The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 14 - UA Sports Festival: Calvary Battle

"The point value for the first place qualifier will be... ten million. Good Luck."

I can feel the many hungry eyes focused on me.

"Uh, I have a question, Midnight Sensei. Can I do this alone?"

Midnight looks at me in surprise, "No you can't the rules state you must have a team of 2-4. Besides you can't do a cavalry battle with one person."

I smirk at her, "Well what if I do this." A ball of fire forms in each of my hands and I throw them out onto the floor. They start to form while I throw down a third. Soon 3 flame clones are standing next to me. The reactions of everyone are priceless. Only a few people knew about this ability and most of them probably forgot about it, since I have been training in secluded areas. As for the students and the public, they were even more shocked as they see 3 flaming beings being summoned by the first place qualifier.

"Ah well, let me talk to some people real quick."

She makes a phone call and I can overhear her conversation.

"Nezu, what should we do?"

There is a slight pause before the principle answers, "It's fine, it is his ability and as long as he abides by the rules, nothing should make a difference."

She hangs up and looks at me, "Ok Dragneel-Kun, the principle says that this is fine as long as you follow all normal rules. For the rest of you, you guy have fifteen minutes to find your teams."

Some people sigh as they had wanted to get onto my team, while others glare at me.

Since I control them, I do not need to discuss plans with them and instead think of what I should do. Dealing with them one at a time would be ideal, but since my price tag is so high, I'm definitely getting targeted. If we get surrounded by enemies then that would suck, cause dealing with all of them while controlling the clones will take a large amount of concentration and could disrupt the flow.

Up in the bleachers, a group of 3 third years are looking down into the stadium, observing the future of UA.

*Big Three POV*

"That Dragneel kid is pretty strong, plus he can make clones. I wonder if he'll accept to spar one day." A happy-go-lucky Lucas looking blonde boy was wondering out loud.

A depressed Sasuke was looking at his energetic friend, "You would probably win Mirio, his flames will go right through you."

"Hey hey, is it scary when people shoot things at you, Mirio-Kun?" A girl with periwinkle blue hair was asking her friend.

Mirio replies, "You get used to it, but I am excited about what the result of this will be."

*Natsu POV*

Once again Present Mic's voice is heard across the arena. "Now that the fifteen minutes to form teams and develops strategies are up. We can see 13 teams made out of the 42 qualifiers from the last event. The round will end in 30 minutes. Now it's time for UA's bloody battle! Now lets goo! 3... 2... 1... START!!!!


I activate Fire Rush and focus on my clone's movements.

Immediately 9 of the other 12 groups make a beeline for me. 1-A students are more cautious and are observing my movements. However, the 1-B students are rushing forward to try and catch the biggest fish.

I start to move, but the concrete we are standing on starts to soften and turns into quicksand. I find that my clones are trapped in the ground.

"Hehe, got you." Some creepy kid with a skull face from 1-B is charging towards me trying to take advantage of my immobility.

Unfortunately for him, my clones activate their wings and we take off. While I'm in the air, Bakugo tries to fly up and blow me up, but I throw some fire at him, disrupting his flow and causing him to fall to the ground. Luckily for him, his teammates catch him and he is safe.

We land back down on the ground and once again we get attacked. A long pink thing comes out of a pocket made from Shoji's arms. Asui tongue shot out and me and tried to rip the headband off of me. I move my head to avoid it but she swerves her tongue and tries to wrap it around my head.

I sigh, "Sorry about this, Asui." I create a light flame from my finger and put it under the tongue. Immediately I hear a grunt of pain, and her tongue quickly recoils back into the depths of Shoji's arms. I used the level of a flame that a lighter would produce and I didn't make direct contact, so it felt like she drank hot water or something. Either way, it'll hurt for a little.

Todoroki sends Ice at me but because of my clones, it melts right before contact. Bakugo is on the opposite side and is yelling at his team to get closer so that he can blow me up. Todoroki sends another wave of ice but instead of melting it, I dodge it and the ice hits Bakugo's team, immobilizing them.


Monoma, the annoying copy kid from 1-B takes advantage of this and grabs the headband off of Bakugo's head.

"Tsk tsk, you should pay more attention, explosion boy." He tauntingly says.

It works, Mina frees their team and Bakugo says, "Ok change of plan, we're killing him first."

While Bakugo is chasing them, I'm dealing with Team Todoroki and Team TetsuTetsu. Ibara, the vine girl, shoots a vine at me to try and rip it off while Todoroki is rushing in, trying to grab it directly.

These people never learn, this time a summon a larger fire and burn the vine with one hand, and with the other, I throw up a wall of fire that blocks Iida from getting closer.

My clones and I attempt to retreat before a walking clay pot shoots glue at me and prevents me from leaving. TetsuTetsu tries to rush in but I throw up another wall in his direction and I start to burn glue away.

Once again I try to move away, but Todoroki breaks through my flames and rushes in again. Some of the glue is still connected and I am not able to escape in time. Iida leads the charge and Todoroki extends his hand out, only a few feet away from reaching my headband.


I release a burst of pressurized heat which blows Todoroki's team, TetsuTetsu's team, the Glue kid's team, and all of the glue away.

I see some of the teams chasing each other and Bakugo still trying to catch Monoma. But there is no rest successful, as Izuku's team powered with support items leaps over my head and Tokoyami's Dark Shadow come flying at me.

Looking around, I see Jiro and her teammates sigh as their plan failed, while Koda is looking concerned about the bird.

At the moment I was distracted, Bakugo flies over grabs my headband, and flies back. SHIT! That bastard got me.

"HAHA BITCH!!!" All eyes now turned to Bakugo's team who currently held the ten million points. As his team retreats, Mina covers them by laying the ground with acid to prevent me from following. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as I simply fly over and accelerate to catch up to Bakugo's team.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!!" He turns his palm towards me and shoots a concentrated explosion at me. Because of my appearance and his d.e.s.i.r.e to beat me, he had already halfway developed the AP shot.

I am forced to swerve out of the way as the bolt flies past me and hits the wall behind me, shaking the seats in that area.

"That could've killed me you know," I tell Bakugo as his team runs away to try and get away from me.

"I WISH IT DID!!!" He replies before dodging a nearby team.

"TEN MINUTES LEFT!!!" Present Mic

"Gotta get my points back."

Now that I have zero points, people aren't aiming at me anymore and there is a large number of teams surrounding Bakugo.

*Bakugo POV*

Haha, I got the ten million from the pink bastard. Now I just gotta deal with all these f.u.c.kers for ten more minutes and then I'll take first place.

Behind me, Sero points something out, "Uh Bakugo, it's nice that we got the ten million, but what are we gonna do about them?"

Surrounding us were 5 teams, all decent opponents, and will probably good put up a fight.

"We'll just kill them a..."

I get cut off as I see a red flash, and feel something get yanked off my neck. I turn and see Dragneel behind me with his body steaming. I check my neck and he took our's and the ten million, leaving us with only 305 points. I look back at him and he's smirking at me.

"Shouldn't let your guard down, Katsuki-Kun."

*Natsu POV*

In front of me are 6 groups all stunned by my sudden appearance. The nearby groups that saw where also stunned. My speed was due to several factors. I had reduced the density of the clones making them lighter, I used extremely condensed fire jets and so did all my clones. The result was a red flash that produced enough heat for me to start to produce steam. Normally I wouldn't be able to move that fast, but with the extra propulsion...

I flashback to the other side of the arena and I feel a wave of sickness hit me. I can't see straight and I feel hot. If I use it too often, I'll overheat and pass out. Once again, people are looking at me and start to charge.


The quickest of the groups to recover is Izuku's and Todoroki's as they all race to reach me first. Bakugo's group is hanging back and are picking off the nearby groups to get high enough points to be safe. Some of the nearby groups also rush towards me in hopes of winning the round.


*Iida POV*

"Guys, I can help you get the headband but after that, my engines will need to have to cool down. This means that evading the other groups will be harder. Todoroki, are you okay with this?"

My teammate considers this for a moment.

"Yes that will work, We will be able to hold them off with my ice and Kaminaris electricity."

*Natsu POV*


Iida's engines push themselves the limit as he gains a huge burst of speed. Todoroki's group is the first to arrive because of Iida, the human engine. Momo creates two buckets of water and throws them.

"Water won't be enough to put out my flames, Yaoyorozu!" But that wasn't her plan, as she Throws them, Todoroki freezes them, and the result is a sheet of ice flying through the air towards me. Using some gauntlets that Momi had made for protection, with his speed boost Iida rams into my team trying to break it up. They hit my front clone, severely damaging it. The damage to the clone forces my balance and my focus is disrupted.

I start to fall forward as I lose balance. Todoroki takes the opportunity to reach out and grab my headband.

"I'm not letting someone take it again."

I disperse my clones and I begin to fall, dodging Todoroki's hand by centimeters. Quickly I create jets and propel myself upwards.

"Dragneel has dispatched his clones but now what will he do?" Present Mic on the mic giving a play by play.

While I'm in the air, I create a larger ball of fire and I shape it into another clone. However this time it's not a person. It was a dragon. A large European style dragon, with large wings and spikes across the back, appears in the sky, blocking the sunlight to those underneath it.


The dragon beats its wings as I stand on top of it, looking down on all my opponents. Everyone is shocked. The audience, the heroes, the students, and even the teachers. The only calm person here was me.

For the remaining time, I hover over the air as the remaining participants fight each other to get points. I probably could've done this in the beginning, but that would be too boring. Now that we are close to finishing, it's better not to take any chances and stay up here.


A leader board pops up onto a screen.

First Place: Team Natsu -10,000,665

Second Place: Team Todoroki - 1170

Third Place: Team Shinso - 1125

Fourth Place: Team Midoriya - 880

Fifth Place: Team Bakugo - 795

Bakugo had barely managed to make it into the leaderboards by chasing a lot of groups around and taking a lot of headbands away. His teammates were satisfied by getting in, but he was pissed.


I come down and disperse my dragon, causing the heat that everyone had been feeling disappear.

Present Mic starts yelling again, "These five teams will be moving on to the next round. Now it's time for a lunch break. Well, be back in an hour. Eraserhead, let's go get some food.

"No, I'll take a nap."

And like that, the second event was over.

AN: Tournament bracket next. Probably gonna release the extra chapter either Friday or Saturday, so check then.

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