Yunzhou, Bailing County, Xishi Town.

In a teahouse, a few foreign businessmen heard an old man at the next table telling them that there were immortals living in the Qingniu Temple on Qingniu Mountain, and they felt funny, so they interjected: "Old man, you said that there is an old

fairy living in the Qingniu Temple?

What the old man said is true, the year before last our town was haunted, several people died, and people were panicked, it was solved by the old gods in the Qingniu Temple, if you don't believe it, just ask someone to inquire about it, and you will know whether what the old man said is true or false.

"Haha, of course I don't believe it, even if what you say is true, it can only prove that at most it is a Taoist priest with some ability, do you know what the word fairy means?"

The old man was still about to argue, but he saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy outside the teahouse walking over with a bamboo basket on his back, and stood up excitedly and chased out.

Several foreign businessmen were confused, so they asked Xiao Er the reason for the teahouse, and Xiao Er said: "The one who walked over with a bamboo basket on his back just now is the disciple of the old fairy on the Qingniu Temple."

"Immortals still eat mortal food

?" "Shouldn't all immortals eat and drink dew, or eat the essence of the sun and the moon?"

Several foreign businessmen exchanged glances and laughed at the locals for sitting in wells and watching the sky, and their superficial knowledge.

And the locals, who listened to their conversations, laughed equally at their arrogance and ignorance.

Luo Xiaofan carried a bamboo basket of living supplies, and after leaving Xishi Town, he drove for a long time, and finally came to the foot of Qingniu Mountain.

He wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, and without resting, he began to climb along the mountain road.

When he climbed halfway up the mountain, a layer of dense fog made his visibility less than three meters, if he was an outsider, it was easy to get lost in this dense fog, but he wouldn't, in the past eight years, he didn't know how many times he had walked, and he was already familiar with this fog array.

When Luo Xiaofan finally climbed to the top of the mountain, the golden crow bird who couldn't wait could only leave the red clouds in the sky to cheer for him.

"Chirp~" A little rabbit as white as snow saw Luo Xiaofan come back from purchasing, and he greeted him with a short and thick little tail.

"You little rabbit, why are you getting more and more doggy. Luo Xiaofan nodded at the little rabbit with the words taught by the master, and at the same time took out two strawberries from his arms and gave them to it.

The little rabbit swallowed it and followed Luo Xiaofan's footsteps to catch up.

"Snack goods, your mother hasn't eaten yet. As he spoke, Luo Xiaofan put down the bamboo basket, bent down and picked up one of them, looked at the master who was cross-legged on the edge of the cliff in the distance, looked up at the sky, and then said,

"It's time to make a fire and cook." Luo

Xiaofan put down the little rabbit, carried the bamboo basket into the house with both hands, and glanced at the 'old man' lying on the futon and pretending to sleep, not wanting to disturb its rest, and his steps were lighter.

But it still woke up the rabbit flower, and it opened its eyes, which had already lost its former liveliness and became more and more gentle.

Luo Xiaofan knew that the tastes of their mother and daughter were different, one liked to eat meat, and the other liked to eat fruit, so he cut off a piece of cooked beef that he bought from the restaurant, put it in the bowl of rabbit flowers, and handed it to its mouth, and said softly: "Eat." "

The rabbit flower smelled the fragrance, so it was 'reluctantly' to get up and eat, it should probably be old, and it didn't eat a few bites, and then lay down again.

With his head resting on the futon, he looked at his 'old friend' who was busy in the kitchen and his daughter scurrying around his feet, and vaguely saw his own shadow.

After preparing the meal, Luo Xiaofan didn't see his master come back for a long time, walked out of the house, and the top of his head had been replaced by a sky full of nebulae, he looked towards the edge of the cliff, only to see a sharp sword running through the heaven and earth, more brilliant than the galaxy tonight.

He rubbed his eyes, it turned out that he had seen it wrong, where was a sword, it was clearly the back of the master.

Luo Xiaofan didn't go over to ask his master to eat, he was afraid of disturbing his master's cultivation.

Seeing that the firewood in the yard had not yet been chopped, he took an axe and began to chop.

When the firewood was finished, he was also so busy that he was sweating profusely, in fact, he had the cleaning charm refined by the master, but he didn't use it, he took off his coat, and directly drew a bucket of water from the water tank, raised it above his head, and poured it from head to toe.


Just after winter, even if it was a scorching sunny day during the day, there was still a hint of coolness in the air, so Luo Xiaofan shivered.

didn't notice that Zhang Chongyang had already come to the courtyard.

"The spring is cold, so if you take a bath like this, beware of catching a cold.

Luo Xiaofan rubbed his face, turned to look at his master, and smiled honestly: "Thank you for your concern, my body can bear it."

Zhang Chongyang didn't say anything, nodded and entered the house.

"Master, dinner may be a little cold, you sit down first, I'll warm it up.

"No, just eat it, your master and I are not so squeamish.

Seeing Zhang Chongyang say this, Luo Xiaofan didn't bother anymore and personally served a bowl of rice in front of the master.

This meal was also eaten by the two of them, the rabbit Xiaohua had just eaten the fruit, and his mother's piece of beef had not yet been eaten.

In the kitchen, after Zhang Chongyang had dinner, he didn't get up and leave, but looked at Luo Xiaofan, who was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks.

Unconsciously, this child has been with him for twelve years, and although he is not tall, he has indeed grown into an adult.

If at the beginning, Zhang Chongyang accepted him as a student, which was just an expedient measure, then after 12 years of getting along, the 'master-apprentice' relationship between the two is somewhat mixed with some father-son affection.

Zhang Chongyang doesn't like to take risks, so it doesn't hurt to continue to take Luo Xiaofan with him, but this child has grown up after all, he already has the ability to face life alone, and he has reached the age of starting a family ......

He felt it was time for him to let go, too.

"Xiao Fan. "


Luo Xiaofan looked back, for some reason, he felt that the atmosphere tonight was a little depressing.

"You are eighteen years old this year, you are already an adult, have you thought about your future plans?"

Faced with Zhang Chongyang's question, Luo Xiaofan's heart suddenly burst, he hesitated, and replied seriously: "Master, I ...... I just want to be there for you forever.

Zhang Chongyang was not surprised by the student's answer, he admonished: "If you don't have spiritual roots, you can't practice in this life, and if you can live for a hundred years, you will live a long life...... After all, you are my student, not my servant, understand?"

"Master, I still want to serve you all the time.

Zhang Chongyang saw that the student's eyes were firm, and he knew that he could not persuade him, so he got up and brushed his sleeves and said, "That's it, from tomorrow, you can go down the mountain."

After saying that, he left ruthlessly, and in the kitchen, two lines of tears silently burst out of Luo Xiaofan's face.

The night was deep, the moon was very bright, and the sprinkled moonlight was shining on the young man on a mountain, and I saw him kneeling, and I didn't know what mistake he had made.

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