The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 13 - UA Sports Festival: Obstacles

AN: My bad, when I looked back at it, the Festival was a week away from where I left off the last chapter. Thx for stones, and enjoy the chapter.

For the rest of the week, our class spent the majority of our time training. Everyone was training in one way or another, whether it be power, endurance, or control. I was working on my control over my clones. By using Fire Rush, I can increase my focus and brainpower so that I can effectively control up to three clones. The new ability that I've been practicing is just drawing with my fire. The concept is similar to my clones, where I just have to focus and concentrate to maintain the flame.

*Next Day*

As I was walking through the campus, I saw many food stalls, banners, games, and other things that one would usually find at a festival. There was an abundance of heroes that were acting for security which wasn't that surprising as we were just attacked by villans last week.

I walk into the lockers and see everyone else seated, changing, and talking excitedly about the upcoming events.

"Awww I wish that I could wear my hero costume," Mina complains as pulls on her shoes.

Tail guy looks at her, "Well to make it fair, we can't."

Deku was in a corner with Uraraka and Iida muttering things about people's quirks, "The strongest three in Class 1-A are Kacchan, Todoroki, and Dragneel."

Todoroki notices me walk in and stands up and heads towards me. The room goes silent as the tension grows between the two of us.

Todoroki begins to speak, "You are strong Dragneel-san, and you may have bested me during the mock combat. However today I will prove that I am stronger than you."

I stare back at him and smile, "Well good luck on proving that." I walk past him and head to my locker to change into my uniform.

After a little longer, a staff member walks into the room and says that we are going out soon and all preparations should start finishing up.

We start to walk towards the entrance and hear Present Mic's loud voice booming throughout the stadium, "The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel. Hero Course, Class 1-A!!!"

We walk onto the field to a tumultuous amount of screaming and cheering. Most people look around nervously and are trembling a little. After all the UA sports festival is one of the biggest events in Japan.

Present Mic continues to announce the classes, "They haven't been getting as much air time, but this class is also full of talent, Hero Course Class 1-B!" From another door, a group of people walks out. They were also met with rounds of applause and cheering. Class 1-B, our next-door neighbors, who strangely haven't seen much of until now.

"Next up, General studies, Classes C, D, and E!! And Business course, Classes I, J, and K! All of UA's first years are here now!" For these two groups, the crowds were not as enthusiastic but enough so that most people won't be able to tell the difference.

Midnight steps up onto the stage and announces that it is time for the player pledge. Her outfit startles many of the students and appeals to much of the audience. After all, she isn't the R-rated hero for nothing.

"Now it is time for the player pledge. Representing the students is Natsu Dragneel from Class 1-A."

My classmates weren't surprised as I had scored the highest in the Hero Course practical exam. Many other students gave me dirty looks.

"Well, I wasn't informed of this so I'll keep it short say some stuff that's at the top of my head. This festival is just a stepping stone on my path to becoming a hero. Basically, now that I'm here, I pledge to take the number one spot. Good luck to everyone fighting for second and third." and I walked off the stage.

It takes a moment for the words to sink into everyone. My class is groaning as they expected something along these lines, but this was even c.o.c.kier than what they anticipated. Bakugo and Todoroki are giving me death stares, while the others were concerned about how that would affect the upcoming events. The other classes were pissed as hell.




I just smile and wave at my fellow students and get back in line. However the crowd loves it, they are cheering and screaming.

The heroes that came for scouting looked where just plain shocked at the arrogance of this kid. The staff was just mildly surprised as they knew his capabilities and knew that he wasn't just talking out of his a.s.s.

Midnight takes the reins again after my extreme speech.

"The first event will be a qualifier, now let's decide."

"THE OBSTACLE COURSE RACE!!! The course will be around the edge of the stadium, which is around 4 kilometers. Our school's selling point is freedom. As long as you stay on the track, it doesn't matter what you do to win. Now take your positions."

Everyone lined up in front of a door, and the countdown began.

"5...4...3...2...1... START!!!"

The rush to get through the door was insane. The hallway was so narrow that only around ten students could walk through shoulder to shoulder, much less two hundred. Everyone was pushing each other trying to get themselves further.

Naturally, I flew over the many heads and made it to the outside. I probably could have flown the whole thing but that would very boring.

Once people reach the outside, Todoroki spreads his ice around and traps more than half of the participants. The ones that escaped were mainly from the hero courses and a few general studies. Several support course students were able to escape Todoroki's ice trap

Many robots appear and form a blockade in front of the students. A large majority of them were the 0 pointers from the entrance exam, however several other robots were mixed in as well.

"Blazing Bullets!"

From my fingers, condensed balls of fires form and I aim them at the core components of the 0 pointers. 10 bullets of fire shoot out and hit the control modules of the robots

He sees me waiting at the end and glares at me once again before I run off to the next obstacle.

"Dragneel is holding true to his word and maintaining the title of first place, however, how will he deal with the next obstacle?" Present Mic's voice booms throughout the stadium and the course.

After a little bit of running, I reach the "Fall", the area with large stone pillars connected with tightropes. Not wanting to waste any time, I use fire to propel myself forwards, hopping from pillar to pillar. By the time I get to the other side, I can see some of the people that made it through begin to cross. Todoroki is 2nd with Bakugo flying not far behind him.

Even from here, I can hear him screaming, "YOU SHITTY PINK BASTARD, DON'T GET TOO C.O.C.KY!!!"

"Next up is the minefield, they may be fake, but they give off a loud enough bang for most people to pee their pants!!!"

I continue running and very quickly I reach the minefield. Cause I flew over the crevice, I wanted to save my energy for the upcoming events so I decided to just jog between the mines.

By the time I've gotten to the halfway point, Todoroki reached the minefield.

"I didn't want to do this," Todoroki mutters under his breath, "But to win, I must." He uses his ice and creates a path and runs over all the mines without setting them off.

Bakugo pushes himself harder to catch up to the two of us. He's neck and neck with Todoroki and the pair are slowly gaining on me. Not wanting them to get too far ahead I activate my fire and push myself towards the end of the minefield.

Behind me, a large cloud of pink smoke appears as Midoriya comes flying out of it on a sheet of metal. He easily surpasses the pair, and almost catches up to me but falls short as he loses his speed.

Pissed even more, Bakugo and Todoroki push themselves even more in an attempt to catch up. By this time, I was well clear of the minefield and started to sprint to the finish line. Izuku once again slams his metal into the ground, passing explosion boy and Icy Hot, he flies over me and lands a few meters ahead of me and starts to desperately sprint for the finish. However, I easily overtake him and run through the hallway of the stadium.

"And the Winner for the Obstacle Course Race is Natsu Dragneel!!!"

*Heroes POV*

Up in the Hero seating area, many were murmuring amongst themselves.

"So another fire quirk, but he's rather proficient with it." some random hero says.

Another guy ch.i.p.s in, "At first I thought he was just, but he does have the power to back it up. Pretty good for a student."

"So he beat Shoto." A tall bulky, hero with a flaming beard and hair was talking to himself.

The UA staff were also talking amongst themselves, and they were all generally saying the same thing.

"He's barely trying."

*Shigaraki POV*

Since the festival was being displayed all over the country, Shigaraki could view it from his hideout. When he saw Natsu's face on the screen he started to curse under his breath.

"That m*******g salmon b***h a*s p***y f**k him and all his friends. I will kill him one day, s***y piece of dog s**t.

All For One was also watching, "So this is the boy that ruined our plans. He does seem to be quite the expert in controlling his flames." While doing research, he had discovered that the boy did have two quirks but the second one wasn't lightning, instead it was something called dragon soul. The only description of it is that it gives draconian features. So the biggest mystery is how did he use lightning against the Nomu?

*Natsu POV*

Back at school, the qualifiers for the second event were announced. Izuku had scored second place, with Todoroki taking third and Bakugo fourth. All of Class 1-A and 1-B had made it with Shinso and the support course girl filling in the remaining two spots.

Midnight once again walks up onto the stage.

"The Next event will be," and the slot spinner shows up again on the screen, "a cavalry battle! Allow me to explain. The qualifiers may form teams of two to four other qualifiers, and pretty much the same as a normal cavalry battle. However..."

Everyone waits expectantly, after all this is UA so it will be beyond normal.

"Points will be assigned based on the results of the last game. The points are assigned starting at the last qualifier and go up by 5. So 42nd place will have five, 41st will have ten, and so on and so forth. The point value for our first place participant will be ten million."

As she announces my point value, everyone turns and looks at me with hungry eyes.

"Good luck!"

AN: We've recently hit 1000 collection so expect an extra chapter this week. Thanks for supporting this series!

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