
Zhang Chongyang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a trace of loss flashed in his very tired and sluggish eyes, and then whispered:

"Did you fail?" "

It seems that the problem I am most worried about has happened...... Poof~"

Another mouthful of blood spit out, a touch of pain appeared on Zhang Chongyang's face, he immediately threw away his distracting thoughts, took out the only two remaining healing pills and sent them directly into his mouth, and then crossed his legs and settled down, concentrating all his energy on suppressing the backlash caused by the failure of foundation building.

It can be clearly seen that his breath at this time is very disordered, indicating that the situation is not optimistic.

If Zhang Chongyang looked at his attribute panel at this time, he would be shocked to find that many data were jumping sideways repeatedly, especially the lifespan length and qi refining cultivation.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, Zhang Chongyang suppressed the backlash damage of the failure of foundation building.

When he opened his eyes, his face was pale as if he had grown ten years old, his beard had grown a lot, and his hair was fluffy, looking very embarrassed and sloppy.

However, Zhang Chongyang, who has always loved cleanliness, didn't care about his image at this time, he let out a long breath, a miserable smile appeared on his face, and said lightly:

"Bah, Lao Tzu, this can be regarded as not hitting the south wall and not looking back."

In fact, long before the opportunity appeared, Zhang Chongyang had a hunch that his breakthrough this time would not be too smooth.

But he didn't give up, first of all, he didn't resist the temptation of building a foundation, and secondly, he also had a little luck.

Therefore, the failure of this foundation building is actually expected for him.

At least he proved that he had a realm bottleneck, and his attribute panel seemed to only give away opportunities to break through.

I just don't know, in the same realm, his attribute panel will give him several breakthrough opportunities, if there is only one time, it will be ......

Soon, Zhang Chongyang found that the backlash of his failure to build a foundation this time seemed to be '100 million points lighter', like the thick experience of the Xiao family that he had read before, it was not a regression in cultivation, it was also a serious injury to his vitality, and it was even worse, he fell into the realm, or lost half his life.

And his condition is much better, not even as seriously injured as the last two times, his breath is disordered, but his cultivation has not regressed.

Zhang Chongyang stood up and moved his muscles and bones, and his joints made a clattering sound like fried beans, and he realized that his breakthrough seemed to have taken a lot of time.

Pinch your fingers, good guy, it's over...... Two months.

"I didn't even starve to death?!" Zhang

Chongyang himself felt a little incredible, but he looked at his hands and touched his cheeks again...... It's true that I've lost a lot of weight.

It may be that the stomach has not consumed anything for too long and has forgotten to send him a hunger signal.

Zhang Chongyang took out the dry food and water, and found that he had no appetite at all, so he simply drank a few sips of water, as if he remembered something, and hurriedly checked the attribute panel.

[Name: Zhang Chongyang

] [Lifespan: 106/150 (-1) →149] [Realm: Nine Layers of Qi Refining: 99 (-1) → 98/100; Refining Essence: 99/100

] [Exercise: Changchun Gong Qi Refining Chapter Complete: 890/1600

] [......] [Divine Power: Sword Intent: 13/800

] [

Daoji: Tai Chi Kendo: 1


Zhang Chongyang didn't care about the lifespan of -1 at all, and the qi refining cultivation was -1, at this time, his burning gaze was completely attracted by the content of the latest 'Dao Ji' column on the attribute panel.

"Yay, yes die...... Misfortune and blessing are relied on, and blessing and misfortune are lurking, which is probably what I am talking about. Before

the retreat, Zhang Chongyang's whole mind was to break through the foundation, and he didn't think about comprehending any Daoji at all, after all, he didn't know how to comprehend.

Who would have thought that if you have the intention to plant flowers and flowers will not bloom, you will unintentionally plant willows and willows.

The foundation building failed, but the road to the foundation found its direction.

Zhang Chongyang knows that in addition to luck, there are four key factors that he can comprehend Tai Chi Kendo by mistake.

First, the notes left by the sword maniac and the ancestor of the Xiao family all described Dao Ji as superb, and a seed had already been planted in Zhang Chongyang's subconscious.

That's why when he hit the foundation, the question 'What is Daoji' flashed in his mind.

Second, Black Lotus.

Zhang Chongyang had to admit that he had greatly underestimated the black lotus at the beginning, and its greatest value was not just as simple as containing rich aura, nor was it producing spiritual liquid, but helping people to achieve enlightenment.

Otherwise, even if he wanted to break his head, he would not be able to find a path of Taoism by himself.

Third, consummation-level Taijiquan.

Obviously, Tai Chi Kendo was not created by Zhang Chongyang from '0' to '1', but he deduced it from his own perfection-level Taijiquan.

Fourth: Dacheng Sword Intent.

The sword intent played more of a role in Zhang Chongyang's comprehension of Tai Chi Kendo, which was to add fuel to the fire.

It is an auxiliary, but it is also a good auxiliary, because if it is missing, Zhang Chongyang may not be able to comprehend Tai Chi Kendo this time.

In addition to the above four processes, in addition to the 'one', the last three were all completed by Zhang Chongyang in the state of 'enlightenment', and the memory was not too deep, so that just now he was only immersed in the emotion of the failure to build the foundation, and he failed to realize that he had opened the door of the Daoji for the first time.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Chongyang, who was full of joy and sorrow, calmed down his excited emotions.

After a while, he vented: "Damn, with Tai Chi Kendo, do you still want to trap Lao Tzu with the bottleneck of foundation building?!hahaha, hahaha......"

At this moment, Zhang Chongyang not only swept away the haze of foundation building failure, but also was full of pride, as if he felt that building a foundation was no longer enough to worry about, and Jin Dan was his new goal.

He glanced at the small mound, walked over and said: "Sword madman senior, Zhang Mou is not talented, just a few miscellaneous spirit root qualifications, this year is one hundred and six, because of you, today opened the door of the Daoji, I came to thank you."

After speaking, Zhang Chongyang really thanked him.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion, he felt the small mound in front of him move.

"Alas, it seems that the body is malnourished, and they are hallucinating.

Zhang Chongyang had no appetite for the dry food on his body, and he was going to go to Qiantang County to have a good meal.

Half an hour later, a somewhat skinny white-haired old man walked into a restaurant and ordered a meal that eight people couldn't eat, which naturally attracted the jokes of the surrounding diners.

"Mother, you see that old man has eaten a lot, isn't he afraid of being strangled to death?"

"Senior brother, look at the old man behind you, I'm afraid I didn't reincarnate as a starving ghost in my previous life, but I can eat it so much. The

old man of "......"

is none other than Zhang Chongyang.

In fact, he was in a good mood, so he ignored some of the discussions mixed with ridicule in his ears.

But why do people always have to come up and find their own death......

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