The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 17 - UA Sports Festival: Boom Boy and Icy Hot

"Up next is the bomb boy with an explosive mouth, Katsuki Bakugo!!! And his opponent, the Dragon of UA, Natsu Dragneel!!!"

The cheers were insane, but they calmed down quickly when they realized something.

Where was Natsu?

No one knew where he was, and his match was right now.


As he said these words, a blazing object fell from the sky


Flames erupted in the middle of the ring. And from the ashes rose Natsu.

Bakugo muttered, "Showoff."

"Sorry I'm late, I was helping an old lady look for her cat."

The words that went through every person who was watching this event's mind were, "What kind of bullshit is this?"

The present Mic decided to ignore that and start the fight.

"Well as long as your here, START!!!"

*Bakugo POV*


While I was watching Natsu perform his long jump, I noticed that the condensed his flames to increase the power and output of his quirk. I wondered if I could do something similar. So I trained and started to develop a new move.

The bolt of condensed explosion shot from my hands and flys towards the pink bastard. As if it were nothing, he sways and easily dodges it, resulting in another hole in the side of the stadium.

If my range attacks don't work, then I'll do close combat.

I release a stream of bursts and fly over. I pull a feint and pretend to hit him with an explosion. He thrusts his hand out to counter, but I use my other hand to fly directly over and behind him, with my arm outstretched. I set off my explosion, but out of nowhere, his leg comes flying and hits my arm, directing my explosion elsewhere.

Then he coats his arms in fire and wh.i.p.s both of them forwards and sends 2 rays of fire at me. I burst forward and throw my hand on his face.


Sparks appear my hand and he gets the full brunt of the blast. Smoke covers his face and he stands there motionless.

I look at him, "That should knock him out for a day or two. "

"Dragneel is unconscious, Bakugo advances to..."

Another voice rings out through the arena, "And who decided that?"

The smoke dissipated, and now I can see his face better. This f.u.c.ker wasn't even damaged, if anything he looks happy.


Bursting into the air, I use explosions to propel my body to spin. I circulate the air around me and charge at Natsu. If I hit him with this he'll be out cold.


The moment I make contact with him, a huge explosion occurs and causes shockwaves to reverberate across the stadium.

If this doesn't kill him, then I don't know what will.

*Natsu POV*

That hurt like hell. I may have resistance to explosions but damn the force of that is no joke.

I look out of the smoke and see Bakugo panting with his hands on his knees. He's probably exhausted from the stress on his arms.

"Well, time to end this."

[Fire Dragons Claw]

Fire bursts from my feet and I fly over to the tired Bakugo. When I get close, I put out my flames and skid to a stop right beside Bakugo.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Indra]

In a series of kicks, I attack his shoulders, c.h.e.s.t, and arms, with each kick increasing in power. He tries to fight back. but he's already tired and his defense is weak. I sweep Bakugo off his feet then send him flying into the air.


In a final blow, I send him flying back down into the ground.

"Bakugo is unconscious, Dragneel moves to the finals."

Everyone cheers and I walk away to get a new set of clothes, cause my shirt is destroyed, and my pants are heavily singed.

"His abilities are scary powerful for someone his age."

"He also seems to be proficient in martial arts, which is uncommon for this time."

"He is pretty brutal for a student."

"His opponent wasn't exactly a princess tho."

"He is one of the top picks for this year's batch of students."

"Endeavor's son is also pretty strong, so who will win in the next match?"

*Natsu POV*

After I change I walk into a waiting room and I see Todoroki sitting there waiting for our turn. He turns his head and looks at me before looking back at the wall.

"You know, If you are serious about fighting me then you should use your flames. You used it against Midoriya, so if you are aiming for the top, I would suggest using it."

"Besides, last time you used ice against me, it didn't go that well."

Todoroki unconsciously touched the back of his neck, where he had been knocked out by me during the combat training.

I walk over to my training room and make a deck of cards to play solitaire. In truth, I didn't care if he used his flames or not as it wouldn't change the outcome. But it would be interesting, and I wonder how it would taste.

I also think back to my fight with Bakugo. I replay the fight in my head and think about some of my flaws. That first hit that he landed on me was unexpected, I thought he would dodge but instead, he charged forward.

I continued to think about the fight until it was time for the next round.

Present Mic opened up the final round, "It's finally time for the last battle of the U.A.'s High School sports festival! The top of the first years will be decided with this match. THE FINALS!!! From the hero course, using his ice to freeze his way to the top, Todoroki Shoto! And his opponent used his flames and fighting skills to burn those in his way, from the hero course, Natsu Dragneel!"

All eyes fell on the two boys standing on the stage.

"Now, START!!!"

Todoroki starts by sending one of his signature glaciers. I release bursts of heat and melt a tunnel through his wave of ice.

"I knew you would melt it, but how will you deal with that?"

He points above me as the enormous chunk of ice falls on top of me. Due to the heat that I had emitted, the structural balance of the ice was disrupted and had collapsed, crushing me beneath it.

"Dragneel has been crushed by Todoroki's Ice, is this it for Dragneel. Is this Shoto's win?"

A huge ball of flames appears in the ice and immediately melts it. Shoto is visibly shaken from how one of his strongest attacks was negated so easily.

I step out of the flames completely soaked in water.

"That was refreshing."

Todoroki takes this opportunity to try and freeze me with all the moisture on me, but I easily nullify it with my flames, while drying my self.

"My turn."

[Fire Dragons Roar]

The tunnel of fire rushes at Todoroki but he rolls to the right and dodges it. He stands up and prepares to counter only to be met by me as I grab and throw him. He almost reaches the edge but creates a slide and makes his way behind me.

He throws his ice again and tries to hit me from behind but fails after I counter. We stare each other down, waiting for the other to make a move.

*Todoroki POV*

"Tchh as expected of you Dragneel."

I need to hit him without letting him counter. Entering close combat is a big mistake so I need to keep on applying pressure with ice.

I throw a wall of ice at him and he dodges it. He keeps on running and I throw up another one to prevent from getting to far. Now he's stuck in between two walls of ice.

Before he can use his quirk, I use another glacier and throw it at him. He easily counters with his flame breath, but I've slid to the side and already prepping another one.

"Take this!"

I send another glacier in and catch him off guard. He gets sent flying. He's almost out of the ring but pulls out his wings and flies towards me. He is charging up to fire from his hand and I'm too tired to counter with my ice.

Is this the end? Is this the part where I lose?

NO! I can't lose here, not yet.

Fire sparks from my hand a wall of flames shoot towards Natsu. He dodges the fire and lands.

"So you've decided to use your flames."

Ignoring him, I throw a wall of flames towards him and he counters with his own.

*Natsu POV*

I'm a little surprised that he used his flames but I guess losing is a strong motivator.

I counter his flames with my own and make mines wider to cover up the stage. His flames charge right forward at me while mines are going around and above. I open my mouth and let the flames run in. It tastes like kalbi. I guess each fire is different I guess.

My sea of flames crashes down onto Todoroki. He tries to counter with his ice but it gets melted away.

By the time the flames disperse, he's half covered in burns.

Midnight decides to intervene, "Todoroki, do you wish to continue."

He stares at me determinedly, "Yes"

I sigh. I don't want to kill him, so might as well end it now.

[Fire Dragons Claw]

I blast forwards and I kick him out of the ring.

"Todoroki is out of bounds. Dragneel is the winner. And that wraps up all the first-year events. The winner of this year's first year's U.A. Sports festival is from Class A, Natsu Dragneel!!!"

*One Hour Later*

Midnight was in front of all of the students and the media.

"All of the first-year events for this year's UA sports festival have been completed. And now we will begin the award ceremony."

Fireworks are bursting everywhere, and behind midnight smoke appears and three pillars rise. Bakugo was in third and wasn't shackled but he was muffled. I am going to have to assume that he was swearing like hell the moment he woke up. Todoroki had been healed and standing on the second-place podium. I stood on the first place podium.

Midnight continues, "Tenya Iida was supposed to also be third place, but he left due to family reasons. Anyway, now we will award the medals. The presentation of the medals will of course be done by this man."

On top of the stadium, a shadow of a bulky man with bunny ears rose.


He leaps through the air and both him and Midnight talk at the same time.

"Our very own hero, ALL MIGHT!!!"

"I have brought the medals here!!!"

There is a very awkward silence between the two, as Midnight mentally apologizes.

"Now then All Might, please present the awards starting from third place."

"Young Bakugo, congratulations, you put up a good fight. Your adaptability and combat sense allowed you to go far here and will do the same for your career. Good luck in the future." All Might hugs him and walk past me to Todoroki.

"Young Todoroki, congratulations. You were up against an opponent that was your natural enemy and more skillful in using their fire."

Todoroki looks down at these words.

But All Might continues, "However that means that you have plenty of room for growth in the future. The only place to go from here is up." He gives him a hug as well and moves onto me.

"Young Dragneel, your power, and technique are on another level even in the world of pros. Many people have high hopes for you in the hero industry." He steps forward to give me a hug, which I grudgingly accept.

Somewhere else in Japan, All for One was watching this. There was also another person beside him. He had black hair, dark blue eyes, and well built. He was only wearing pants and standing next to All for One. In his hands was a knife that he was casually flipping. This was not a normal knife tho. It was made of ice.

"Hmmm, so that's him."

AN: Aight Sports festival Arc is over. Next up is Stain. Also, I'm still deciding on hero names, and who he'll intern for.

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