The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 16 - UA Sports Festival: Memories and Matchups

AN: Just warning, this first part is probably terrible.

"Suzuki, can you help with the dishes!"

AN: You probably forgot, but that was his name in the past life.

A woman calls out my name while I'm sitting at the table with my father and my sister.

"Ok give me a minute, Mom"

I make my way over to the sink, but my father stops me for a second.

"Make sure you are studying for your college entrance exams."

My father was a politician and my mother was a doctor. Both of them had expected me as their first child to do well. My sister Hina, had recently entered middle school and the person I loved most in my family

AN: Normal family love, not whatever shit yall were thinking

My parents had constantly put pressure on me to excel in all of my academics. It was a lot of stress, having your parents, on your back making sure that you got A's in every class, as well as all the extra credit I could grab.

That was when I got into anime. Living in Japan, I had always known about it but never had the time to watch or read much of it because I was always busy

Naruto was the first anime that opened my eyes. It was great, seeing this kid who had no talent, only lots of luck, make his way to the top. It was satisfying and it sparked my interest in anime.

I started to watch other shows when I had the time and even started to pick up Shonen Jump from the convenience store.

"You should be studying and doing something productive with your life not watching anime."

However, my mom was a bit more lenient and was willing to allow me to watch as long as I kept my grades up.

I continued to have good grades and kept up with the new releases. Then I ran into My Hero Academia.

At first, I thought it was ok, a typical underdog story, where MC is weak and trains to get stronger, but no.

He aspired for something that was genuinely impossible because he didn't have a quirk. Not only that, he kept up his wishful thinking and did not train in martial arts or even go to the gym. He just let Bakugo bully him and never actually tried to reach his goal until he met All Might and got One for All.

While I'm washing the dishes, I was thinking about how the exams would be then.


I woke up.

I had been sleeping for an hour and was woken by the shockwaves that had been emitted from the Todoroki and Deku fight that had just ended.

"What a shame and I was having such a nice dream too."

I look up to the sky, "I wonder how Hina is doing."

I decided to head back to the arena because a fight that was different from the original storyline was going to take place. Tokoyami versus Iida. Before, Tokoyami had been beaten by Bakugo and Iida by Shoto, both in the semifinals. But in this world, they are going to fight in the Quarterfinals.

I walk over to the booth and look into the arena. Cementos was currently fixing the arena after it had been damaged in the last fight,

I take a seat when Monoma pops his head out from the Class 1-B booth.

"Oh lookie here, the kid who thinks there is better than all of us. Hahahahaha!"

I look at him and calmly say, "Well, we can't expect much from someone like you, who didn't make it to the third round."

"OH so you think your so much better than me because you're in Class hrgmrhrm"

A pair of large hands appears and covers Monoma's head. This had caught the attention of everyone, as they all wondered what caused this kid to shut up.

Kendo pops up and starts to talk to us.

"Sorry about him, he is kinda jealous since you guys got famous after the USJ incident. Anyway, I'm Itsuka Kendo, Class 1-B's representative, nice to meet you."

She starts to talk with some of the other members of my class but stops after Tokoyami and Iida step up onto the platform.

"The man whos never truly alone, from the hero course, Fumikage Tokoyami. And his opponent who probably drinks gasoline to fuel his legs, form the hero course, Tenya Iida."

Even from up here I can here Iida yelling about how unprofessional his introduction was.


Iida pushes off with his legs and tries to reach Tokoyami but gets blocked by Dark Shadow. He quickly retreats and tries to analyze the situation. But Tokoyami is relentless. He attacks and attacks and Iida keeps on getting pushed back. Iida rushes to the side and dodges Dark Shadow and rushes towards Tokoyami while he is exposed.

"Recipro Burst!"

Tokoyami tried to pull back Dark Shadow to block but it was too late. In an instant, Tokoyami was thrown from the ring.

"Tokoyami is out of bounds. Tenya Iida advances to the next round."

Tokoyami looks frustrated and walks away while Iida makes his way up to the booth.

I headed down cause I got a fight against Mina next. I wasn't that excited about this fight, but I'll play along.


Mina starts by throwing acid at me to keep me at bay as she knows that she stands no chance in hand to hand combat. I easily dodge it and advance. I wonder if I burn it, will poisonous gases be released?

I release a burst of flame from my hands and zoom over to Mina. She tries to block me by throwing acid at me but I easily dodge. I grab her and throw her out just like I did to Momo.

"Mina is out of bounds. Dragneel advances to the semifinals."

She looks somewhat disappointed but still cheerful.

"Good luck in the next round, Natsu Kun."

"Thanks." I help her up and walk back.

On my way back to the booth, I run into All Might.

"Ah Dragneel shounen, congratulations on your victory and getting into the semifinals."

"Thank you."

We both stand there in awkward silence.

"Well then, I have to go do some work, so good luck with your next match."

He then walks away and leaves me.

Changing my mind, I turn and start to walk to the forest. Being around too much noise for too long hurts my ears.

I have maybe 40 minutes till my match so I'll just chill here and practice my control.

I think back to the USJ event and try to pick out my flaws. If I had an AOE attack that surrounded me in a circle then I could deal with swarms better. A field of fire would work, but that wouldn't do much other than burn them. Whatever I'll think about that some other time.

AN: Some people wanted background on MC so I decided to do a quick flashback on that. I'm really sorry if it sucks, I just didn't know what I should do. I'll try to write more chapters next week. Thanks for stones

Next Chapter: UA Sports Festival: Boom Boy and Icy Hot

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