The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 25 - Preparation

*All Might POV*

"Thanks for coming, Naomasa."

AN: Naomasa is the police friend of All Might that knows his small form

"No problem, Toshinori. You need all the information you can get on the league."

He hands me a file of the events that happened in Hosu.

He sits down across from me pointing at the file, "That Natsu kid was there again."

Sighing, "Yeah, I know. He got badly injured against some villain."

"You know, I noticed this at the USJ event as well, but he's pretty cruel. Against the villains, he didn't kill any but crippled a lot of them to the point of no recovery. Same with the Nomus. He really messed up the one in the USJ and he beat and cut off all the limbs of the one in Hosu."

"Really? I didn't hear that."

"The news didn't cover it much, but he dealt with one Nomu and beat it pretty badly. He didn't kill it, but I'm positive that he could've."

"Hmmm, I'll find some time and talk to him about it. Thanks for the information. I'll treat you to some drinks."

"Hehe, can't say no to that."

One week passes and I have fully recovered and able to walk. Todoroki also has returned to school. Due to his father's connections, he was able to get the treatment he needed and recovered with a large scar across his c.h.e.s.t.

The first day he returned, Iida apologized to him the same way he did to me. Todoroki waved it off and told him that it wasn't his fault and that he needed to be stronger.

He took his seat and I went over to him and also apologized.

"Sorry I couldn't have stopped him."

"It's not your fault. You were focused on Stain, there's no way you could have anticipated that guy. Don't worry about it."

I've been focusing on improving my new moves and so far it's been doing good. For my sensor skill, I managed to extend my aura to around 30 meters. One time, I tried to do it in the gym. I was blindfolded, had noise-canceling headphones on, and plugged my nose. Once most of my senses were blocked, I released my aura and was able to identify most things. I haven't gotten to the point where I can accurately react to fast movement like attacks yet, but I doubt I'll need it much. It would be helpful tho.

For my wide range attack, Fire Storm, I'm able to fluently control the field of fire as I please. Basically, I can manipulate the fire to create barriers, spikes and what not so whatever is within my range would get caught and attacked. The downside is that it drains a lot out of me to manipulate a bunch of fire like that, so I'll probably stick mostly to spikes.

Eventually, I might be able to make the obstacles without the field of fire. They would essentially become extensions of me similar to the puppets except shaped differently. Without the vents in the gauntlets, it'll be harder to maintain the form but, theoretically, if I train hard enough and concentrate enough, it's possible.

Aizawa ends class, "Okay, that's it for class. Remember there's only one week left until the finals so make sure that you're studying. As I'm sure you all know, there is a practical test as well as the written exam. Make sure to train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all."

Ashido and Kaminari, who placed 19th and 20th out of the class for midterms, were both panicking saying that they haven't studied at all.

"With the sports festival and the internsh.i.p.s, I didn't study at all!" Kaminari says in a w.h.i.n.ey voice.

Tokoyami also adds, "It's true that we had one event after another, but with back to back events and stuff, the finals will be different."

Trying to cheer up his classmates, Midoriya goes "The written part is simple enough, going over the basics of what we learned in class. We all want to go to the training camp together, right?"

Iida joined in, "As your class rep, I have high hopes that all of you work hard and study.

I decide to add in, "It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class."

None of these words helped those who did bad, seeing as they came from three of the top five highest scorers on the midterms.

The current top 5 for the midterms were,

1. Natsu Dragneel

3. Tenya Iida

4. Bakugo Katsuki

5. Izuku Midoriya

High school midterms are pretty easy when you've already been through them once before. Todroki was close in sixth place.

Momo offers her help to Kaminari and Ashido and a bunch of other people to join her as well.

Some asked me to help them study but I declined, "Sorry, but I've never really been a teaching type."

Ojiro brings up the second half of the exam, "But I wonder what the practical test will be?

Kirishima replies, "We've been doing rescue, combat, and basic training so maybe something combining those three?"

Midoriya speaks up, "Ah actually, Iida, Uraraka, and I meet Kendo and Monoma from Class B."

"Kendo told us that a senpai told her that it was fighting against robots again."

Ashido brightens up, "Well if it's only robots then there's no problem there. We've beaten them once we can bet them again."

"Now all you need is Momo's help with studying and you're set."


"It doesn't matter if they're people or robots. They're the same if you beat 'em up, right? What're you idiots talking about it being a cinch for." Bakugo ruins the moment by yelling at them.

Kaminari gets insulted, "Who are you calling an idiot?"

"Shut up! If you need to control your quirk, then control it! Idiot! Isn't that right, Deku!"

The class goes quiet as the tension grows between the two of them. I put my hands in my pocket, sit back, and watch the drama king do his work.

"I don't know if you've figured out how to use your little quirk or whatever, but you seriously keep rubbing me the wrong way. I don't want another half-assed result like at the sports festival.

In the upcoming finals, we'll get individual scores, so we'll see who's better. I'll beat you with an indisputable difference. I'll kill you. Dragneel, Todoroki, you guys are next."

Todoroki says nothing but I sit up and reply.

"Well, I hope you train hard and get stronger. Wouldn't want to lose again would you?"

"You bastard!"

Before anyone could stop him, he flew up towards me and threw out his hand to attack me. I jump up from my seat and dodge his attack.

He flies under me and crashes into the wall.

He quickly stands up and faces me but sees my hand pointed towards his face.

"Tch," he looks to the side and slouches away.

The class looks at him, watching him leave, then looks at me.

"Well, I need your help, Kirishima and Sato. I have an idea that needs to be tested, and it would be better if two close-range fighters helped me. Do you guys have time? It won't take too long."

"Sure why not? I have time"

"Yeah, same."

"Dragneels gonna test something sounds interesting.

"Ooh, I wanna see."

"Mind if we come?"

'I mean, if I'm having these two help, might as well let the rest watch.'

"Alright, just don't interrupt no matter what happens."


'Hopefully, my support items get in by the final exams. It would be a good time to try them out."

I sigh and head to the field with the rest of the class following behind.

Meanwhile, in the teacher's meeting room, the teachers were finalizing the plans for the final exams.

*Aizawa POV*

"Ok that's pretty much it, now we just need to discuss the hero courses practical exam," Nezu said.

I look up from the papers, "Before we had them fight against robots, but because of recent villain attacks, we decided that it would be better for them to have real situations and fight actual people. We will have the students pair up to fight against the teachers to either escape or capture the teacher. Most of the teams are set and based on the strengths and weaknesses of each team, but the issue is with Dragneel."

A lot of them nod and understand, he could easily beat most of the teachers and a lot of pro heroes with his strength.

"So here's my proposal. We have him fight two teachers, me paired with Cementos, Ectoplasm, or All Might. Me to counter his quirk and a power type to support me."

Most of the teachers react as reasonable people.

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you want to kill him?"

Vlad looks at me, "I know that he's strong but if you cancel his quirk, then-"

"Exactly, he's nothing special. Just another student who's learning how to be a hero like the rest of the school. You think too lightly of him because you've only seen him use his power at the tournament. I've been teaching and observing this kid for a while now, and I'm not even sure that I know his full capabilities. All Might, you know what he's like right?"

All eyes turn to Toshinori, who's currently in his small form, "I mean, I guess. He looks like he never gets serious unless he fights against someone he knows can put up a fight. For example at USJ and in Hosu."

"I think that Cementos or Ectoplasm would be a better choice because their powers will keep them safe from the fire. All Might would get burned."

"Hehe, I'm not that weak Aizawa."

Nezu sits there thinking.

"We'll go with Aizawa's Idea. Ectoplasm, Cementos, you two are fine with going two rounds right?"

Cementos nods, "Yes, my pair should be easily countered with my quirk."

Ectoplasm also agrees, "I should be relatively fine."

Nezu claps his hands together, "Well then, we should be set. Lets wra-"

But he gets interrupted as the door opens.

Another faculty member comes through, "Uh, I'm not sure if this is important but Class 1-A's fighting on the field."

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