"What? Dare you?"

Qin Yi imitated Xia zaozao's appearance, but took her into the army. She hated Xia zaozaozao's teeth and could only smile on her face: "so, you agree?"

Qin Yi acquiesced, but his big hand slid all the way down from Xia zaozao's chin and across her slender neck. Her perfect chest curve reached her smooth abdomen:

"Agree, because I want to plant my seed here."

Summer squinted slightly early and pulled the corners of his lips. He was not angry. Instead, he said like a floating cloud: "come on, Qin called the beast."

Qin Yi picked up the corner of his mouth and smiled with a certain momentum.

Seeing that Xia was in a trance early, how could it be clear that he had the upper hand in this gift, but now he felt that he had gone into the pit?

Her mind instantly filled up the tragic picture of the Yellow faced woman dragging a nest of crying babies, which frightened a soul.

I only saw the man leaning back naturally. Looking at the early summer, half a ring picked up the broken low voice and said, "happy birthday."

Xia zaozao slowly raised her eyes, but the simple four words made her heart shake in a mess.

"Thank you."

The words fell, and there was a knock outside the door.

With permission, Zhou Zhu pushed the door in: "Mr. Qin, your father just called and said he was downstairs."

I was still hesitant to inform the boss. After all, there are many lonely men and women in the office. If I disturb, I'm afraid it will be bad. If I don't interrupt, the boss's father will come to check the post. In case of a hot scene, I'm afraid the old man's heart can't afford it, and it is said that the old man has high blood pressure.

Xia zaozao said wisely, "then I'll go first. I just made an appointment with Li Xiao."

"I'll wait for you at home in the evening."

"Why, do you still want to celebrate my birthday? What if I don't come back?" Xia said jokingly.

"How dare you?" Qin Yi said with a smile, but his eyes were strong and inviolable.

Xia didn't look back early. She waved to Qin Yi and left the office.

Passing by Zhou Zhu's location, Zhou Zhu said humbly, "Miss Xia, are you leaving now?"

"Yes." Xia zaozao thought that Zhou Zhu had blocked her at the door and wouldn't let her in. Although he knew that he was doing what he was told, he couldn't help but hate him: "I'm going to kill the child now."


Zhou Zhu almost spat out: "Miss Xia, you are so funny."

Xia zaozao looked in at the president's office: "does your company only recruit men?"

Zhou Zhu shook his head: "to be exact, only married men are recruited."

"Don't you think it's weird?" Xia zaozao suddenly lowered his voice: "haven't you heard?"


Xia zaozao submitted a look you know like Zhou Zhu.

Zhou Zhu also miraculously understood: "do you mean that our boss likes married men?"

"I didn't say that. That's what you said." then he looked up behind Zhou Zhu: "President Qin."

"It's this move again, I won't be fooled by you!" Zhou Zhu stared at Xia zaozao proudly, but didn't look back.

Suddenly a dark shadow came down and felt that there was something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. Zhou Zhu shouted in his heart. He was so frightened that he got up quickly and turned his head. Sure enough, he saw their boss standing behind him with a dark face.

Confucius said that only women and villains were difficult to raise. He was really right. He was ordered by the boss to prevent all female creatures from entering the boss office. As a result, the woman wrote a divination and a mistake became eternal hatred.

This woman can't be the boss's girlfriend or wife or something.

If it's true, a boss with uncertain weather, dark belly and material is enough for him to be frightened every day. In addition, this ancient spirit, strange and jealous Miss Xia, if their husband and wife are united, a thousand lives and plug-ins are not enough for him to play.

"President Qin, I..."

Qin Yi ignored Zhou Zhu, but glanced at Xia zaozao: "don't go yet, waiting for the child to be born?"

Xia zaozao turned around and ran away.

It was this sentence that surprised Zhou Zhu, so that his eyes were about to fall off. He swallowed his saliva hard, secretly looked at the boss, looked at Xia zaozao's back, and his eyes were full of spoil

Qin Yi looked at Zhou Zhu's silly appearance and knocked on his desk to make him recall: "in the future, Miss Xia will come and let her in directly without notification and appointment."

"Yes..." my God, Zhou Zhu sat down paralyzed with fear. His soul swam in the air and didn't return for a long time

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