Between the white emperor's colorful clouds, thousands of miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day;

the sound of apes on both sides of the strait cannot be stopped, and the light boat has passed over the ten thousand mountains.

The winter snow has not disappeared, the spring cold is precipitous, and early in the morning, Qing'er knocked on the door of Yuan Yi's house.

"Qing'er, why did you come so early?"

"Sister, good news, the monks from Changchun Gate who recruited disciples have come to our Pingfu Town, and it is estimated that the qualification test will be arranged today, sister, you should take Chunyue and follow me to Fang City."

"But Chunyue is only four and a half years old, less than five years old, ......

" "Sister, why are you so brainless, counting the ten months you were pregnant in the womb, Xiao Chunyue would have already turned five years old." It

can be said that over the years, Yuan Yi has been looking forward to this day in his heart every day.

But when this day really came, she was panicked, apprehensive, uneasy, and even wanted to retreat.

"Wait a minute, let's say goodbye to this big cypress tree and then go. Before leaving, Yuan Yi suddenly took Qing'er's hand and looked at the windless old tree in the yard.

"What are you doing with it, sister, why are you getting more and more strange.

"Bye-bye can't delay a few hours, Chunyue, you also worship with your mother."

Yuan Yi couldn't say why she worshiped this old tree, maybe she didn't know the bottom of her heart and wanted to find comfort in this way, but what appeared in front of her at this time was an old man who often practiced swords under this old cypress tree.

"Mother, I'll say goodbye. The

daughter's voice called Yuan Yi's slightly trance mind back, she shook her head, and then looked at the shadow of others under the old cypress tree, and then remembered that the husband and wife had moved away from Pingfu Town for a year.

"Okay, let's go.

She took her daughter's hand, nodded at Qing'er, locked the door, and the three daughters headed towards Fang Market together.

As Qing'er guessed, the monks of Changchun Gate did intend to conduct a qualification test on the children around five years old in Pingfu Town today.

I don't know if the people sent by the Changchun Sect looked at Elder Qin's face, and relaxed the requirements when recruiting disciples in Pingfu Town, or the qualifications of the children who grew up in Pingfu Town have improved, in short, in the past few years, three or five children in Pingfu Town have been accepted by Changchun Gate every year.

"Next. "

Finally it was Yuan Chunyue's turn.

Under the gaze of the 'two' relatives, she turned around step by step and walked to the capital measurement platform.

"Age, four and a half years old...... the first level, the female cultivator who was responsible for touching the child's bones hesitated, but still let the little girl go.

"Put your hands on it. In the second level, the male cultivator in charge of testing qualifications said expressionlessly.

At this time, the four-and-a-half-year-old Yuan Chunyue's face tightened, she didn't know what the mentality of other children was before the capital test, anyway, her heart was very eager to have a good spiritual root and be able to pass the test of Changchun Gate.

It's not that she has the idea of desperately wanting to change her fate at such a young age, mainly because she doesn't want to disappoint her mother.

A small hand rested on the spirit measuring stone, and then, it emitted a light that was unique to detecting the lower grade spirit root.

The male cultivator in charge of this level finally had a subtle smile on his expressionless face, and immediately announced: "Superior grade spirit root, obtained the qualification of a disciple of the outer sect of the Changchun Sect."

Offstage, Yuan Yi, who clenched her fists, heard that her daughter passed the qualification test, she didn't shout as she imagined, nor was she excited enough to hug Qing'er, she just relaxed her clenched fists slowly, and tears flowed silently down her cheeks, but she couldn't feel it at all, and she didn't care about wiping it, the corners of her mouth cracked, revealing two rows of white flowers' teeth, like laughing and crying.

The noisy sounds around her ears went from nothing, and then from there to nothing, she suddenly felt so tired, very tired, heaven and earth had been turned upside down in her sight, and then a familiar and gentle voice told her

, sleep, sleep, sleep...... "Sister, sister......

" "Mother, mother......"

Zhang Chongyang seems to have really lived a grandfather-like life since he came to Echo Valley.

Every day, he doesn't need to run around for life, he doesn't need to make talismans, he doesn't need to refine his body, he spends most of his time refining qi, and a small part of his time is allocated to cultivating sentiments, such as boxing and practicing calligraphy.

Looking at the poem "Early White Emperor City" from a certain poet immortal that he had just written, he finally showed a satisfied look.

Look at the trash can at your feet, good guys, it's all scrapped.

"Master, Godmother made glutinous rice cakes, let me bring them to you. By

the door, Luo Xiaofan walked in gently with a bamboo basket carrying pastries, he was already ten years old, and he had not yet begun to grow.

In addition, the godmother in his mouth is Xiao Sanniang's Aunt Feng.

In the past year, Aunt Feng probably used her concern for Xiao Sanniang on Luo Xiaofan, Zhang Chongyang and Xiao Sanniang also saw it in their eyes, and as soon as the two of them combined, they let Luo Xiaofan recognize Aunt Feng as her godmother.

"Well, it tastes good. Zhang Chongyang picked up a piece of glutinous rice cake and took a bite, not hesitating to praise it.

Luo Xiaofan glanced at the ink treasure written by the master, and read it silently in his mouth: "...... The light boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

"Master, you have written this poem very well today. Is it taught by immortals?"

Before, when Zhang Chongyang practiced writing, he liked to be vassally elegant, transcribing some poems from his previous life, when others asked, he was not too embarrassed to say that he wrote it himself, so he said that it was taught by immortals, but he never thought that today, his student was so bold that he dared to make jokes about him.

But Zhang Chongyang also knows that part of the reason is that the relationship between their 'master and apprentice' is getting closer and closer, and the other part is that his student has gradually become more confident.

"Stinky boy, dare to make fun of your teacher, it's itchy, right?" Zhang Chongyang was naturally not really angry, he picked up a piece of glutinous rice cake again and said while eating: "When the ink is dry, hang it up."

"Good Master. Luo Xiaofan looked at Zhang Chongyang who walked out of the study, and hurriedly responded.

"Sir. Zhang Chongyang walked into the teahouse, originally planning to make a cup of tea by himself, but he didn't expect Aunt Feng to know his habits and make tea for him here early.

Zhang Chongyang was not polite, sat down calmly, took a sip of tea from the teacup, and said: "Sanniang said last time that she was going to retreat for seven days, count the days, and it should be out of the customs today, Aunt Feng, you can take out all the silver carp meat in the inventory and stew it later."

"Okay sir, then I'll arrange it. "

Well, let that guy Xiao Fan do things, don't let him be idle.


In the heavily guarded cultivation room of the Xiao family, Xiao Sanniang retreated for seven days, and finally let her cultivation take a step closer, she opened her eyes, checked her cultivation, and felt that it was not far from the perfection of the Qi Refining Realm.

"I finally distanced myself from my husband again.

Xiao Sanniang smiled self-deprecatingly, got up, and prepared to go back to the Bamboo Forest Courtyard.

After she left, Xiao Hetang and the four elders of the family had a small meeting again.

"Yu'er should be about to complete her qi refining, and the family should also think about her foundation. "

Haha, Yu'er is worthy of the hope of my Xiao family, she has made so much progress in just one year, and the old man thought that it would take at least two years for her to be promoted to the perfection of qi refining.

"Don't be too boastful of the Great Elder, Yu'er is working hard, but the family has invested a lot of resources in her this year.

"Family master, great elder, you two don't want to sing and harmonize anymore, hurry up and get down to business. "

Okay, then I won't talk nonsense, after I discussed with the Great Elder, we decided to use the favor left by the ancestor to Yu'er. "

Family master, didn't the ancestor say that the family can't use that favor until

it is life and death?" "If the family really lives and dies, what is the point of using it or not?" As soon as Xiao Hetang's words came out, there was no opposition in the hall.

Xiao Sanniang, who had already gone back, obviously didn't know that the family had made a very important decision behind her back.

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