"Hey old man, do you have the money to pay the bill when you order so much by yourself?"

Zhang Chongyang looked up at a few gangsters who came up, touched his somewhat full stomach, a touch of playfulness flashed in the corner of his eyes, and then directly put a gold ingot full of ten taels on the table with a 'bang'.

In an instant, the eyes of several thugs straightened.

The diners in the restaurant also cast their eyes in this direction, and some of them showed greed.

Zhang Chongyang saw that a piece of gold scared these gangsters stupidly, and he had a hint of playfulness, so he turned his hands, as if he was doing a trick, and another ingot of gold was put on the table by him.

Ingot after ingot, and soon a golden mountain was piled up in front of Zhang Chongyang.

"Now, do you still think that I have the money to pay the bills, old man?"

Zhang Chongyang's voice not only woke up a few gangsters, but also made everyone else come back to their senses.


For a while, the sound of swallowing saliva came and went.

"Gold, a lot of gold, rich, haha, rich. Several

thugs were completely fascinated by the mountain of gold in front of them, and even forgot the basic process of their usual extortion, and reached out directly to snatch the gold.

It's just that Zhang Chongyang waved his sleeves and put them all away again the moment their hands touched the gold.

"Where's the gold?"

"Old man, you dare to tease us, I see that you are tired of life." The

first thug raised the knife in his hand and beckoned to the top of Zhang Chongyang's head.

Zhang Chongyang shook his head, at this point, he also put away his playfulness, and the moment he got up, several sword qi emitted from his fingertips to take the lives of these gangsters.

The others in the restaurant thought that a bloody scene was about to be staged, but in the blink of an eye, the old man had disappeared and disappeared out of thin air like a ghost, and several thugs still maintained an offensive posture, motionless.

A Jianghu man cautiously walked over and touched the gangster's body, and the next second, the gangster's body smashed directly to the ground with a poof.

Everyone was shocked, and saw several other gangsters fall to the ground one after another, this strange scene directly scared the only little girl in the restaurant.

The quack, who had just revealed his greed, was already in a cold sweat at this time, and he held his trembling sword and flicked a corpse on the ground, only to see that at the center of his eyebrows, wisps of blood were bubbling out, and he was already lifeless.

"Senior brother, old man...... No, the old gentleman is a master master, right?"

"This means, not only the grandmaster, the predecessor must be an immortal!" Before

long, the diners in the restaurant dispersed in a hurry, and Xiao Er was forced by the shopkeeper to come over to check the situation, and he found that on the table where the old fairy was eating, there was a silver ingot that was just worth the money for this meal.

The lonely one was placed in the position of the previous golden mountain.

After Zhang Chongyang came out of Qiantang County, he had no intention of returning to Echo Valley, and he was ready to continue to go to the bottom of the river to perfect his Taiji Kendo.

But before that, he suddenly remembered the little girl of the Wu family, so he drove the flying sword to the sky above Wujiagou and took a look twice.

On the ground, the little girl of the Wu family was holding a small wooden sword and following a few older children to learn the swordsmanship left by Zhang Chongyang, suddenly as if she sensed something, she looked up at the clouds, but unfortunately she didn't see anything.

Because Zhang Chongyang has already left.

"Sister Xiaohua, Uncle Er Niu said, you have to focus on practicing swords, don't get distracted. "


This time, Zhang Chongyang probably won't come to Wujiagou again.

He returned to the bottom of the river.

"Tai Chi is born from Wuji, the mother of yin and yang. "

If you move, you will divide, and if you are quiet, you will be together, and you will stretch with the song." "


" "The void spirit is topped, the air sinks into the dantian, impartial, and flickering.

"If you look up, you will be high, if you are deep, if you enter, if you advance, if you retreat, you will be more urgent." "

At the bottom of the Tongsha River, in the space barrier, Zhang Chongyang's left hand Tai Chi Boxing and right hand Tai Chi Sword are deducing his own Tai Chi Kendo.

It's been another month since he last went out.

In this month, he not only recovered from the injuries left by the failure of building the foundation, but his body was not so thin.

is that the progress of Tai Chi Kendo is relatively slow, and in a month, it has only reached 2%.

But thinking that the notes of the ancestor of the Xiao family said that Jiang Daoyi, who was the holy spiritual root, also built the foundation ten years later than the 'genius' of the same period, it seemed that such progress was understandable.

There were not many rations prepared in Zhang Chongyang's storage bag, so he stopped his cultivation and prepared to go outside to buy some daily necessities today.

"I don't know if Sanniang has built a foundation?" "

After purchasing from Qiantang County, Zhang Chongyang, who was full of food and drink, missed his wife a little.

He pinched his fingers and calculated, with his current cultivation progress, if nothing else, eight and a half years would be enough to extend Tai Chi Kendo to 100%.

If it takes another half a year to build the foundation, then there will be less than a year left before the ten-year covenant.

"Time is of the essence. "

In a flash, winter is here again.

Ice and snow froze the entire river.

Zhang Chongyang broke through the ice, and the sword rose into the air, but his direction this time was not Qiantang County, but Echo Valley.

He didn't plan to return to Echo Valley to cultivate, just to purchase some spiritual rice, it is true that in the entire Dafeng Dynasty, the aura in Echo Valley is the strongest, and it is also the most suitable for immortal cultivators to live, but Zhang Chongyang, who has reached the perfection of the Qi Refining Realm, does not have high requirements for the aura of heaven and earth, and besides, the concentration of aura has no effect on his derivation of Tai Chi Kendo.

This is also the reason why he was able to cultivate at the bottom of the river until winter.

However, after leaving this time, I probably won't come to Jiangdi to cultivate again.

Yunzhou, Bailing County, Xishi Town.

There is a mountain called Qingniu Mountain.

There is a view on the mountain, called the Green Cow View.

Previously, Zhang Chongyang traveled to the rivers and lakes and drank wine with an old Taoist on this Taoist temple.

After nearly a year, Zhang Chongyang came to visit, but he didn't expect that the Taoist temple was still there, but the old Taoist had frozen to death in the Taoist temple.

Just at the foot of the old road, there is an empty wine gourd.

Zhang Chongyang sighed lightly, for the sake of having a meal together, after he left, next to the dilapidated Taoist temple, there was a newly dug small mound.

There are many monks in the Echo Valley, and Zhang Chongyang must be too high-profile if the Imperial Sword enters, and that is not his style.

So he honestly took the Xiao family's ship and passed through a hole thousands of meters long before entering the Echo Valley.

At the foot of the Ethereal Peak, although the guards of the Xiao family did not stop Zhang Chongyang, he saw a little contempt for himself between the eyebrows of several people.

He couldn't teach these Xiao family juniors a lesson, in fact, from their demeanor, Zhang Chongyang saw the attitude of the entire Xiao family towards him after Sanniang left.

In fact, this kind of situation is not a person's tea and coolness, because the Xiao family has never accepted Zhang Chongyang from beginning to end.

Now that Xiao Sanniang is gone, the Xiao family is even more lazy to pretend.

In this regard, Zhang Chongyang said: It doesn't matter, as long as your Xiao family doesn't regret it when the time comes.

Walking into the Bamboo Forest Courtyard, Zhang Chongyang appeared behind Luo Xiaofan, but the students did not notice his arrival.

But in front of Luo Xiaofan, there is a tomb, and the inscription on the tomb reads: Feng Ying's tomb, the righteous son Luo Xiaofan.

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