The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 24 - Upgrades

I head over to the Support department area. It takes me a little to find the main room. I roll through the doors and see four people.

Kendo, Monoma, Hatsume, and the head of the Support Department, Power Loader. My classmates are finishing up their conversations with the teacher about upgrading their own gear. Hatsume is fiddling with some items behind them and offering them to the pair.

When I enter, Kendo waves and Monoma scowls at me. Power Loader just looks up for a moment before finishing the small details. Hatsume is too busy to notice or care.

"Well, if that's all you need then we can fix that up within a week. I'll send Vlad some dates and more information on when you can get it. Thanks for dropping by."

They walk towards me and say hello.

"Hey Natsu, haven't seen you since the tournament. How'd you get so badly injured?"


I swear to god, he's even more annoying in person. I'm about to flash him with some fire to scare him when Kendo grabs him by his head and drags him out the door.

"Sorry about him, I guess you can tell me sometime later."

"See ya I guess..."

I head over to Power Loader, who is sitting there with a small smirk on his face.

"Ok, what do you need Mr. Dragneel?"

"I have some things that I would like to improve regarding my support gear."

"Of course, you do, come here and I can get you sorted out."

I move towards his desk and position myself in front of him. Just from a glimpse, I can see orders, receipts, reports, and a list of names with some bullet points next to each.

For a moment I sit there, compiling my thoughts and how to make them sound reasonable.

"So I will be needing two pairs of items. If possible, can you make a set of wireless earbuds that reduce my hearing field to 25 meters? Ideally, if I can turn off this function as well as change the distance, that would be great. They would have to be extremely fire resistant so they don't melt."

I've lost countless items like that because my flames fried it.

He sits there for a moment before replying, "That's possible, it may take half awhile, but it's possible. I think within a month or so. Getting the electrical wiring for fire resistance will be rough, but I'm sure it'll make it through. But why limit to only 25 meters?"

"Well the thing is that I have extremely s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e senses, so during a villain attack, all the chaos gets to my ears and messes up my orientation and makes it harder for me to find things.

"Ah that makes sense, and your other items?"

"Could you make something similar to this except for ankle and shin guards?"

He analyzes my gauntlets and takes a look at the venting systems.

"This will probably be easier than your earbuds. I'll take this to our support companies and tell them what you need. Is that it?"

I think for a moment before replying, "Actually if possible, could you make an extension for the venting system up to my shoulder, but only for the left claw."

"Only the left? Why not both sides?"

"Then I can use weapons on one side and I'm working on an idea for the left side."

"Alright, it's your gear. I'll send Aizawa information about your items including details and when you can pick them up."

"Alright thank you."

"My p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

"Just a quick reminder, the final exams are coming up soon, so you guys should study and train. That's all."

The bell rings and I head for the door when Kirishima and Kaminari stop me.

"Watchu guys need?"

"Well, we were wondering if you wanna come to the mall with us? A bunch of us are going and you should come too."

"Sorry but I'm busy, I need to test out some new ideas."

They look at each other, grins forming on their faces, "We thought you would say that soo..."

Kaminari lets out a small current of electricity and tries to temporarily fry my nerves, and Kirishima picks up my wheelchair and yells out, "WE GOT HIM, LETS GO TO THE MALLL!!"

Their victory, however, is shortlived, as the wheelchair flies out of Kirishima's hands and falls to the ground with a skid.

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

I let out a very small breath of fire around Kirishima and Kaminari. Kirishima's armored, so this should just feel a little hot,. Of course, I don't wanna burn Kaminari so I cut it off before it reaches him.

In truth, I heard about their plan during class and decided to ignore it and go train. They both look at me in shock. and slight disappointment.

"You guys underestimate me too much, even if I am in a wheelchair. I'll come with you guys later, maybe when Todoroki recovers or something."

Kirishima rubs his two remaining brain cells before realizing what I mean, "Oh that's a good idea Natsu."

He turns to Kaminari and starts to think about what he should do while I pass them and head for the gym.

I get to the gym and get pretty much the same questions that my classmates asked.

"Damn, Natsu, how'd you get so roughed up?"

"Did you get beaten up by someone?"

"Did the old man overdo it? Bwahaha!"

I play along with them for a while, telling them extravagant stories of how I battled a dragon before heading up to the fourth floor.

Ji-san's reaction is calmer. He sits down and tells me to explain to him. I can trust him more than my classmates to not tell other people, so I explain the real story to him. He sits there calmly nodding his head occasionally as I tell him my encounter with Stain and Gray.

After I'm done, he sits there for a while before standing up.

"I assume you'll be seeing this Gray again?"


'He'll probably be part of the vanguard. No, I might meet him earlier.'

"I have some old connections around Asia, give me a month or so and I might be able to dig something up for you."

"Really? That would be hella helpful, thanks Ji-san."

"If he could beat you like this, then he could definitely be considered as a threat. Enough about that, since you're here, I assume it's for training."

"Yup, I have some ideas I want to test out. I'll be on the fifth floor in one of the smaller sparring rooms."

He waves me away and I head to a room for training.

Starting small, I released a light aura of heat around me. Right now, the distance I can control it is around a meter away, so I have a diameter of 2 meters. Maths.

Slowly, I increase the aura of heat around me and after 30 minutes, I manage to fill the room with a light layer of heat.

The concept is that I would be able to sense disturbances in the heat and be able to make out people and objects. During my time at Hosu, if I had been faster, I probably could've dealt with Stain quicker before Gray came.

The problem is that heat is always moving, so I need to practice to be able to make out things. Plus I need to be able to identify things.

Hopefully, I will be able to use this against Gray to find him if my senses are dulled. I maintain the zone for another 15 minutes before dropping it, sweating. Holding the aura takes a lot of concentration to make sure that it doesn't get too hot and maintaining a fluid temperature. Plus sitting inside is almost like a sauna.

Now I work on the next idea. This time I make a sea of fire around me filling the room. This itself is not that hard, buts it's what comes after is more annoying.

Focusing on eight separate spots, I force a spike of fire to come from each spot. Now that I did it, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. Another idea came to my head.

Returning the spikes back to the flames I hold my hand out, palm up. I curl my hands up to make a claw and visualize the flames going up as well. Five curved spikes pop up as well. Visualizing the fire, I close my hands into a fist and the five blades close in on me.

'Well, that was easier than I expected. I wish I could try out my defense but that needs to wait until I get my gear.'

For a while, I practice getting the movements right.

*Meanwhile at the League of Villans base*

*Gray POV

Two people were standing across from Shigaraki, and Stain with Kurogiri being the bartender. I was sitting at the bar drinking a shot of whiskey, thinking about that pink brat.

One was a short girl in a school outfit with two messy blond hair buns on either side of her head. She had two knife holsters strapped to her t.h.i.g.hs.

The other person was a lanky dude in a long black coat and black hair. His face was stitched together along his cheeks and jawline and he had patches of purple burn marks under his eyes and around his neck. His arms were also burnt to his wrists.

"Oh, so you're Stain! You're really cool, fighting all the heroes like that. You reek of blood, it smells so nice. You have a rather flat nose. Who's the hottie in the back? He as bloody as you, maybe more." The girl spews out a slew of words that would confuse normal people.

Dabi just nods, "Nice to meet you Stain."

Kurogiri had brought these two here and immediately Shigaraki disliked them.

Toga raises her hand, jumping excitedly, "Hey, hey Stain, will you let me join your group?"

Shigaraki speaks up, "Oi, I'm in charge here. I decide if you get to join."

"Ewww I don't wanna be with you, your skin is so pale and you have creepy hands."

Dabi speaks up, "Wait Stain isn't the leader, I'm out." He heads for the door when Shigaraki charges at him.


Toga draws a knife and lunges at Shigaraki and Dabi pulls his hand up and looks like he's about to shoot something from his palm. Kurogiri is about to intervene, but I make it first.

From my spot on the bar stool, I flash in between the three of them, kicking Tomura's hand away, deflecting Toga's knife with one of my own, and throw up a slant of ice to knock Dabi's hand towards the ceiling.

I stand over all of them, "Settle down children, now shut the f.u.c.k up and calm down."

Shigaraki and Dani both look at me with hateful eyes and Toga looks excited.

"Woah, you're not bad with a knife!"

All for One chooses this moment to step in.

"Looks like we've all gotten acquainted."

His voice echoes from the TV.

"Before you decide to leave let me ask you something. Why do hero's exist? Is it because we villains exist? Or perhaps for protecting others? Or just the money and the pride of being a hero?"

Stain scowls at these words. Dabi stands there thinking. Toga looks bored and irritated.

"Who the hell are you and what are you a philosopher or something?"

"Hehe. That's not important right now, I will explain if you join. Now let me ask you another question, why do you kill heroes?"

Toga grins before answering, "Well because it's fun. Watching the blood spill out, seeing the panic in their eyes when they realize they're gonna die. It's all so thrilling."

Dabi gives a shorter answer, "They annoy me, and I'm bored."

"Well then-"

He goes on to explain his plan and drags the two of them in step by step. When he finished, Toga's grinning even wider and Dabi has a small smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes.

Stain looks somewhat disturbed to be surrounded by psychopaths but stands on the side nonetheless.

'This man has quite the way with words. Hehe. Joining up with them was a rather good choice.'

Surprisingly, Dabi is the first to accept, "This sounds interesting enough. I'll play along for a while, but once it gets too boring, I'll kill everyone here."

I laugh, "Good luck with that."

"Knowing" my abilities he releases a small amount of bloodl.u.s.t to intimidate me.

'Well, I better return the favor.'

I release my own bloodl.u.s.t and he almost immediately goes on his knees, almost suffocating.

"You're plenty of years too early to threaten me."

I pull my bloodl.u.s.t back and he falls on his hands panting. I walk over and pat his shoulder.

"Looking forward to working with you, Dabi."

'And look forward to seeing you again, Natsu'

AN: Sorry I haven't been posting as much, but I've been busy with school. I'll try to make each chapter longer. Thanks for dropping stones.

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