The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 10 - Attack On USJ Part 1


The wheels on the bus go round and round as Class 1-A made their way towards USJ. Everyone was talking excitedly about what they would be doing and about each other's quirk.

"If we are talking about flashy and strong, it's Dragneel, Bakugo, and Todoroki.

As my habit, I'm sitting in the back trying to hold back the urge to throw up.

"Shit, I should've run or flew here, it would've saved me this pain."

Asui looks over at me and notices that I'm sick.

"Dragneel-chan, are you ok? You look sick, do you have a fever?"

Everyone looks at me and most of them have concerned looks on their face.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little car sick. Thanks."

They look back and continue talking. There is something that I want to test while I'm at USJ. One if I can unlock a certain mode, and two how will I fare against the Nomu. I think I might be able to put up a fair fight against it. After another 10 minutes of hell for me, the bus stops.

Aizawa turns and looks at us, "Ok we're here, get out."

The moment I get off, I run to a nearby bush and start puking. Everyone else just gets off and Momo offers me a napkin that she just made.


We are greeted by Thirteen and she takes us inside. She gives a short speech on how quirks can kill and use them for good and all the standard hero garbage.


The lights on the rim of the dome and the water fountain go out.

A dark hole appears in front of the fountain. Within seconds it expands to span most of the courtyard. Then they come.

"Are we gonna fight again like in the entrance exam?" Kirishima asks excitedly and activates his quirk.

"No, stay back." Aizawa puts on his goggles and motions for him to stop. "Those are real villains. Thirteen evacuate the kids and get help."

He rushes forward and immediately starts taking out the villains. But there were too many for just one man to make a difference. His hand to hand combat skill is impressive tho.

The dark mist warps in front of us and blocks us from evacuating.

Yellow eyes peer at us out of the darkness and a voice speaks to us. "Nice to meet you, we are the league of villains. We are here to kill All Might and to do that I need to scatter you." While he was talking I started to move towards Kaminari.

Bakugo and Kirishima rush forward to attack the man but their attacks prove useless. Thirteen tells them to move but too late. Kurogiri has us trapped in a dome. I see Iida grab some people and escape from the dome before it fully forms. Dark mist surrounds all of us and warps us away to different spots in groups.


Four people land with a hard thump on the ground.

"Urgh, what happened." Jiro was the first to react.

"That was terrifying and hurt like hell!" Kaminari says and stays on the grounds. We had landed in a rocky outcrop and there were some peaks. We were most likely in the mountain zone.

"Never mind that where are we?" Momo asks.

"Still at USJ, cause look at the dome above." I point out.

"Besides, we have other matters to deal with. Get up Kaminari."

The villains had begun to make their move. All-round us, villains were appearing and sneering at us menacingly.

"Gyahahahaha, a bunch of kids will be mincemeat soon." Some creep with blades for arms was laughing creepily.

Internally I was somewhat happy, but at the same time disappointed. My plan had succeeded but the enemies here were far too few.

But you know the old saying, when life gives you villans, beat the shit out of them. That's how it goes, I think.

Without warning, I rush forward into the crowd and prepare to attack. Behind me, I can hear my classmates yelling for me to come back. Ignoring them, I start attacking.

"Fire Dragons Roar!!!"

Instantly, a row of baddies is burnt to a crisp. The people in the front hesitate as they see their accomplices beaten so easily. I continue on my way, using my quirk and martial arts to beat the villains. Left, right, above, and ahead, they came at me one after another and were swatted aside. I had to put on a show for my classmates and make it look like I'm overexerting my self while in reality, I'm not even using half my power. Compared to Kaito and other people at the gym, these people are no better than bugs.

Eventually I "lose steam" and retreat to the group. When I get back I overhear Jiro and Kaminari arguing.

"Well you're an electric man, aren't you? Use your powers and take care of them."

"I can't control my powers. I can only surround myself and discharge electricity. I'll end up zapping you guys."

"Well then be a human taser." She kicks him forwards and he runs into some big dude and zaps him.

"That's a good Idea, Jiro." I turn to Momo and ask if she can make an electric proof tarp.

Immediately she understands my plan, "Yes, but I'll need a minute or so. Can you hold them off long enough? You seem tired."

I reply with a smirk, "Just focus on making the tarp, I can handle my self." Then I make a clone and send it towards a small group of villains. They rush forwards and attack it but discover that they can't destroy it. Of course not, who can cut fire? The clone explodes, leaving a crater in the ground.

The remainder of the villains seems wary as they slowly surround us. Good, well more time for Momo. Another idiot overconfident in his ability rush at me and I cut his arm off.

"Done Natsu, come here and take cover." A large sheet appears out of her back and covers Jiro and herself.

"No thanks, I'll be fine. Kaminari, just let loose." There are two ways this will go, either it will work or go horrendously.

Kaminari looks at me in surprise, but releases a huge discharge of electricity anyway, shocking the remainder of the villains. I leap into the air to avoid the majority of it and am surrounded by the excess electricity in the air.

I start inhaling in, hoping for the best. Thankfully my prayers have been answered, and the electricity starts to move towards my mouth. I've tried fire before from a kid in the orphanage and it tasted like yakiniku. The electricity tastes metal, and overall not very pleasant.

I feel my heart pumping five times faster, and my pupils are dilating in and out. I look at my hands and I see that lightning now coats my flames. My speed and firepower were increased by folds.

"What the hell was that Natsu! Did you eat the electricity?" Jiro looks at me in confusion after she saw my actions.

Momo was also confused. "I thought your quirk was fire, but you can eat electricity as well. What does that mean?"

"To answer your questions, yes, and it's a special ability of mine. Also, could you do me a favor and not tell anyone else. Thanks." Without hearing their response's I create my now lighting coated fire wings and fly away to get to the main action.

*Shigaraki POV*

"Good good, everything is going accordingly."

Right now, Nomu was beating Aizawa to a pulp. He had both his arms broken, several bone fractures, and head injuries as well. Everything is going great. The only thing that was missing is All Might.

Someone comes flying out and lands on the ground in front of Nomu and me. Finally, All Might is here. As the dust clears, I notice something, this wasn't all might. The build is too small and why does this person have glowing wings. I see a brat with pink hair in the center and he's smiling for some reason.

"Yo Sensei, need a hand." The audacity of this kid. I almost feel like laughing. He's offering to help against Nomu. What is a student gonna do?

"R-run, Natsu. Get help." Aizawa manages to say before Nomu slams his head in the ground again.

*Natsu POV*

I look towards Nomu and my smile fades. My eyes sharpen and my flames increase.

"I'll need to repay you for taking care of my sensei," I say with a slight smile, but this smile sends chills down Shigaraki's spine.

"Nomu, take care of this brat now. He may be a potential threat to our plans."

He rushes towards me and tries to hit me. Thanks to my enhanced senses and training I was able to dodge all of his attacks but barely. The speed of this thing was amazing. However, power and speed are all that the thing had. Its skill was severely lacking, using only brute force. So when I see an opening I grab it.


"So Ji-san, what's this special technique you will teach me?" I ask the old man after he tells me the usual conditions.

"This is a series of moves that utilize the air currents to power up after each attack. So each time you land an attack, the next attack will be slightly stronger. The more attacks you land, the greater the airflow around you is, and the greater the power of your attacks. the only downside is that this may conflict with your fire because fire creates heat and it will disrupt the airflow. Its called Dance of the Warrior Gods but each move has a different name. They are Ares, Indra, Ashura, and Bishamon.

*Flashback ends*

I duck down under one of its arms and take a deep breath in.

"Dance of the Warrior Gods: Ares"

I punch into the side of Nomu and a current of air flows with it. I throw a second one, and a third, I keep up the barrage of punches infused with lightning to stun it. With each consecutive punch, I fell more and more power behind each one.

"It's useless brat. Nomu has shock absorption and super regeneration. This thing was made to rival All Might. A brat like you stands no chance."

I already know all this but honestly, villains in movies and anime are so dumb. They have a super-powerful ability or technique and reveal the weak points of it.

"So If I can't beat it, I'll cut it."


I use my gauntlets and create two long swords out of flames. It doesn't weigh much, cause it's fire, so I can dual wield them.

I cut down and remove both of Nomu's arms. I hit them both with an attack, disintegrating them. However, within moments, Nomu's arm starts to regenerate. It takes a little to break through because of the char but soon enough both of his arms have recovered, skin and all.

I turn away and aim a blast of fire behind me. Kurogiri tried to attack me while I was focused on Nomu. He barely dodges and I see his eyes narrow. In that brief moment I take my eyes off of Nomu and attack Kurogiri, Nomu launches an attack and sends me flying into a wall. Thankfully I'm not severely damaged, but that still hurt like hell.

Nomu rushes at me again preparing to make the final blow.


A dust cloud appears near the entrance and Nomu freezes and turns its head. From the dust emerged, the Symbol of Peace, All Might.

"It's fine now, Dragneel-san, Aizawa-san. Why? Because I am here!"

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