
On the third night when Luo Xiaofan knelt outside the Taoist temple, there was a sudden strong wind, lightning and thunder, as if God was moved by his sincerity.

In the Taoist temple, Zhang Chongyang was still sitting on a futon with his eyes closed, and there was no joy, anger or sorrow on his face, as if he was determined to drive the students down the mountain.


the second half of the night, Lei Gongdian and the Dragon King finished their shifts, and a pouring rain finally arrived as scheduled.

The bean-sized raindrops smashed on Luo Xiaofan's body like arrows, bringing not only the chill of early spring, but also the consumption of his will.

Luo Xiaofan's body was already crumbling, and at this time he was on the verge of the limit, as if he would faint at any time.


At this time, the rabbit flower rushed out of the Taoist temple under the heavy rain and came to Luo Xiaofan's side, with a piece of food in its mouth, looking up at its old friend, its gentle eyes were already moist, and it was impossible to tell whether it was tears or rain.

In the past two days, this is not the first time that Rabbit Flower has come to feed Luo Xiaofan, but he hasn't eaten it.

This time it was the same, Luo Xiaofan lowered his head and glanced at Rabbit Flower, spoke, and said in a weak, hoarse and dry tone: "Go back, look at your hair is wet."

Rabbit Flower and Luo Xiaofan struggled for a long time, seeing that he still refused to eat, and knew that the source was in the master, so he dragged his wet body and rushed into Zhang Chongyang's retreat again, bent his back knees, and knelt down very humanely.

After a long time, a soft sigh came from the room, and Zhang Chongyang, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes, he looked at the rabbit flower kneeling in front of him, and knew that it was pleading for the student who was still kneeling outside.

It's just ......

"Alas, that's it!" Zhang

Chongyang sighed again and stood up, but he also had an extra cleaning charm in his hand, and he used it on the rabbit flower to help it dry its wet hair, after all, it was old, unlike its daughter, it was wet in the rain, and it would be fine to shake it.

Luo Xiaofan's body has reached a limit at this time, and he can still stay awake, and he is holding on with willpower.

At this moment, a pair of vague figures gradually became clear in his pupils, Luo Xiaofan gritted his teeth and raised his head, saw that it was the master who walked in front of him, and shouted: "Husband...... Pedant.

"Get up, why bother with your own body. Zhang Chongyang suppressed the emotions in his heart and said without being salty.

"Master won't drive me away, student...... The students just got up. Luo Xiaofan was very weak, but said very firmly.

"What a donkey, let you go down the mountain for your own good. Zhang Chongyang pretended to be angry and persuaded.

"I know, but the student just wants to serve the Master.

Looking at Luo Xiaofan's persistent and firm eyes, Zhang Chongyang's heart softened, opened his mouth, and almost let go.

But in the end, he flicked his sleeves and turned around and entered the Taoist temple.

The next day, the rain stopped suddenly, and the golden crow, which had rested for the night, quietly emerged from the mountains in the east.

On Qingniu Mountain, the dense fog that originally only lingered halfway up the mountainside actually reached the top of the mountain under the dappled sunlight.

And in the midst of this thick fog, a young man kneeling outside the Taoist temple glanced sideways at the colorful light, his pupils gradually dilated, and soon he lost focus, and his whole body fell to the spot.

This night, Zhang Chongyang also did not rest, he stood by the window of the Taoist temple, staring at the students kneeling in the courtyard, many thoughts flashed in his mind.

But long before Luo Xiaofan fainted, he had already changed his decision.

It's just that he also wants to see how long this student's willpower can hold him up.

Luo Xiaofan woke up in his own bed.

But he didn't know that he had been in a coma for a day and a night.

His knees were still aching, but he forced himself out of bed and limped out of the bedroom.

He doesn't know the situation now, so he wants to see the master as soon as possible...... If the Master still drove him down the mountain, then he was reluctant to leave this time.

Zhang Chongyang was not practicing, but was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

Although he has been doing it by students for the past eight years, his craft is not unfamiliar at all.

After all, it's a dish of rice porridge that couldn't be simpler.

"Master?" Luo Xiaofan appeared by the door holding on to the door frame, looked at Zhang Chongyang, who was busy on the stove, and shouted.

"Wake up.

Zhang Chongyang came over with a bowl of porridge, handed it to the student, and said, "Drink this bowl of rice porridge." "

Thank you, Master. Luo Xiaofan took the bowl with both hands, but his body fell because he almost lost his center of gravity.

Zhang Chongyang no longer concealed his concern at this time, and said, "My knee still hurts." "

Hmm. Luo Xiaofan responded while drinking porridge, but he still didn't know the bottom of his heart.

"Then hurry up and heal your injuries, because ......" Zhang Chongyang said this, paused slightly, and then continued: "I may have to let you kneel again." "

Huh?" Luo Xiaofan was puzzled, first surprised, and then seemed to have figured out something, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

"Master, my knees are fine.

In order to prove what he said, Luo Xiaofan then endured severe pain and jumped twice in front of Zhang Chongyang.

"Don't worry, heal your injuries first. Zhang Chongyang did not let go, nor did he expose him as a student.

In a flash, seven days later.

At the top of Qingniu Mountain, on the edge of a cliff.

Zhang Chongyang woke up from his understanding, and in the next second, the whole person rose into the sky like a sharp sword out of the sheath, and the flying sword appeared in his hand at some point, and slashed down with a sword without hesitation towards a mountain opposite.

Slashed out a magnificent sword qi thousands of zhang long, and this sword qi seemed to contain an incomparably terrifying aura.

When it touches its target, the whole mountain is cut through the middle like a piece of tofu.

The incision was very smooth, and in one word, it was: Run!

Then Zhang Chongyang also landed on the top of the mountain that he forcibly divided into two, feeling the remaining Tai Chi sword intent at the incision, he nodded with satisfaction.

'Open the Properties panel. '

[Name: Zhang Chongyang

] [Lifespan: 114/150 (+10)→

160] [Realm: Ninth Layer of Qi Refining: 99/100; Refining Essence: 99/100] [Exercise: Changchun Gong Qi Refining Chapter Complete: 1600/1600] [......] [Divine Power: Taiji Sword Intent: 119/800



Daoji: Taiji Kendo: 99

% →100%]

"I didn't expect to be able to break the upper limit of life by casting a Daoji, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy, hahaha~"

At this moment, Zhang Chongyang's mood is not wonderful.

Then, he looked at the top of Qingniu Mountain, and saw that a young man who was not tall there was looking at this side, his face was full of surprise, he smiled and muttered, "It's time to accept my big disciple." "

Yes, he plans to officially accept Xiao Fan as an apprentice, even if he is just a mortal.

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