The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 8 - Mock Battle Part 2

[AN: Thank you for those that dropped power stones, I appreciate it. Anyway onto the fight. I made this one longer as thanks.]

"Let's Dance." I grin exposing my sharp teeth.

I charge forward and slash forward with my two blazing flames. Todoroki leaps back and throws up a wall of ice to block me from getting closer.

Behind the wall, I had changed one of my swords into a glowing ball of condensed fire. Thrusting it into the wall, it blows a hole through it and sends a wave of heat towards the Icy-hot user.

He ducks down and enters the stairwell to avoid the brunt of the blast.

Todoroki looks into the hallway while thinking, "Tch, this guy is strong. His use of his flames is unethical but effective. This will be hard for me."

I decided that I will wait it out because I want him to make the first move. I turn around and start walking back to the room with the bomb. Meanwhile, I'm thinking where Toru went. Suddenly behind me, I hear some crackling as Shoto tries to catch me off my guard with my back turned.

[Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang]

My hand lights ablaze and I swipe at the incoming ice, shattering it in a single blow.

Todoroki was shocked. "His back was turned and he still found out that I was sending ice his way. I even made it quieter than usual." Of course, he didn't know that Natsu had enhanced senses because he only said that he had a fire quirk.

Todoroki tries again and again trying to hit me with his ice. He tries freezing my feet and then hitting me with ice. I melt the restraints and destroy the ice. He tries to crush me by using the ice on the wall. I emit waves of fire to melt the ice. He even tries to hide the ice within the steam and attack me from all sides. I use my claws to create a Bo staff and spin it around to get rid of the ice.

*Class POV*

"Wow, he's countering all of Todoroki's attacks," Sero said excitedly.

Bakugo was quietly observing me after his defeat in the first round. Despite his attitude, he was still smart. If I want to be number one, I need to pass him first.

All Might was looking at me as well. "He's powerful and adaptive," he thought. "His large scale attack like the one at the entrance exam would cause more damage than the villain. However, he can also create tools of fire for closed campus situations." He worryingly thought about Midoriya's progress and realized that he needed to work very hard if he wanted to be the number one hero.

Eventually, I got bored and decided to end this.

[Fire Dragon's Claw]

I used a jet of fire from my legs and propelled myself forwards. Todoroki tried to block me by blasting ice at me, but I dodged. I zoomed behind him and knocked him out with a blow to the neck.

"Well, I guess I'll wait for Shoji to come to the bomb. It'll be easier than looking for him anyway."

*Shoji POV*

"He managed to beat Todoroki, I can't underestimate him." Using his quirk, he watched the pink-haired boy evade and block all of his partner's attacks. Of course, he wasn't just standing there. While Natsu was fighting, the invisible girl had tried to capture him. However, she was surprised that the boy knew where she was and ended up capturing her.

"I won't be able to fight him head-on. My best bet would be to sneak inside. No, I would get caught. I guess I'll just watch to see if he makes any movements."

*Natsu POV*

"TIMESSS UP!!!" All Might's voice rang throughout the building. In the end, Shoji didn't make a move.

"Villan Team wins!"

I watch as Todoroki get carried off to the nurse and make my way back to the observation room.

There, All Might poses the question of who was MVP.

Once again Momo answers, "Natsu performed well as a villain, successfully defeating a hero and defending the bomb. Even though his partner was captured, he was still able to fend off Todoroki's ice attacks. Shoji made the right decision to stay put, as it would've lead to him being unnecessarily beaten and captured." Once again, she had proved her extreme analysis skills and intelligence.

Then we continued onto the rest of the battles. None of them caught my attention so I just stayed in the back.

After all the training matches had finished, All Might congratulate us on doing so well during the battles and tells the class that he needs to go over the results with Midoriya. He then dashes off at high speeds leaving gusts of wind behind him. Most of the class talked excitedly about him and how cool he was.

I knew that he was getting close to his limits and needed to get out of the student's view so that he won't be seen in his cripple form.

Since it was the last period of the day, some of the kids left to go do their own thing while most of the people stayed and talked to each other.

I left cause I had to go to my gym. In this world of quirks and superheroes, many people are reliant on their quirks to do all the damage. This is shown in people like Todoroki, or Kirishima, who only use their quirk as a means of attack. People with weaker and not as heavily offensive quirks need to improvise and overcome their quirks weakness. This is shown in Ojiro, who has a not so good quirk but know martial arts, adding to his arsenal.

Besides my fire and dragon soul, I had one of the most powerful and frightening abilities in this universe. The knowledge of the plot. Due to this, I knew that no matter what, I can't just rely on my quirk, no matter how powerful.

I ran towards the city area, didn't take the train cause of transportation sickness, and stopped in front of a 5 story building with a large sign, "Platinum Gym." Here they had everything from basic stuff like weight lifting and indoor sports courts, to martial art lessons and even has sparring rooms.

The first floor was the reception, lockers, showers, and that kind of stuff. The second floor was all exercise equipment, ellipticals, treadmills, barbells, and whatnot. The third floor was basketball, volleyball, and tennis courts. It also had an indoor track. the fourth and fifth floor was devoted to martial arts and sparring. The fifth floor was filled with sparring rooms. This was because the founders of the gym was a martial artist and wanted to develop the art even in this time of quirks.

As I was walking around the floor, warming up and stuff, some of the regulars recognize me and say hi. When I get to the fourth floor, one of my acquaintances I made while at the gym, Kaito walks up to me and asks if I want to spar real quick.

Kaito is a good guy, 36 years old, he was 5'11, broad shoulders, light tan skin, and curly brown hair. Despite his large build, he had a speed enhancement quirk which was where he could inject lightning into his nervous system to make his speed and reaction time faster. This was part of the inspiration for Fire Rush, my adrenaline spell. He was also a 4th dan black belt in karate, 3rd-degree black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and recently got a black belt in Kung Fu. Overall he was one of the most talented practitioners in the gym.

(A/N: He looks like Knuckle form HxH but different hair.)

As we walked towards the sparring room, we attracted a small mob of people behind us, excited to watch the fight. I have been a regular here for a while and had a reputation for myself as well. I was well known for my absurd speed, strength, and usage of my quirk. The last time we fought, we had a close match, with him winning the last minute.

We entered the room and took our stances. He charged himself up with lightning and rushed towards me. I used a jet of fire and pushed my self to the side, easily doing his attack.

He rushes at me again, and I prepare a blast of fire to dodge, but then Kaito ducks and sweeps me off my feet. I almost do a 360 but I use my fire to spin like a top form my legs and hit him in the head. He notices this and puts up a guard, even still I knock him back a couple of feet.

Here we try to depend largely on martial arts instead of our quirks so I don't use any large scale fire attacks, only small ones to enhance my power or speed just like Kaito.

He grins at me, "You've gotten better Natsu, but still you have a lot to learn."

"Maybe you're getting senile old man." I jokingly reply.

"Is that any way to treat the person you just lost to," He says with a smirk as he looks at me.

"Whatever. Anyways, is the old man around" I ask

Kaito tells me that he is training back on the fourth floor. As I head back down, I hear people saying that I did well despite my opponent's skill.

The old man I was referring to is my Sensei, Enji-San. He was one of the Co-founders of the Platinum Gym and the one who trains me. I walk around until I see an old man with long gray hair and a scar across one of his eyes. He was a tall well-built man and a great martial artist. He had red eyes and I have never seen him use his quirk before. He was training with a wooden dummy and his hands were moving at incredible speeds.

(A/N: He looks like Senzaemon Nakiri from Food Wars, the former director of Totsuki.)

"Hey Ji-San, how have you been." I smile at him. I call him Ji-san cause the of the Ji in enji.

"I see you are still as insolent as ever." He says while continuing his training.

"Just wanted to say hi before I started working out."

"Well if that's it, then get to it."

I look at him for a little before opening my mouth.

"Can you teach me another technique Ji-san."

He stops to turn at me before looking right into my eyes. Whenever he stares at you, you always get the feeling that he staring into your soul or something. It gets creepy after a while.

"Fine, but you know the usual rules right." He was referring to the conditions that he had placed on me when I first started learning under him.

No using it on innocents. That was it. As long as I didn't use the skills I learned here on people that had nothing to do with the scenario, it was fine. That was his ninja wa... *cough* *cough* *cough*

"Alright, come here Natsu." He motions for me to come.

"What I am about to teach you is very powerful, but puts a great burden on your body. It is..."

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