The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 19 - The Winged Hero: Hawks

AN: Damn yall really wanted salamander as the hero name.

While watching the anime, I had liked Hawks from the beginning. I always liked characters like him, laid back and lazy on the outside, but intelligent and observant.

Originally, Tokoyami was with Hawks, but my appearance changed that. Right now Hawks is the No. 3 ranked hero in Japan, cause All might is yet to retire.

He looks me up and down and sizes me up.

"You know... you're shorter than I expected. I thought you would be like at least two meters but I guess what we see on the TV is different."

I look at him in mock shock

"I'm like the same height as you."

"Seriously tho, I was a little surprised that you picked my agency despite my being a rookie in this industry. Let's head back to my agency and get you set up. Mind if we walk, I like to interact with the people."

We fly down and start to walk in the direction of Hawk's agency. He says hi to a few people and explains my duties as an intern.

"Normally what you would do is patrol the city, deal with the small-time villains, and help the first responders in case of emergency.

"I assume that this week is not normal."

"You've heard the Hero killer Stain."

"Of course."

"Yeah well, we got a tip-off that he might be around Hosu City and may be in contact with the League of Villans. If you don't wanna come, that's under"

I cut him off, "I'll go."

"Alright then. Once we get back, we'll check you in, and then we can head out to Hosu City."

We continue walking. Over the past week, I've had a mental crisis on how I was going to be able to fight with Stain. Should I intern with someone in that area, or just go anyway and deal with the consequences later. If I went with Endeavor, then I will probably be able to meet with him. But based on what I know, he's very strict and it'll be boring.

That when I thought of this. Why not just pick a Hero Agency I like, anonymously tip them off about Stain, and go with them.

We stop in front of a four-story building with a symbol of two red crossed wings emblazoned on the front.

"Alright let's head in."

We both walk inside and Hawks greets the receptionist.

As we head up to his office I ask him a few questions.

"So do you have a sparring room here?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I was just thinking about how I would match up to the current No. 3 Hero in Japan."


"So on that note, would you like to have a quick friendly match?"

He puts his hand to his face and thinks for a second.

"No, not really." Then he turns around and walks off.

I am temporarily stunned before regaining my senses, "Why not?"

He turns and looks at me, "You would probably win, you're fire would counter my feathers, and this stuff doesn't grow back quick. Besides, I have more agility than power. If you want to fight someone that's a power type, why not try All Might he goes to your school

Well, I wasn't expecting him to accept, but it was worth a shot.

He heads to his office to get his stuff and then we head back out and go towards the train station.

"Ah Hawks, actually I don't do well on vehicles. It's a side effect of my quirk, so do you mind if I fly and meet you there."

"Yeah, that's fine. Meet me at the train station."

*Hawks POV*

I see the kid take flight and start to head in the direction of Hosu. From what I've seen of him, he likes to fight and seems to have a playful attitude. I don't know why he asked me to watch him, but if it's from All Might, I guess I kind of have to.

He did seem quick to want to go look for Stain, but I guess most people are. Although I wonder why he doesn't ride vehicles tho?

*Natsu POV*

He seems fun. Too bad I couldn't spar with him, but he does need his feathers for hero work.

This upcoming fight will be one of my more interesting ones. Nomu just had power and speed, while Stain has the technique and his quirk. He's pretty fast but nothing compared to Nomu. I am not sure whose weapon mastery is higher but his quirk will be a pain.

I get to Hosu within an hour and chill on the roof of a building near the train station till Hawks arrives. Once he does, I fly down and meet him.

"Alright first we need to set up a base so we'll probably get a hotel room. After we can do some recon work and try to see if anyone has seen Stain or the League. Give me your number so that we can communicate long distance."

I hand him my number and we head to a nearby hotel. The receptionist looks shocked that the No. 3 ranked hero was in the hotel she worked in and asked for an autograph. He accepted and whipped out a pen and signed a notebook that she had under her desk.

We both went to our room and I changed into my hero costume.

"Oh, not bad." Hawks looks at my hero costume.

"Alright so I'm a well-known hero, so if I start asking around, then the League and Stain might get word of what we are doing. So I'll patrol the city and I need you to ask people if they've heard anything about Stain. Hopefully, we can make contact with someone that has seen, or if we're lucky, our anonymous informant.

So that's how the next two days went. Hawks flew above and patroled the city while I stayed on the ground and asked a few questions. Most of the people looked too scared to answer while others didn't care or didn't know anything. Surprisingly, there were a few people who had seen Stain prowling alleyways looking for targets or mapping out the city.

I also ran into Iida a few times and he asked why I was here. I told him that I was here for my intern as well, and left to continue my job.

We were eating lunch at a cafe and sharing our findings with each other. I had chicken curry and he had a yakitori plate.

"So that's all I found out today, Hawks."

"Say Natsu, why do you want to become a hero."

Now that I think about I don't know why I wanted to become a Hero. I just thought it was the standard or something. One thing about being a hero comes to my brain.

"I like fighting strong people. The thrill, the rush, it's exciting."

"No, I want to know WHY you want to be a hero? If you just want to fight, the fight clubs are always available."

"I don't know actually. It just seemed like a natural decision."

"Well, you should think about it. Knowing what you're being a hero for can help in the line of work."

Meanwhile in a dimly lit bar.

"Master, our spies have told us that that Dragneel boy is asking questions about our whereabouts in Hosu city. He is also with No. 3 ranked, The Winged Hero: Hawks"

"Hmmmm that could be troublesome. Stain is planning something around there too. He may have declined our offer to join, but he is still a great asset."

All for One is quiet for a bit thinking about his course of action. A second voice behind him speaks up.

"I can go with them when they raid Hosu." The speaker had a young voice. It sounded cheerful, but yet at the same time was unsettling.

Tomura begins to complain, "Noo, to hell with you. I don't need him, Master, I can do this by my"

But All for One cuts him off, "Alright, Gray you can go with them. But only interfere if things get out of hand. If you do run into Dragneel, don't kill him immediately."


As Kurogiri warped to pick up Gray, All for One felt the air around him warm back up. That man, with his power and his skill, what he could do is unfathomable. I feel bad for the people in Hosu.

AN: Sorry about the late chapter. I had some trouble trying to write out the character interactions. On that note, I wonder who could this new character be?

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