Subtitle: The Last Meal!



As soon as Xiao Sanniang came back, she couldn't help but knead the rabbit flowers, and the smile on her face revealed the ease of stealing half a day's leisure.

"Aunt Xiao, you're out of customs. Luo Xiaofan came out of Zhang Chongyang's study, just saw Xiao Sanniang coming back, and said hello.

"That's right, Xiaofan, how are you studying lately?"

Xiao Sanniang said for her husband, because she knew that Zhang Chongyang didn't care much about his student's studies, as if he said that their family's teacher taught too rigidly, but he didn't teach himself, so Xiao Sanniang didn't dare to agree on this matter.

"Aunt Xiao, I have already caught up with the third stage of the course. The

so-called third stage is equivalent to learning the third year course, Xiao Sanniang nodded after hearing this, and asked him to continue to work hard.

"By the way, Aunt Xiao, today the master made another poem.

"Really? I'll take a look.

Xiao Sanniang said, picked up the rabbit flower and walked into the study.

"Early White Emperor City, the name is quite domineering.

In the kitchen, Zhang Chongyang knew that his wife was back, but he was processing the wildflowers that he had just picked outside the bamboo forest, and he planned to create a romantic feeling for tonight's dinner, so he didn't have time to go out to greet him.

"Aunt Feng, is this flower basket beautiful?"

"Good-looking lord, Miss Yu will definitely like it when she sees it."

As soon as the conversation between the two ended, Xiao Sanniang walked into the kitchen with the rabbit flower in her arms and Luo Xiaofan behind her.

"What kind of good thing is it that I will definitely like when I see it?"

"Miss Yu, you're back." "

Well, Aunt Feng, thank you for your hard work. "

It's not hard.

After Aunt Feng and Xiao Sanniang greeted each other first, she explained: "It was the master who personally picked the flowers for you."

"How about it? Do you like it?" Zhang Chongyang picked up the flower basket he had just made before Aunt Feng's words fell, and let it be presented in front of his wife from the most beautiful perspective.

"Wild flowers have to be planted properly, why do you have to break them all. Xiao Sanniang is upright, and the light in her eyes can't be concealed anyway.

Zhang Chongyang explained solemnly: "The flowers bloom and bloom, it is a short and beautiful process, so even if I don't pick them, they will soon wither, and now, I let them release their charm before they wither, I think these wildflowers are not eager to do so, otherwise...... They won't be so beautiful now, Sanniang, what do you think?"

"I think...... The husband is right. Xiao Sanniang wanted to say in her heart that this was crooked reasoning and nonsense, but in the face of the atmosphere that Lao Zhang had compiled so 'carefully', she didn't want to destroy it anymore, so she followed his words.

Taking the flower basket, Xiao Sanniang leaned over and sniffed, the fragrance of the flowers was overflowing, but what she inhaled was not only the fragrance of the flowers, but also a trace of sweetness.

She and Zhang Chongyang have also been husband and wife for four years, and they have already passed the stage of shyness, but at this moment, when she met someone's gaze, she seemed to have regained the feeling of the deer crashing that year, and her cheeks unconsciously had two more blushes.

Zhang Chongyang saw his wife's reaction, and the happiness in his heart was also presented in his expression.

He beckoned everyone to sit down and officially opened the ceremony.

Before he started eating, the first piece of meat was sandwiched into Xiao Sanniang's bowl first, Zhang Chongyang said:

"This is the last silver carp hot pot, Sanniang you have to eat more tonight." He

knew that his wife had eaten Bigu Dan during the retreat, and he had also tasted it, how to say it, the effect was like glucose in his previous life, but in terms of taste, it was even inferior.

"The last meal...... The silver carp meat is finished?" Xiao Sanniang reacted to herself.

"It's been a year since I ate it.

"Ah, is it a year so soon?" Xiao

Sanniang couldn't help but sigh in her heart, time was really like a white horse, obviously she felt that she had only been back for a few months, but it had been a year.

But this is because she has been in retreat for at least half of this year, and I think that before she took revenge, it was a year, which was really long.

Eat and drink enough, tonight is another full moon night.

Because Xiao Sanniang's cultivation was about to reach the perfection of the Qi Refining Realm, in order for her to successfully break through the foundation, the Xiao family took out the experience, experience, and precautions left by the ancestors about foundation building in the next few days for Sanniang to look at it carefully and repeatedly.

In this process, she will not shy away from Zhang Chongyang, which is equivalent to saying that they are a husband and wife who study and discuss together.

On this day, a ray of light flew from the west and landed on the Ethereal Peak, alarming the other four major families in the Echo Valley.

"There is a foundation building master who went to the Xiao family. "

Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know, but I remember that the ancestor of the Xiao family seemed to be the guest elder of the Seven Star Sect, and probably the Xiao family should still have some connection with the Seven Star Sect."

"The Seven Star Sect 300,000 miles away, that's one of the seven major forces in our Nebula Domain...... I didn't expect that the ancestors of the Xiao family had been dead for so many years, and they could still have a relationship with the Seven Star Sect.

"It is estimated that it is a backhand left for the Xiao family, and I don't know what happened to the Xiao family, and they need to use this relationship. "

I've heard some rumors. "

Oh, Brother Simon, don't sell it, let's listen to it. "

There is a junior in the Xiao family named Xiao Yu, I don't know if you have any impression

?" "Xiao Long's daughter, I remember that she seems to have a high-grade spiritual root, isn't she missing?"

"I came back last year, and I heard that I also brought back an elderly Taoist couple.

"That's right, it's her, as far as I know, the Xiao family tightened a lot of industries last year, and also looted a lot of resources, all of which were spent on her alone.

"Hehe, the Xiao family has obviously been a little anxious in order to cultivate another foundation over the years, obviously not in line with the good development law of a family, if it fails this time, I am afraid that it will be greatly damaged."

"It's a bit radical, but before the Xiao family only spent a lot of money to purchase the foundation building pill from Qingyunmen through the relationship of the Zhu family, and this time they directly used the relationship of the Seven Star Sect, it seems that the Xiao family has great hope for their junior to build the foundation."

"......" Xiao Family's

reception hall, Patriarch Xiao Hetang and the four elders personally came forward to receive this guest of the Seven Star Sect.

It's still a young-looking female Tsukiki.

But it is obviously not the 'Xu Hong' elder mentioned by the ancestor of the Xiao family in the ancestral training.

At this time, the five old men of the Xiao family, who usually 'show off their martial arts', couldn't straighten their waists in front of this young woman Zhuji.

Carefully entertained, for fear of offending.

The female Zhuji is a straightforward character, and she has no interest in pretending to be deep in front of the five old men, so she said bluntly:

"A few Xiao family members, don't be tempted, my name is Su Mingyue, and I am a disciple of Elder Xu Hong, I heard the master say that she owed Elder Xiao Zhan a favor back then, and today I came here on behalf of the master to repay this favor." As long as your Xiao family's request is within a reasonable range, I will meet it. "

Now that Su Mingyue has expressed his position, the five people of the Xiao family, no, the five old men are no longer going around, and after exchanging glances with each other, Xiao Hetang, the head of the Xiao family, stood up and said their purpose.

"Senior Su, my Xiao family is bothering you to go on this trip this time, and you do have something to ask for.

Su Mingyue didn't speak, and motioned for Xiao Hetang to finish his words in one breath.

"There is a junior in my Xiao family, the qualification is a high-grade spiritual root, there is one in the Chinese New Year's Eve today, and the cultivation is about to reach the consum......mation of the Qi Refining Realm

," Xiao Hetang said that the key point was broken again, but Su Mingyue had already guessed what the Xiao family meant, but instead did not rush to express her position, but said: "Xiao family master, I need to meet your Xiao family junior first."

"It's nature, it's nature. "

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