The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 27 - Final Exam 1

"Here you go, the design and concept of the venting system were simple enough so that they were able to finish it quickly."

Power Loader passes me two boxes, one square and the other is a long rectangular shape.

"Mind if I try it?"

"Of course, making sure that what you got is what you need is important."

Opening the square one first, it reveals two pieces of metal that are shaped to fit around my ankles and shins. The vents are evenly placed and minimal so that they are effective but don't look like metal croc socks. Like the gauntlets, they can be folded in on themselves and become leg bands.

Slipping them on, I activate my fire and create dragon claws around my feet.


'Having this increases my kicking power by a bit. If I boost it, then I should be able to do larger amounts of damage.

Next, I open the larger rectangular box. In it is an arm guard that looks like something a gladiator would wear, with the metal going up to my shoulder. Just like the gloves and shin guards, along the side of it are flat vents that are placed in the most crucial places.

Its not as bulky but made by plates and its basic appearance looks like scales.

Slipping this on as well, My whole left arm goes up in flames and I condense the flames to create a dragon scale armor on my arm. I feel it up for a while, making sure that all the plates move right and so on.

"Nice," I say again.

"A bunch of your classmates have made orders recently, I think we got tail plating, electrical conductors, and some other stuff."

"I see, well thanks."

"Good luck with your exams."

'So people are making improvements to their gear. Looks like I've inspired a few of them. This will be rather interesting to see how it plays out.'

*A few days later*

The big day comes and mostly everyone is visibly tense. The exceptions are Bakugo, Todoroki, and myself. I'm sure that Bakugo and Todoroki are both slightly worried on the inside but each of them shows their normal demeanor. Todoroki was calm, and Bakugo was either pissed or heavily irritated.

Aizawa walks in, "Okay brats, today is it. I hope that all of you have been studying well because depending on how well you do, some of us may not be coming to the training camp."

He starts to pass out sheets of paper to the students. I get one and look down at it.

'This is easy enough.'

The tests come and go for the next three days, we took tests for every subject until finally…



Everyone has passed the written exam and all that's left is the practical exam.

"Keep it down, you guys are only half done." Aizawa walks in and shuts us up.

"Follow me, we are heading out. Also suit up, cause we are heading to the practical testing site."

We all head to the lockers to change.

A few students panic slightly, "Ahhh, I wonder what we are doing!"

Bakugo glares at three specific people, with his eyes lingering on me longer than the other two.

A few minutes later we get to a building where a handful of the other teachers are outside.

Nezu makes his way onto Aizawa's shoulder before starting.

"Allow me to give you a rundown of what your practical exam will gonna be.

You guys are gonna be set up in teams of two and to pass the test you need to do either one of two things. You need to reach the goal and successfully escape or capture the "villain" and save the day. The villains will not be robots instead you will be fighting them."

He turns and gestures towards the teachers, "The teams have been decided for you and there will be no switching teammates."

A board projects itself behind them revealing the teams and their opponents.

I look towards the board and see my name in the third group.

Natsu Dragneel & Denki Kaminari VS. Principle Nezu.

'So it will be a game of wits.'

I look down the list again and notice something.

"Why is my name listed twice, and for the second time it's only me?"

Natsu Dragneel VS. Eraser Head and ???

Some of the other students had also noticed and were also about to point this out.

Nezu explains, "Due to your combat capabilities, you will be fighting two teachers on your own. Depending on the conditions of the other teachers, that will decide the second teacher that will fight against you."

'That makes sense, but…'

"Ok, but then why am I paired with Denki to go against you?"

This time Aizawa speaks up, "Well you see, we needed someone to go with the odd one out if you were soloing it. So we decided that you could go twice, besides part of being a hero is teamwork so you'll be working with Kaminari to fight against Nezu. Please keep in mind that if you fail this, you would fail your practical even if you pass the second one."

Kaminari looks excited to be paired with me.

"Too easy, with Natsu on my team, this will be a piece of cake."


"Oh shit."

We got to our testing ground and the first thing I noticed was the smell.


The bastard laced the air with propane. Not too much to cause major breathing problems, but enough where it will affect both of our quirks. Thankfully they gave us gas masks or else one of us could've had some serious health issues.

Our testing site was in the same place where we did the rescue race. Ground Gamma, an area that is a labyrinth of factories and pipes. Our starting place was somewhere on the edge in front of a crossroad.

"Denki, don't use your quirk yet. There's propane mixed in the air, so if either of us uses our quirks, the air will ignite and you'll get roasted."

"EHH! Are they trying to poison us?!?!?!"


A nearby wall comes crashing down, blocking one of the paths.


Another wall goes down, leaving us with only one path left. Forwards.

"Denki lets go, he's probably controlling the machinery around to knock the walls down. If we get to him we can beat him or disable him."

"Good Idea, I knew I could count on you."


Another wall comes crashing down right in between us and separates us.

'God damnit.'

I'm about to climb over when more buildings and walls start to fall and push me away from him.

[Fire Rush]

I enhance my body and easily outrun the carnage behind me. Leaping up to a high point, I look around for the crane where Nezu is.

Now that I'm alone, I should probably do this.

I activate my gauntlets and blast fire through them as well as my arm guard. The air around me ignites and a lot of the nearby area also bursts into flame.

Due to the walls that had fallen, the fire was blocked from reaching Kaminari so he should be safe. Probably.

"Damn it, I didn't want to have to do this, but I'll use the secret move that Ji-san passed down to me."

Nezu over hears this, 'This kid has another technique that we don't know about? I may not be able to beat him.'

"Secret technique, RUN AWAYY!!!"

I turn on my wings and head for the exit. This was the best choice that I could've made in this situation. If I had gone back for Kaminari, I would have risked igniting the propane in the air. If I had gone to attack Nezu, I don't know what kind of tricks the sly beast would pull. After all, I do want to pass.

I make it to the exit and the speakers go off.

"Natsu has reached the exit. Team Natsu and Kaminari pass the test."

'That was easy enough, but still a pain. More importantly, this next fight will be fun.'

Strategic fights are all right, but it's no fun unless you get to fight directly with them. Against Aizawa and whoever, fighting them will be much more interesting.

Kaminari and I head over to the viewing rooms where the people who have already finished are also waiting.

Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Sato are sitting there with dejected looks. Aoyama and Uraraka aren't excited but not depressed. Everyone else is still in their tests.

Uraraka comes up to us.

"So did you guys pass?"

Kamianari grinned "EZ PZ GG."

Kirishima and Sato look at him with a small glint in their eyes. They had finished first and watched a lot of Natsu's fight.

"Weren't you stuck behind the wall that Nezu made?"

"Oh yeah, I think I saw that. Tell me, what did you do Denki?"

"Uh, I- uh…"

Denki slowly walks away and sits in a corner drawing letters with his finger.

Tokoyami and Asui walk in and Uraraka goes and talks to Asui.

I go to the side and lay down prepping for my next round.

'I wonder who the second "villain" will be. It would suck to go against Snipe, but I'm sure he would shoot a student. Right?

The most annoying combo would be All Might and Aizawa. Without my fire fighting against All Might would be extremely rough.

I sit there contemplating my choices and deciding my battle plans.

As the rest of the students finish up, my round comes closer and closer. Finally, the last group is finished and everyone is back in the observation deck.

The teachers step out for a bit and discuss who would be fighting against me. I step closer to the wall and listen to their conversation. I can hear Aizawa asking them questions.

Aizawa: "Cementos, how are you doing?"

Cementos: "My round was a while ago so you don't need to worry, I've had plenty of time to recover."

Aizawa: "Ectoplasm?"

Ectoplasm: "I'm also fine. Although I believe that I would be a poor match up as he could easily incinerate my clones."

Aizawa: "Yeah your right."

Nezu: "You guys can take the waits off. With him, you don't know what to expect even if you shut his quirk off."

Aizawa: "Roger."

Cementos: "Roger."

The teachers walk back in and head to the front. Nezu is on Aizawa's shoulder again.

"Natsu, for your main practical exam."

Natsu Dragneel VS. Eraser Head and Cementos

"You will be fighting against Cementos and Aizawa. The goal is the same as before, either capture them or escape. Good luck."

The three of us head to Ground Beta and Aizawa and Cementos walk towards the goal.

I take in my surroundings. Many buildings, lots of cover, and lots of cement.

Aizawa will be able to move easily and stay hidden from me with all these obstacles. As for Cementos, well he could probably build a monster or something with this much cement.

Nezu's voice booms from the speakers.


Once again, I activate my gauntlets and let the fire take over. My whole left arm is uncovered and my right arm is also ablaze. I haven't got a good chance to use the arm guard yet, so this will be a fun test run.

A wave of cement races straight for me. I prepare to counter it by destroying with my firepower when my flames go out. I look up towards a building and see Aizawa with his quirk active.

A wide grin breaks out on my face.

"Hahahaha! This is gonna be fun. LETS PLAY!!!"

AN: Once I'm done with the final exam test, I'm gonna need a small break so I can watch the Two Heros movie. I haven't watched it yet and that happens after the Final exams. So maybe in a week or so I can organize my thoughts and decide what I want to do.

Also, you know what would be dope. Bungee Gum as a quirk. Just saying that would be hella cool. After I finish this, I might try this.

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