Zhang Chongyang didn't expect that one day he would be reduced to digging soil.

"Alas, I already knew how to learn a retreat.

After digging for three days in a row, Zhang Chongyang roughly estimated that he was already about 3,000 meters underground.

Through the divine sense, the place where the spiritual liquid was born was already 'close' to him.

But the increasingly hot temperature reminded him all the time that there should be a lava line down there.

"Strange, isn't magma supposed to be at a depth of more than 10,000 meters above the surface?"

Zhang Chongyang boasted that if the geography he learned in the middle school classroom in his previous life was not wrong, then either this world is special, or this place is relatively special.

He was more inclined to the latter.

Because magma can be dug up for thousands of meters, then this area must be a volcanic belt.

But as far as he knew, there were no craters in the vicinity.

The further down he digged, because the temperature was getting higher and higher, Zhang Chongyang also began to struggle.

If he hadn't been busy for so many days, he would have really wanted to quit.

On the fourth day, he went 500 meters deeper.

On the fifth day, he dug only three hundred meters.

Up to now, the Dao robe on his body was no longer enough to withstand the high temperature, and he was completely shirtless...... To be precise, it was Chiguo who went into battle.

Fortunately, the effect of the body refining achievement played a key role at this moment, if it weren't for this, even with the protective shield of his ninth layer of qi refining in such an environment, it would not be enough to support it for too long.

On the sixth day, even if you don't use your divine sense, you can still hear the sound of magma bubbling in your ears.


a roar, the stone that Zhang Chongyang had penetrated fell into the magma, and it didn't even splash a drop of rock liquid.

But his eyes suddenly brightened, and a magma vent about a hundred meters in diameter appeared in his sight.

At the same time, Zhang Chongyang guessed that this magma mouth might normally be too irritable, and it erupted from time to time, melting into a space that was not much smaller than the burial ground created by the sword maniac above.

The ground left behind by the cooling of the magma is potholed and pitch black, and it is not at all beautiful.

However, Zhang Chongyang worked hard not to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but to hunt for treasures.

He landed lightly on a reef, staring at the black lotus in the center of the lava mouth.

I saw that it had nine petals, and between the slow contraction and closing, it would 'spit out' spiritual bubbles.

These spirit bubbles are not liquefied by the high temperature of the magma, but float upwards.

As they merge into the rocks, they gather more and more, and they become drops of spiritual fluid.

Please forgive Zhang Chongyang for being a dirt bun and don't know what this black lotus is, but just because it grows in magma and can also give birth to spiritual liquid, it can be proved that this must be a spiritual treasure.

And it is also a spiritual treasure of extraordinary value.

At this moment, a melody suddenly flashed in his mind: Finally waiting for you, fortunately I didn't give up ......

The treasure is right in front of you, and anyone else will definitely take it for themselves.

Zhang Chongyang is naturally clichéd.

It's just that in the face of this great temptation, he did not lose his mind.

Yes, Zhang Chongyang is worried that there will be some unknown dangerous creatures hidden under this magma.

So, he planned to observe and observe first.

By the way, the best escape route in case of danger after the treasure hunt has also been designed.

One stick of incense, two sticks of incense, half an hour passed, and Zhang Chongyang suddenly moved.

He summoned the flying sword into flight mode in advance, so that once he encountered danger, he could escape as soon as possible.


Perfection level rapid step, with the cultivation of the ninth layer of qi refining, under the instantaneous explosion, his speed was so fast that he almost broke through three times the speed of sound.

Puff puff

~ There was a continuous sonic boom in the air.

"It's not good, it's really dangerous~"

intuition told Zhang Chongyang that there was really something in the magma, and the other party couldn't estimate his strength, so he had been quietly hiding under the magma and waiting for him.

Fortunately, he was explosive and fast enough, and his sudden attack caught the other party a little off guard, so that when it launched an attack on the invaders, Zhang Chongyang had already obtained the Black Lotus, and took the flying sword, and rushed directly into the passage he had opened up these days.

"Fortunately, I didn't use the Imperial Technique at that time!" Sure that the

danger was not chasing, Zhang Chongyang breathed a sigh of relief and began to review it as an afterthought.

In fact, at the beginning, he was going to use the Imperial Technique to take the Black Lotus away, but after thinking about it, he didn't do that, that is, he guessed that there was a very high probability of some guardian beast hidden in the magma;

The efforts of these days are tantamount to wasted efforts.

Of course, there must have been a certain amount of risk in grabbing it directly, but wasn't he ready to flee for his life at any time, and the chance of winning the spirit treasure in this way was greatly increased.

His strategy turned out to be correct, and everything that just happened is the best example.

Returning to the space barrier created by the sword maniac, Zhang Chongyang was still not in a hurry to check the black lotus, but used his divine sense to check whether the unknown creature in the magma had caught up.

Recall, Zhang Chongyang found that not only did he not even see what his opponent looked like, but he didn't even judge what his strength was, so he was so scared that his butt urinated, which was also a little ridiculous.

But if you think about it deeply, his mentality just now is like a thief going to someone's house to steal something, and it is normal to be frightened.

Well, while the metaphor is a bit self-ashamed, that's the way it is.

An hour later, the top 1,000 meters of the four-thousand-meter-long underground tunnel was refilled with stone and soil by Zhang Chongyang, and the warning in his heart was also reduced to a safe range, so he took the black lotus out of the storage bag and began to study.

"Why don't you spit out spiritual bubbles?" Zhang Chongyang took the risk to take away this black lotus, didn't he just take a fancy to its ability to make spiritual liquid?

Who would have thought that without the magma, it would die.

Then, Zhang Chongyang also intuitively felt that the spirituality of this black lotus was being lost, maybe it was his wrong way of preserving, but the problem was that he didn't know this thing at all, and knew that it was not adaptable, and the result was that his existing conditions could not be used to the right medicine at all.

Zhang Chongyang stared at Heilian and thought about it again and again, and a sentence drifted through his mind: the most beautiful ingredients often only need the most primitive cooking methods.

Even Zhang Chongyang felt that most of his thoughts were violent and ruined, but he had no other better choice at the moment.

After making up his mind, Zhang Chongyang began to refine this black lotus.

I have to say that as a spiritual creature that produces spiritual liquid, it contains so much spiritual energy that Zhang Chongyang is even a little dumbfounded.

He didn't dare to swallow this thing, he just refined it outside his body, so he wasted a lot.

Fortunately, this space is very stable, and there are few spiritual energy that can overflow, which makes the spiritual energy here stronger and stronger.

It seems that in the end, it is also cheap Zhang Chongyang.


It had been a whole month since Zhang Chongyang entered this space barrier, and at this time, his body was already full of Qi Refining Realm.

But he was still cultivating, and even entered a state of mystery, and around his body, there were faintly some immature Dao intent rudiments circulating.

At this moment, Zhang Chongyang's brows moved, and if outsiders were present, they would find that this was an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Although he didn't have a foundation building pill on his body, Zhang Chongyang obviously had no intention of giving up, and even he had already started to run the foundation building technique passed on to him by Sanniang: Seven Star Decision.


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