"It's getting late. Take good care of him. Remember to feed him... I'll have a rest."

Xia turned around early and left.

Qin Yi said coldly, "if I fast?"


"You also used this move in those years." he stared coldly.

"Qin Yi!"

At that time, in order to find out who told the secret, he punished everyone not to eat.

And this time, when he fasted, what did she do to let him eat?

It doesn't matter to him to punish anyone.

Xia zaozao put up with patience on his face: "how can you eat well? - except let you go."

Qin Yi seems to be waiting for this sentence: "come and see me."


"Come to see me every meal."

Xia zaozao looked back at him in surprise. She came to see him. Would he like to eat?

The handsome and evil man sat there, and the light shone on his gloomy face. He looked really thin and haggard. I don't know whether it's because of the injury or whether he has lost a lot of weight

For a moment, it seemed a little strange.

Xia zaozao was distressed. He always gave her the feeling of being far and near.

When he stuck to her, he couldn't get away like an octopus. When she finally got used to his stickiness, he suddenly stared at her with strange and alienated eyes.

Xia answered in silence early in the morning, "I'll come after you eat every day. If you don't eat, I won't come."

"Make me another puppet," he offered a second condition.


He was clearly a prisoner, but he could negotiate terms with her in such a dignified manner. His fierce manner remained the same as before.

Xia zaozao should have rejected him. Why can he veto every time she talks about terms. And now he talks to her, but she has to agree?

"OK," Xia zaozao finally agreed, "I promise you to supervise you every meal. I'll make you a puppet."

"I want to play a recording in the puppet. In the recording, I want to hear the most beautiful love words in the world."

"Don't push an inch!"

The servant came in with porridge. Qin Yi urgently needed to eat something to cushion his stomach at this time.

Xia zaozao said quickly, "I've agreed to your requirements. You eat now. Otherwise, I'll never come to see you."

This threat seemed to work. When the servant approached again, Qin Yi stopped making trouble.

When feeding him porridge, he ate it too

But the eyes stared at her for a moment, as if afraid that she would leave.

Xia frowned early and couldn't move because of his eyes.

There is a balance in my heart——

If he didn't care about himself, why did he rob the wedding place.

If you don't care about her, why does her love with Yan Sheng stimulate him?

Or maybe it's his possessiveness!

Xia zaozao doesn't want to be amorous


"Bad! When can't master Yan even make a woman?"

Ji youze opened another bottle of whisky, touched him with the mouth of the bottle and drank it directly.

Two men who were also depressed by women were drinking at night with their collars open. Surrounded by beautiful women, fat and thin, they didn't arouse their sexual ~ desire!

Yan Sheng pulled his lips coldly: "she has a strong temper."

"If it's soft, it's hard." he smiled darkly, "give her medicine."

"She must be a man who would rather do it himself than me." Yan Sheng flashed a trace of appreciation in his eyes. Xia zaozao's strength is why he is interested in her and is willing to respect her.

"When did you do that?" Ji youze took a sip of wine and said coldly, "it's not soft. Overlord is hard to bow."

Yan Sheng played with his wedding ring: "it's a pity that this woman doesn't eat hard and soft. If I have to be strong, she will kill herself."

He saw her smash someone's head with a glass bottle.

If he forces her, he may screw up his own head.

"Tut, she's so strong." Ji youze smiled coldly with his lips. "Then get her drunk and take the medicine. Record the video. When she wakes up, you show her the video and let her see how she 'strong' you."

Yan Sheng's eyes narrowed. Why didn't he think of this?


Yan Sheng laughed: "Ji youze, do you know your nickname?"

Ji youze eyebrows a pick: "said."

"Season slag slag."

Yan Sheng touched his finger with some wine and made a gesture on the glass table.

Ji youze thought about it for a while and didn't react. When he drank again, his mind flashed white, slag?

"Who took it? Your wife?"

"And your predecessor." Yan Sheng laughed a few times, "I also recognized it today."

Ji youze's eyes were narrow and swept: "do you still hurt me by giving you advice?"

"Who let you make a big bad move."

Ji youze shook the wine bottle: "do you want me, a bad friend, to help you get a good incense addict? It's absolutely colorless and tasteless, which makes women's hearts ripple."

"It's up to you." Yan Sheng smiled. I'm really enchanted by the fox's eyes. As long as the woman next to him laughs, her heart swings and gallops. Ji youze's thief exudes a smell of fury, which seduces ~ women's spring heart.

Unfortunately, it's rare to meet such two handsome guests tonight, but they just don't move their "legs"

The next day.

Fan Fei tossed and turned all night, thinking of her father in the car accident, the little star abused by Michelle, her mother eloping with outsiders, the bastard's big bitch Ji youze... How can she sleep with all her troubles and worries?

She suspected that she was going to be depressed.

Sure enough, she saw Ji youze's bitch at this time. She vowed that she would torture him severely.

Fan Fei looked at the dawn and couldn't sleep. She got up and cleaned herself up and went downstairs.

She can't wait to die. She has to find a way. If this situation is encountered early in summer, I will find a way.

When I came to the living room, I saw the man lying on the sofa. It was the man she was gnashing her teeth. Ji youze!

Fan feileng, why is he here?

Look at him sleeping on all sides, his hair is messy, and he can smell the smell of wine all the way. She guessed that he must be drunk.

Fan Fei just had no place to vent her anger. He dared to really appear in front of her

It's really anger from the heart, and evil comes to the side of courage!

It was still early. Maybe none of the servants had woken up. Fan Fei looked around and dared to pass.

"Ji youze?"

No response.

"Seasonal slag?"

Still sleeping like a dead pig.

Fan Fei raised her foot and kicked tentatively with her slippers. Seeing that he still didn't respond, she became fat, stretched out directly to his face and rolled her foot down hard.

Ji youze suddenly felt breathless

It was as if a mountain had pressed down on his face.

Fan Fei has been looking forward to stepping on his face for a long time. Unexpectedly, one day she can finally realize it and has the courage to realize it.

Unfortunately, her slippers are too soft. I looked at his big leather shoes thrown on the ground.

Fan Fei put it on her feet, picked it up and stepped on his face.

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