Qin Yi subconsciously clenched her palm, and her green tendons bulged on the back of her hand. This woman is too assertive, sometimes too calm and stubborn, and she is too clear about what she likes or dislikes.

After saying so much and doing so much, he guessed that what she wanted was a piece of paper and an agreement to end their relationship?

At this time, I can actually understand it with reason and move it with emotion. If it were other girls, they would have been moved and surrendered in the face of his intentions. 30% of the shares of brilliant group and more than 100 billion assets, there was not a word of love in her mouth.

The air pressure around him was getting lower and lower. He tried to restrain his impulse to overturn and crush everything that could be moved.

He didn't do that. After all, he was afraid to scare her.

Today is her birthday. He wanted to realize all her wishes for her.

He knew that she returned to Zhai's house today. Her mother Xia yuan mentioned that the old man had left her a will. When his subordinates contacted Zhai Ming, they learned that Zhai's shares were about to be fully taken by Zhai Ming.

Therefore, he wants to ensure her integrity, send her 30% shares today and draw up a plan to buy Zhai's.

Even if she said she would complete Zhai's acquisition within one day, he would be willing to do everything possible to achieve it.

But I never thought that these are not what she wants, so what does she want? An agreement to dissolve their relationship, or the diary?

Remembering the divorce related materials she saw in her bed yesterday, Qin Yi's face was like ice and his eyes were cold: "do you still want a divorce?"

Xia got up from the sofa early, his lip moved, and finally he didn't say it.

Qin Yi sneered. The beautiful smile spread around the corners of her mouth. Turning around, there was despair she couldn't see.

"You... Hugh..." before thinking, a soft body suddenly hugged him from behind.

Xia zaozao's cheek pasted on Qin Yi's back, vaguely felt his strong back muscles, and her suddenly pasted and became some stiff lines.

"Qin Yi, dare you..." Xia zaozao pressed his back tightly, obviously felt the man move, and then said, "give me a month."

She knows that what he wants to say is "you can't think of it" and that his bottom line is divorce. Therefore, she won't mention these two words to repay what he has done to her. It's too ruthless. It's no different from crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

"Give me a month to know you again, know you, and even fall in love with you."

Speaking of the last sentence, Qin Yi's eyebrows and eyes were slightly raised. He realized that the woman was negotiating with him in her own way, and the conditions would not be so simple. He turned around and faced her, didn't speak, but waited for her to continue.

The room was quiet only with each other's breathing, and the two people looked at each other.

"Before that, can you not force me?" Xia zaozao looked at him with clear eyes without a trace of impurities. After the age of 18, only this way can protect herself. She thought very clearly.

Especially the day he rushed into her room and almost killed her.

She didn't want to hand herself over before she was sure whether he could deliver it.

She had already figured out the future for herself. She thought that even if she lost everything in the end, she would at least have a chance to retreat.

"You mean, if I don't force you to fall in love with me in January, or let go?" Qin Yi's smile was frozen on his lips: "it's not fair."

"Don't you dare?" Xia zaozao boldly provoked. Just now, his tears were whirling. At this time, he was like a cunning fox.

"Easy, you win, I let go, if I win -"

Qin Yi's evil smile suddenly aroused, his face pressed down, pinched her chin, and said in a bewildered voice, "I want you to have a child for me."

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