The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 18 - Names and Faces

It was the day after the Sports Festival. They let us off of school so that we can fully recover from yesterday's events.

I decide to head back to the gym and work on my techniques.

"Yo Ji-san."

"Congratulations on your victory yesterday."




"Say Ji-san... wanna spar?"

He looks at me for a few seconds.

"Ok, I accept."

We head over to the sparring rooms and face each other.

Ji-san looks at me and says, "Ready when you are."

I activate Lighting Fire Dragon Mode. An aura of fire and lighting appear around me and Ji-san looks impressed.

"Interesting, you can use lightning."

[Lightning Fire Dragons Claw]

This old man always manages to dodge my attacks and still doesn't use his quirk. I have my suspicions but I think he might have some kind of a prediction quirk, but if he does he's not leaving any signs.

[Lightning Fire Dragons Pillars]

Several blazing pillars with dragon heads burst from the ground and surround Ji-san. He casually watches as the pillars fold in and prepare to crash on to him. This is one of my original ideas that I've been working out for an AOE attack but it's still a work in progress.


The pillars collide with him and leave cracks in the ground. I can't sense him through the fire but when it disappears I look again and see nothing. I sense him behind him and jump away. I see him looking back at me. How? Did he teleport? Or is it something else that I don't know?

I charge at him again this time trying for close combat.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Ares]

I barrage him with punches but he keeps on deflecting or dodging all of them. With each consecutive, my power increases, but that's all pointless if I can't land a hit. I'm still practicing but whats better practice then combat.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Indra and Ashura]

Ares is punching, Indra is kicking, and Ashura is the joints like elbow strikes and knees. By itself, it's a little inconvenient, but Ashura is used as a transition point between Ares and Indra. This means that you can maintain the energy behind each strike even if you switch styles.

With a combination of three dances, I am throwing more and more attacks and landing a few. Because of all the kicks and punches, the wind pressure behind each of them is pretty high and strong enough to break a bone. However since I'm still practicing, sometimes the current is disturbed and I have to restart.

"Good good, you've been training hard. But you still need more practice."

I'm hella tired, cause of the lighting fire dragon mode, and the stress of the Dance of the Warrior Gods. So I back off for a minute and rest.

"Are you done?"

I look up at him.

"Yeah alright I give."

We both head back to the fourth floor and drink some water. While drinking I ask him some questions.

"Hey Ji-san, whenever I asked you this you always changed the subject. But I'll ask again, what kind of quirk do you have?"

He looks at me and sighs.

"Well, I suppose if I don't tell you, you'll come back and ask tomorrow anyways."

"You got it."

"My quirk is Time Manipulation. I can stop the flow of time for people and objects and also see a few seconds int the future. However, the cost of my quirk is my lifespan. The longer and more often I use it, the shorter my life becomes."

I stare in awe at him. This guy had a time manipulation quirk and I only know now!!!

"Why didn't you become a hero?"

"As a hero, I would have to use my quirk constantly. I am not a selfish man, but I don't want to die so quickly."

"Ah, I see."

*Several days Later*

Today is Monday and we are returning to school after the break from the school festival. For the past few days, I've been refining my technique and sparring with Ji-san. By this point, I can smoothly transfer between Ares and Indra eighty percent of the time.

It's raining and on my way here, so many people said stuff like hi, congratulations, and good luck for the future.

"Dragneel, you would be 10 minutes early, hurry up."

"That's to much work tho."

He runs away and leaves me in the rain. I really should get some noise-canceling headphones. cause all this noise annoys the crap out of me.

I get to class an see everyone talking excitedly about how famous they had become.

"On my way here, so many people said that I did a good job."

Sero was complaining, "Wow, that's so nice. You have no idea how bad it feels when a bunch of fourth-graders come up to you and say "You tried."

I take my seat next to Momo and say hi. She briefly says hi before turning away.

Am I that ugly?

Unknown to him, the words that he had said at the Sports Festival when he had beaten her kept running through her mind.

"Today we'll be picking your hero names."

Everyone gets excited, but that dies down after Aizawa activates his quirk.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day."

He then goes on to explain why and shows us the number of offers each of us got.

Unsurprisingly, I got the most at a whopping 4651. Todoroki had second-most, then Bakugo, Tokoyami, and Iida.

"In years before, the votes where more spread out, but these three took most of them. Natsu you got some drafts from overseas, so talk to me later if you want to do those. Make sure you chose wisely because it will affect your future career, whether you work as a sidekick, or open your own agency. But before that, hero names. What you pick will..."

But he gets cut off and Midnight walks in, "affect your future. The hero name you chose can be a representation of you or your goals, such as All Might."

Aizawa continues, "Midnight is here to judge if your names are ok."

Midnight passes out whiteboards and everyone thinks about their names.

"The Shining Hero: I can't stop twinkling."

The whole class is astounded by his name.

"You're all shocked cause my name is so good right?"

Midnight gives him some correction and Mina goes next.

"Alien Queen."

This goes on and Midnight corrects some and accepts a few. I'm laughing when Bakugo goes up. No matter how funny it was in the anime, it's even more hilarious in person. Finally, it's my turn.

I stand up and go to the head of the class. While I was sitting I was thinking of several Ideas, Mushu, Charizard, Draco, and some stuff like that.

Ultimately I chose, "The Dragon Hero: Igneel"

The class looks like they approve of it, but Midnight raises a question.

"Dragneel kun, you know that there is another Dragon hero, Ryuko. If you both have Dragon hero, that might raise some issues."

I think about this for a moment. I forgot about her, but just having Igneel doesn't sound right.

"Ok how about this, The Fire Dragon: Igneel. That should be fine right?"

She looks at me, "If your that insistent on having the Dragon, then that's fine."

The rest of the students go and Aizawa takes over.

"I am handing out the names of the hero agencies that asked for each of you. You guys have two days to pick who you want to intern with. Natsu, look over those and if you pick an overseas one, tell me so we can arrange a flight."

I look at my list and see many notable names, Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, even Nighteye. This is gonna take a while so I browse through all of them and cross out the less notable ones. But then one of them catches my eyes.

*One Week later*

I'm flying over buildings with my hero costume and some other stuff. Aizawa told us to meet at the train station but I mentioned that I get motion sickness and I can fly so he excused me and told me to just get there on time.

I'm flying around looking for the right building when someone else flies up to me. He had messy blonde hair, yellow glasses, and pointed chin. He had a tan jacket with a high collar lined with white fur. His most notable feature was his large pair of red wings on his back.

"I couldn't help but notice a disturbance as I was patrolling, and lo and behold, the first place winner for the UA sports festival. What an Honor."

He mockingly bows towards me.

"Nice to meet you as well, Hawks."

AN: Their hero name is just a student code name, so they can change it. So if it doesn't feel right to me, I might change it or something.

Also there is over 2000 collections and almost half a million views. So thank y'all for the support and the stones. I'll try put one more chapter out on the weekend but not 100% sure

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