The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 11 - Attack on USJ Part 2

"It's fine now, Dragneel-san, Aizawa-san. Why? Because I am here!"

All Might's voice rang across the building. He was in his teacher outfit and was dead serious. Nomu who had stopped when he heard All Mights appearance, screeched out loudly.


He charges towards All Might but All Might had the high ground. The latter leaps into the air and lands on Nomu, slamming him into the ground. Nomu who was already injured from fighting with me was unable to react in time.

With Nomu in the ground, All Might lay down a rush of punches on the beast.


Kurogiri appears and warps Nomu away from that spot and near Shigaraki. By this time, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki and made their way onto the scene, and Midoriya and Asui had carried Aizawa to safer grounds.

"Ahh, this is a pain. We lost this round, Kurogiri let's retreat for now."

"Oh no, you won't." Bakugou leaps forwards and grabs Kurogiri's neckpiece, preventing him from warping away.

*Shigaraki POV*

Shit, this is really great. Nomu is beaten, Kurogiri is captured, I am surrounded, All Might is alive, and more heroes are likely to be on their way. I'll need to get an opening to grab Kurogiri and Nomu.

*Natsu POV*

While Shigaraki was thinking, I was too. How should I get rid of Nomu? I could use the fire Rasenshuriken, which I decided to call Supernova instead, but that would take time. Using Lightning Dragon Mode will probably be quicker, but will take a lot of energy out of me, I'm already drained from before.

Nomu is standing next to Shigaraki recovering. I should be able to beat it if I use Lighting Mode but it'll need to be quick. I see the Nomu stirring and starts to charge at All Might again. He also rushes and prepares to meet him, however, he falters when he sees a flash of lightning and fire beside him.

"Lighting Fire Dragons Iron Fist!"

Because of all the hits that he had been taking, his absorption quirk had reached its limit. Nomu got sent flying covered with burns and paralyzed. But he was still able to move. I leap into the air, activate my wings, and catch up to Nomu. Flying above him, I activate my next spell.

"Crimson Lotus: Exploding Lightning Blade" A blade shoots from my hands and cuts into Nomu. Upon contact, it expands and explodes in a storm of lightning and fire.

He crashes into the floor and lays there unconscious and sparking electricity.

Everyone watching this was thinking along similar lines.

"WHY THE HELL DOES THIS KID HAVE LIGHTNING???" First, he displayed overwhelming strength, then extreme firepower, and now f.u.c.k.i.n.g lightning?!?!?! This guy is too powerful.

*Natsu POV*

For the first time, these versions are pretty powerful. I wonder if there will be any way to develop it any furth...

I had fallen due to the stress on my body from the Lightning mode. I almost hit the floor but All Might had made his way over and caught me before I did

The last things I hear are, "Thank you, Dragneel-shounen," and then I passed out.

I open my eyes and I see white curtains around me. I'm on a white bed, and I realize that I am the Nurse's room. Recovery Girl notices me stirring and walks over and tell me that my body shows severe muscle stress and that I need to stretch, relax, and sleep for the rest of the day. She offers for me to stay here for the night if I want to but I decline.

She sighs and says, "Come back tomorrow so that I can check on your progress."

I stand up, but a wave of tiredness hits me, and I fall sit back down. Seems that the recoil of Lightning Dragon mode was too strong for my body to handle at this point and I had fallen unconscious cause I was too tired. Coupled with the side effects of Recovery Girl's Quirk, I felt like I hadn't slept for a week.

I look back at Recovery Girl, saying "Actually, I'll take you up on that offer."

"I figured."

Meanwhile, a certain blue-haired boy landed on the floor of a bar, followed by a tall misty man. Thankfully when Nomu got sent flying, Bakugou loosens his grip on Kurogiri and the two were able to warp away.

"F.U.C.KKKKKKK!!!!" Shigaraki yelled out in frustration. We would have succeeded in killing All Might if that pink-haired kid didn't interfere. If that fire brat didn't exist, the Symbol of Peace would be dead.

A voice came out of the TV screen. "So how did it go?"

Kurogiri, realizing that Shigaraki was in no state to give a decent report, stepped forward and begin to explain.

"Everything went according to plan until this fire and electric quirk user stopped in and began to fight Nomu. I never expected someone other than All Might to hold their ground against Nomu. He was not equal in strength but his speed was far quicker."

All for One began to speak, "Interesting, he has a Fire and Electricity quirk. That would be great for my collection."

A second voice rings out from the TV, "And? What happened to my Nomu, I don't see it with you?

"All Might appeared and began to fight with Nomu, but his shock absorption was reaching its limit. Then the pink-haired brat came in again and sent it flying with a punch coated in fire and lightning. He attacked it again, knocking it out. We took that moment to escape, but we would've also been captured had we tried to retrieve Nomu."

All for One began to laugh, "Kuhahaha, very interesting, very interesting indeed. I did expect that All Might would survive, but to think that you failed this bad."

Shigaraki was grimacing at the floor as his master berated him on his failure.

All for One's voice took a kinder tone, "Tomura, think of this as a lesson. In the future, you need to take his existence into account. I'll look into him and get some information on him. Also for future reference, don't kill him, his quirk will be very useful."

Even while he said that he was concerned about this pink-haired kid that could fight on the same level as someone made to be All Might's equal. He would be a serious threat in the future. I'll need to research thoroughly.

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