Xia couldn't say the following words early, his voice was out of tune, and his eyes were astringently red.

She suspected that she was about to cry.

The servant was startled to see Xia zaozao.

Just Xia ran with her life early, as if she were crazy. She also ran with her life.

The servant went in to see the situation and said happily, "Miss Xia, it's all right. It's a false alarm."

"A false alarm?"

"Come in and have a look. He has a heartbeat again."

Xia zaozao was like having a nightmare and suddenly woke up.

When I walked in, I saw several servants gathered around the bed, and they all had a false alarm expression.

Xia looked at the people on the hospital bed early and lay silent. In a sleepy state, his whole body also exuded a breath that can't be approached.

Pale lips stained with coagulated black blood, flowing all over the neck

Xia zaozao's breathing was very quiet, as if he was afraid to wake him up, and his steps were also very quiet.

When I came to the window, I saw the ups and downs of his chest. Although it was very weak, it was obviously moving.

As she breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately scolded:

"Why don't you figure it out first?"

"I don't know... He really didn't heartbeat and breathe just now..."

"It's probably shock for a few minutes," said a servant suspiciously. "Sometimes shock is like this."


Anyway, Qin Yi is fine. Her heart is at peace at last.

But maybe it was just that that frightened her. She couldn't leave him like this. Looking at him who has always been strong, he was tortured like this, and his heart was also very uncomfortable.

She just wanted to draw a line with him forever and never want to see him again.

Is such a requirement difficult? Why do their lives seem to have to be tied up?

She found that it was a mistake for her to promise to marry Yan Sheng.

Because Yan Sheng refused to let Qin Yi go, their old grudge doomed her not to escape Qin Yi, but also to be involved in an inexplicable dispute

This step, she went wrong.

Soon, the doctor came to Qin Yi in spite of the wind and rain. After checking Qin Yi, he determined that he was in shock.

"Some shock is only heartbeat and no breathing; some have no heartbeat and no breathing," the doctor explained.

"Then why is he in shock?"

"Maybe he was lying on his back, coughing out blood and blocking his throat..."

Because Qin Yi's hands and feet are bound - afraid that he will do something to hurt himself again.

But unexpectedly, this limited his movement, but made him cough blood and couldn't get up and spit out.

Xia zaozao immediately asked the servant to untie him and asked the doctor, "why does he cough up blood?"

"He has a serious stomach disease and is deteriorating rapidly..."

"Stomach disease?"

Xia zaozao didn't know that Qin Yi had stomach disease, and his heart throbbed violently.

"Is there any way to stop him from getting worse?"

"He has to take medicine and eat more mild food... Of course, the most important thing is to eat three meals on time. No panacea can compare with eating on time."

It's more difficult to make Qin Yi eat on time than to kill him.

If it goes on like this, it's lucky that there will be an accident one day

We must get him out quickly. His time can't afford it!

"Make a big pot of porridge and keep it hot at any time for him to eat when he is hungry." Xia zaozao ordered him to fetch water himself and wipe the blood around Qin Yi's mouth.

At this time, she could not care how Yan Sheng would get angry when he saw her taking care of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi had long eyelashes and fell into a coma.

Xia zaozao gently wiped his beautiful eyes, nose and eyebrows

Wipe the blood off his mouth.

He was injured, but he didn't let anyone take close care of him. He hasn't taken a bath yet - of course, the wound doesn't allow him to touch water.

But he didn't even scrub. His body exudes a strong smell of blood, which is a little smelly.

Xia played a basin of water again early and untied his buttons

Help him scrub his whole body thoroughly, and ask the servant to bring clean clothes.

Xia wiped his sweat early. He was so heavy and his wound couldn't move. It was difficult to take off his clothes.

Just tossing, one hand suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Xia zaozao felt his strength and moved all over

He's awake.

Is he wrong? She's taking care of him!

He actually woke up five minutes ago. He smelled her. The lingering smell involved him and made him wake up from the dark.

He wanted to indulge forever, but he was afraid that it was just a dream.

"It's you." his low voice echoed in her ear, "summer morning, is it you!"

An earthquake struck early in summer.

"Are you taking care of me?"

"You're in shock." Xia zaozao immediately pulled away, and his voice became flat without waves. "Your mouth is full of bloody taste. Rinse your mouth."


"Rinse his mouth."

Xia broke off his hand early and stayed away from the bed.

The servant took the water cup and was knocked over as soon as he approached

He smiled coldly and said, "don't you care about me? How can you come to see me in the middle of the night?"

Summer pursed her lips early.

"Take care of me secretly while I'm sleeping? If you know you can't see anyone, you're not afraid of Yan Sheng's unhappiness?!"

"You think too much!" Xia zaozao said, "I just heard the news that you are dead, so I came to see your face."

"Er..." the servant said hesitantly, "you've just been in shock for 5 minutes. You don't have a heartbeat and breathing. We really think you're dead."

"My husband is not at home tonight, so if you really die, I have to think about how to deal with the body." Xia hardened his heart early, "and your smell is too strong. I just came here to stand for a while and was smoked too much."


"This house is stinking. I don't want to come in at all!"


"In addition, your stomach disease is very serious, which leads to your hemoptysis shock," Xia stared at him early. "If you don't eat in the future, I'm afraid you'll really die one day."

"Aren't you very happy that I'm dead?"

"As I said, I don't want my prey to die immediately, because - my revenge on you has just begun."

Qin Yi's lips rolled up strangely.

He thought he was not afraid of her revenge. I would rather be hated by her than forget myself.

But if her revenge is related to other men, his eyes can't hold any sand.

He would never tolerate her marrying someone else, climbing into another man's bed and having children for him.

Now, I'm afraid Xia has done it early - only the last step.

She can't wait to show him her happiness and torture his misfortune with her happiness.

For Qin Yi, the cruelest is undoubtedly the woman she loves deeply. She is willing to shoot him with a gun

That gun hole may remain in his heart forever.

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