so many years, so Xiao Sanniang feels a little guilty about her.

It's just that she is not too young, and it is really difficult to find a good husband, so Xiao Sanniang hasn't thought about it with her yet.

"Miss Yu, Zhang ...... Hasn't the master gotten up yet?" Aunt Feng was waiting for everyone to eat, but it was Xiao Sanniang who persuaded her again and again, so she took a bowl and sat down.

In addition, according to Xiao Sanniang's shouting, she called Zhang Chongyang Gongzi, but Xiao Sanniang felt that it was a bit inconsistent for her husband to call him Gongzi at his age, so Aunt Feng changed it to Master.

Xiao Sanniang said without thinking: "He is cultivating, Aunt Feng doesn't have to worry about him." "

Zhang Chongyang is indeed cultivating at this time, not that the battle was too fierce last night and he couldn't get out of bed.

Next, Xiao Sanniang's cultivation resources naturally don't have to worry, and the Xiao family will definitely give priority to supply.

Zhang Chongyang really wants to get the wool of the Xiao family, and he will definitely be able to borrow the convenience of his wife.

It's just that he doesn't bother to do that.

However, since Xiao Sanniang will no longer lack cultivation resources, then the demon pill dug out of the body of the silver carp essence, Zhang Chongyang will also laugh at it.

As mentioned earlier, if there are conditions, it is best to refine the demon pill into an elixir;

Of course, Zhang Chongyang didn't have that condition, he was refining directly, but not in the body, but because he was worried about side effects, he refined it outside the body.

After being refined, the demon pill released a large amount of pure spiritual power, which instantly caused the entire room to appear with spiritual mist.

Zhang Chongyang looked at these spiritual mist like a newborn curious baby rushing towards the outside of the house, and his distressed tears were about to flow out.

'Damn, I'm such a loser. Immediately

, he was no longer stunned, and he settled down in a second, and began to run Changchun Gong.

After a stick of incense, Zhang Chongyang felt that his cultivation speed had slowed down, and when a new Sunday ended, he did not continue, but stopped.

Opening his eyes, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and I have to say that the effect of this incense just now was almost equal to the sum of the cultivation of the day after he entered the mortal world.

He looked down and looked at the demon pill that he had just thrown aside casually, it might not be obvious, but if you look closely, you will find that it is a little smaller.

He picked it up, and was about to repeat what he had just done, when he suddenly felt that even if he had resources, he would not be such a waste.

For example, if there are '10' parts of the aura released by refining a demon pill, then the amount he has just absorbed is estimated to be only '4' parts.

It is true that during his cultivation, he did feel that a part of the aura was mixed with the demonic nature of the silver carp essence, and perhaps even if he absorbed it, it would not have much effect, but Zhang Chongyang still sifted it out very decisively.

And this aura mixed with demonic energy accounts for 1 part when it is full, which is equivalent to saying that he still wasted 5 shares.

Although Zhang Chongyang found that this kind of behavior of refining the demon pill in vitro was indeed a failure, he still had no idea of swallowing it into his stomach to refine it.

The reason is very simple, refining in the body, the spiritual power released by the demon pill does not need to pass through the filter on the surface of the body, once the exercise is run, whether it is pure aura or doped with demonic aura, it will be passively absorbed with the operation of Zhou Tian, and it is difficult to be eliminated.

Zhang Chongyang thought about it for a while, but still thought of a way.

I saw him take out a formation flag from the storage bag.

On the top of the array flag, two words 'cold ice' are written.

That's right, it's the Ice Array.

It is the refrigerator used by Zhang Chongyang's family for refrigeration.

I didn't lose it when I moved, and I brought it out with me.

The way Zhang Chongyang thought of was to borrow the ice array to freeze this room and retain the aura so that he could absorb it as much as possible.

In order to achieve the desired effect as soon as possible, Zhang Chongyang also helped input spiritual power to help the array flag accelerate the cooling process.

Soon, the temperature in the room dropped, and a thin layer of frost was attached to the windows, door frames, and even the head beams.

It's just that Zhang Chongyang was not satisfied, he waited for the ice array to work for half an hour, and the whole house finally became an igloo.

Outside the house, although Aunt Feng is an ordinary person, she lives in the Xiao family after all, and she still boasts that she still has some eyes, but now that she sees that the house where Zhang Chongyang is is frozen, she doesn't know that it is the effect of the formation, she thinks it is a personal means, so she can't help but sigh in her heart: "Hey, the husband that Miss Yu married is older, but he has good skills!"

In the igloo, Zhang Chongyang didn't know that Aunt Feng praised himself in his heart, he had already refined the demon pill again, and he had also started his cultivation journey again.

At the end of this cultivation, Zhang Chongyang found that nearly 7 of the 10 spiritual powers had been absorbed by him, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Go on!"

Cycle after cycle, this kind of cultivation speed like opening and hanging made Zhang Chongyang feel like he couldn't stop.

Seeing that the demon pill was getting smaller and smaller, Zhang Chongyang's Qi refining realm finally ushered in a new test.

"Is there an opportunity?"

"So what are you waiting for, just now, give it to me...... "

After these breakthroughs, Zhang Chongyang also concluded that it seems that as long as a realm is cultivated to perfection, there will be a breakthrough opportunity, as if this breakthrough opportunity was given away for free by the attribute panel.

This time was no exception.


Zhang Chongyang's favorite voice appeared.

With the sound of this voice, it also means that his cultivation has officially broken through.

An aura that had never been more powerful than ever erupted from him.

This breath is already the ninth layer of qi refining.

"Haha, cool!".

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