The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 9 - A Lesson and Representative

I spent the rest of the time practicing the moves that Ji-san taught me.

When I first came to this gym, I had just been looking for a place to work out and get my body in shape, but when I met Ji-san, I learned that quirks aren't everything.

*Flashback: 6 years*

A small kid with Pink hair walked into the gym asked how to sign up. After this, he went straight to the gym equipment and started working out. While I was working out, I overheard some guys talking about the fourth and fifth floors. Listening even further I learned that there was a martial art master there that could beat everyone in the gym without using his quirk.

Hearing this I got excited. I was a bit of a brat cause, like many before me, I was overconfident due to my powerful quirk. So I did the thing that any overconfident and kid would do, I went to the 4th floor, and called out the Master.

"HEYYYYYY, IS THERE A MARTIAL ARTS MASTER HERE?" The floor got quiet as they looked towards this small kid who was yelling.


I think to my self, "No way, I didn't sense him?" I turn around and see a tall smiling old man with long gray hair, a scar across his face, and red eyes that seemed to stare into my soul.

"Could you quiet down please?" he asks politely. "You are disturbing everyone here." He says this while smiling but his eyes are dead serious.

"I just want to meet this master people are talking about and possibly fight him," I respond looking up at him.

The old man, still smiling, looks at me and says, "Well, I don't know about a master, but I am not too bad at martial arts."

"Wanna fight then?"

"If you quiet down, then yes."


The old man shows me to a sparring room. I noticed that we were gathering quite a crowd, almost a hundred people were following us as we were walking. I overheard some excited chatter.

"I can't believe we get to see him fight."

"What's with this arrogant brat."

"Hope he gets his a.s.s handed to him."

When we get to the room, we stand some space apart from each other.

"Aren't you a gonna take some stance or something cause you're a martial artist or something?" I ask this because he's standing there with his hands behind his back, looking at me almost bored.

"No need to worry about me. You just attack me and we will start."

"Tch, this guy is underestimating me," I say under my breath.

With a burst of fire from my leg, I go flying towards the old man, aiming to stomp his c.h.e.s.t in.

"Haha, I'm too fast for him to see." I am about to land the hit when he turns at the last second and I go flying past. I crash into the wall and fall.

Once again I rush at him, but he keeps on dodging, this goes on for a few minutes until I fall to one of my knees, exhausted.

The old man just looks at means says, "Is that it? By the way, I haven't used my quirk yet."

"Fire Dragon's ROAR!!!" I send the blast of fire towards him, thinking that the attack are is too wide for him to dodge. When the fire passes, I see a blackened floor. Just the floor, the man is missing. I panic and start to look for him.

I look to my right and my left, then I look around and behind. He's gone, he disappeared. No way he was burnt to ash. Did he use his quirk finally? Then once again, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to my right and see the old man with his fist raised. This time, the smile was gone, and he was dead serious. When he threw his punch, I swear I saw death in big red words. I was going to die already, well shit. I close my eyes and deal with it, knowing that there is no way that I can escape.


I open my eyes and see his fist centimeters away from my face. He drops it and stares at me again.

He turns around and starts to walk away.


He stops and looks back at me.

"I like you kid, you have guts. What's your name?"

"Natsu, Natsu Dragneel."

"Well Natsu, how about this, I'll teach you martial arts, on one condition. You can't use it on innocent people. That's my only rule for people I teach martial arts for."

*Flashback ends*

So I ended up being his student and learning a lot of things for him. I also lost my bratty attitude after a year or so.

Exhausted, I look at my watch and see the time. 10:30.

Shoots, Miss Takahashi will be mad that I stayed out so late. Hurriedly, I thank Ji-san and Kaito and run back at top speed.

When I get back to the Orphanage, I see that all the lights are out. Sneakily, I sneak over to my room but when I am passing the hallway, a light turns on. Miss Takahashi is standing there, and she looks pissed.

"Natsu Dragneel, How many times do I have to tell you that curfew is at 10. looks like I'll have to teach you another lesson."

I swear women are scary.

*Next day*

As I'm running to school, I rub my head slightly as its still sore from last night's "lesson."

I notice that there is a large crowd in front of the school and realize that it's the press. When I get to the gate, I get swarmed in reporters as they bombard me with questions.

"How are All Might's Classes?"

"What's it like being taught by All Might?"

"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?

"What's his shoe size?"

I look at all the reporters and put my finger to my lip to look like I'm thinking.

Finally, I look at them seriously, and say, "18"

The reporters look like they are having a field day.

"Get that to the Office right now, we gotta get the first paper out on his shoe size."

"The Man, the Myth, the Foot, how does that sound."

Aizawa walks in a disturbs my train of thought.

"Good Work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the videos and results." He then goes on and talks to Bakugo and Midoriya about their flaws.

Then he starts talking again, "Today we'll have you..." The whole class freezes as they expect another absurd test.

"Decide on a class representative."

Everyone relaxes for a moment as they are doing a normal school activity. Then everyone starts yelling because they want the role of class representative.

Iida shuts everyone up and explains that they should do a vote. Naturally, everyone agrees and the voting begins. I decide to vote for my self because frankly, I don't care about it and I know who will end up winning.

As per Canon, the results were with Midoriya winning and Momo as his deputy.

After this, we were dismissed for lunch. Midoriya had invited me to sit with them at lunch. I saw this as an opportunity to make him less of a wuss and maybe develop his quirk more.

We are eating lunch together with Uraraka and Iida and I'm on my 4th plate of Chicken Katsu with curry and rice. Iida is explaining that he's from a family of hero's and whatnot. I am half-listening and eating curry.

A female voice over the speaker says, "There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outside promptly."

Everyone starts and panicking. They ditch their food and rush for the exit. Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya also panic and head for the exit. I stay and continue eating my curry. Using my enhanced senses and plot knowledge, I knew it was the press and that there was nothing worth leaving my curry for.

Besides, the whole situation would solve itself. Eventually, I saw Iida flying through the air and yelling at everyone to calm down that it's the press. Knowing that everything is alright now, I finish up my curry and head back to class.

There, Izuku proposes that Iid should be rather than him cause he was able to calm everyone in a "cool" way. Everyone agrees and looks happy except for those who don't care, and Momo, who looks mad cause she isn't the Representative.

*Next Day*

We all into class and surprisingly, Aizawa is there before us. He tells everyone to sit down and starts to talk.

"Today we'll be preforming Rescue in differing locations. This is a good chance for you guys to learn how to use your quirks in real situations. So everyone grab your hero costumes and wait outside by the bus. We are heading for USJ"

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