"Master, you, you're back......"

"Hmm. Zhang Chongyang looked at the student's haggard appearance, patted him on the shoulder, turned to look at the tomb, and asked, "How did you die?"

"The godmother died of illness." Luo Xiaofan replied.

After Zhang Chongyang left, Luo Xiaofan was often bullied by his peers in the Xiao family, and he endured it at first, but his forbearance was exchanged for the other party's intensification.

Once, several juniors of the Xiao family, who often bullied him, beat him up and said bad things about Zhang Chongyang.

Luo Xiaofan didn't hold back this time and fought with them

, because he practiced Tai Chi every day, his physical fitness was very good, and although the juniors of the Xiao family who bullied him had come into contact with cultivation, they had not yet succeeded in refining qi, and Luo Xiaofan caught one person and beat him as if he didn't want to die, and the result was that he injured 800 enemies and lost 1,000 himself.

Afterwards, the beaten brother had someone to support him, and Luo Xiaofan had only one godmother behind him, and he was still a subordinate, so it was impossible to get justice for him.

At that time, he was still in a coma for three days, so he didn't know that Feng Ying knelt all night outside the Xiao family ancestral hall for him before he asked for some healing pills for him.

It was also on that night that Feng Ying contracted a cold, and when Luo Xiaofan's injuries were taken care of, she herself fell ill and dragged on for half a year, but her body was too weak, and she finally died before winter.

"Go, Master, get justice for you.

Zhang Chongyang called the students, took the rabbits, and walked towards the hall of the Xiao family.

At this time, in the courtyard of the head of the Xiao family, he was also discussing the topic that several old people of the Xiao family who had learned that Zhang Chongyang had returned.

At this moment, a housekeeper hurriedly walked in and reported:

"Family master, Senior Zhang came to the hall and said that he wanted to see you. "

He would take the initiative to come to see me?" Xiao Hetang was quite surprised.

Then he exchanged glances with a few elders and came to the Xiao family hall together.

When they saw Luo Xiaofan behind Zhang Chongyang, they probably guessed the purpose of Zhang Chongyang finding them as soon as he came back.

"Master Xiao, I don't talk too much nonsense, I heard that after I left, several juniors of the Xiao family often bullied my students, and almost beat him to death, do the Xiao family need to give me an explanation for this matter?"

"Hmph, Zhang Chongyang, you just came back, but you just listened to your student's words, so you asked me that the Xiao family wants to explain, is it too dismissive of my Xiao family?" Xiao Hetang said angrily, the more he looked at the 'grandson-in-law' in front of him, the more unpleasant he became.

The eldest elder, who has always liked to play the role of a good man, also felt that Zhang Chongyang was a little too much this time, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

In the face of Xiao Hetang's verbal pressure, Zhang Chongyang sneered and said coldly: "You say that my student is one-sided, then call out those classmates who bullied him to confront him face to face." Also, if the head of the Xiao family thinks that Zhang is seeking justice for his students, he doesn't take your Xiao family seriously, then yes. "

You...... Licentious. Xiao Hetang slapped his palm on the coffee table, and immediately slapped the coffee table apart.

In fact, he has long been unhappy with Zhang Chongyang, but with his granddaughter present before, he is not good at tearing his face, but now that Xiao Sanniang has gone to the Seven Star Sect, this Zhang Chongyang still dares to be so unscrupulous in his Xiao family, not angry, I really think that the Xiao family has no way to take him.

"Master Xiao, I don't want to make things too ugly, so I came to ask you for justice for my students, since you are unreasonable, then I will ask for justice myself...... Leave.

Dropping this sentence, Zhang Chongyang was ready to leave with the students.

"It's really lawless, I don't make you suffer some hardships today, I really treat my Xiao family as a soft persimmon.

Xiao Hetang gathered momentum and slapped it at Zhang Chongyang.

Although this palm is not a killer move, if it hits, it can also seriously injure people.

It's a pity that Zhang Chongyang has long been on guard, I saw that when he turned around, a sword qi emitted from his fingertips, in front of this sword qi, Xiao Hetang's palm wind was like a papier-mâché tiger, and it was shattered as soon as it came into contact, and this sword qi offensive continued to move forward.

Xiao Hetang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person was like a great enemy, and in a hurry, he couldn't be surprised why Zhang Chongyang was so powerful, and hurriedly mobilized his whole body strength to resist this sword qi.


In the end, he was still wounded, leaving a bloody sword mark on his chest, although it was not fatal, it was not a minor injury.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the field was particularly solemn, but both sides maintained a certain degree of restraint.

At that time, the five old men of the Xiao family never thought that they were all at the ninth level of qi refining, why Zhang Chongyang was much stronger than them when he was a loose cultivator.

And the other four elders estimated in their hearts that the sword qi that Zhang Chongyang had just activated casually, if any of them came to pick it up, they would also be injured.

Even, on the premise of not opening the family formation, even if the five of them shoot together, they are afraid that they will not be opponents.

At the same time, Zhang Chongyang was also a little surprised by his strength, because he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Obviously, he just activated a sword qi casually, and he almost killed an old man at the peak of the ninth layer of qi refining.

When did the ninth layer of Qi refining become so weak?

' No, I'm too strong now. Zhang Chongyang secretly affirmed in his heart.

He put away his thoughts, swept to the five old men in front of him, and finally focused his eyes on Xiao Hetang, and said in a deep voice:

"Xiao family master, do you want to kill me?" "

No, you are Yu'er's husband, I never thought of killing you, but you repeatedly provoked me Xiao family rules, as the head of the family, you should teach you a lesson." "

I have to say that the sword just now really made Xiao Hetang's temper restrain a lot.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you. To state my position, I, Zhang Chongyang, am not your Xiao family, and the Xiao family's family rules cannot be used on me.

Zhang Chongyang continued to stare at Xiao Hetang and said: "For the sake of you being Sanniang's grandfather, I will endure this tone of attack on me." Now ask again one last time, my student was bullied, did the Xiao family give me an explanation?"

The five old men of the Xiao family felt the powerful momentum emanating from Zhang Chongyang, and finally bowed their heads to him.

"Here, the Xiao family will give your students an explanation.

When the five helmsmen of the Xiao family relented, soon, several classmates who had bullied Luo Xiaofan at the beginning, along with their parents, were brought into the hall.

At first, a few of the little kids who had made the confession didn't admit it, but in an atmosphere where even their parents felt suffocated, their psychology soon collapsed and they all recruited.

"Bastards, kneel down for the old man. "It was the elder of the Xiao family who made this roar, and the people who targeted it were the juniors of the Xiao family.

Soon, Zhang Chongyang took his student Luo Xiaofan and a rabbit out of the Xiao family hall and left the Ethereal Peak.


I have to say that after seeing the edge of Zhang Chongyang's sword, the five old men of the Xiao family all regretted it a little.

However, they didn't know that that sword was only the tip of the iceberg of Zhang Chongyang's strength.

Even he doesn't have a clear idea of how strong he is now.

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