The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 28 - Final Exam 2


I hop to the side, avoiding the waves of cement, and head straight for Aizawa. He sees me running after him and turns to escape. My fire returns and I change directions for Cementos, who's on the street in front of me.

Fighting against him alone would be a challenge of its own. Under normal circ.u.mstances, his cement would be slightly challenging to break and he could block my flames with it. Plus the quirk itself doesn't have a limit and is based on his mental control.

Coupled with Aizawa erasure quirk, and hand to hand combat skills, I have my work cut out for me.

[Fire Dragons Roar]

A large tunnel of fire charges towards him and unsurprisingly, he throws up a wall of cement to block it. The fire crashes into the wall and I head through the tunnel, losing Aizawa.

In the fire, I punch the wall and manage to break it and see the other side. Cement sees this and touches the ground and creates a wave of walls to crash into me.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods]

In a flurry of attacks, I break the incoming walls at insane speeds. Cementos notices this and starts to make the walls thicker and thicker but, I've already built up enough wind pressure to carve my way through a mountain.

However, I get disrupted as a scarf wraps around my arm, and the sea of concrete rains down on me. Before the scarf unravels, I grab it and pull it towards me to yank Aizawa in.

He gets pulled from an alleyway behind me and manages to stop halfway. The concrete tumbles down on me and I get trapped underneath.

The pressure gets heavier and heavier but here, I'm concealed from Aizawa gaze.

[Fire Dragons Brilliant Flame]

I charge up a ball of flames around me and release it.


There were burn marks and shards of concrete everywhere. I see a wall of concrete where Cementos protected himself, although it is chipped from the debris and heat.

I look around for Aizawa and see him behind a smaller wall. Apparently, Cementos was also able to protect Aizawa.

*Aizawa POV*

'God Damn, this kid is a beast. Even though I disabled his quirk, he was still able to punch through all of that cement. As always his firepower amazes me. I better thank Cementos later for covering me in time.'

I look around at the carnage he created, 'Thank god he's not a villain.'

Then I notice one thing that's missing.

'Shit, where did he go?'

I look around and see bullets of fire being rained down upon Cementos. Against normal bullets, he'd be fine, but these aren't normal. These are made from that brats flames and explode on impact.

Each time they exploded they left a dent in the cemtent, and he was raining them down upon him.

Immediately, I look up in the direction in which the bullets came from and see a ball of fire surrounding Natsu.

"Tch, I can't deal with him if I can't see him."

*Natsu POV*

Cementos starts to retaliate sending pillars of stone towards me in an effort to distract me. I form two large claws of fire and swipe at them to fend them off. I set to an auto-swipe and release my aura to look for Aizawa.

My aura expands and I can feel him climbing a building to get a view of me. I can feel something flying around my claws and heading for my ball of fire.

I duck and a pillar of stone flies through the fire and over my head.

'Man this is tougher than I thought. Not using my quirk truly is a pain.'

Dissolving my claws, I fly towards Aizawa and disperse my ball of flame. He cancels my quirk and I start to fall. However, my momentum kept me moving enough to reach the building that he was currently at.

I duck and roll on the ground and try and tackle Aizawa but he dodges to the left.

I get up and smile at him, "Sup Sensei."

Ignoring me, he charges towards me and we engage in hand to hand combat. I jump up and aim a roundhouse kick at his head, but he ducks and grabs my leg, slamming me into the ground.

Trying to take advantage of my situation, he punches at me. I block it and return the favor, however, he redirects and jabs me in the face with his other hand.

I catch it and push his hand across his c.h.e.s.t to prevent him from using his other hand efficiently. Still holding his arm, I throw a series of hooks and jabs with my free arm at various places on his body, ribs, stomach, and c.h.e.s.t. For a second, my flames turn back on, and my fist bursts into flames. The fire burns the right side of his ribcage before vanishing again.

'Despite the pain, he still managed to keep his eyes open. I guess he isn't a pro for nothing. Better end this quick.'

Suddenly, a hole opens up beneath me and I fall through. I fall down and land in a small cart made from concrete.

'Oh shit.'

The cart starts to move and my motion sickness kicks in. The cart follows a set of concrete tracks that wind up and down and go all throughout the training zone.

The view would've been nice if I didn't feel like I was in a constant state of throwing up.

*General POV*

"Why isn't he getting out?"

"He's gonna run out of time at this rate!"

I had been in the cart for 10 minutes and only had 15 minutes left of my precious time.

Izuku was carefully observing my state of weakness.

'Interesting. When we set out to our internsh.i.p.s, Aizawa said that Natsu would be flying there. Could that be his weakness? He gets sick from riding transportation. That would also explain his condition on the bus when we were going to USJ.'

Bakugo was also coming up with the same conclusion.

*Natsu POV*

'This bastard is not letting me rest. Just how long did he make this damn track?!?! I need to get out of here no-'

My train of thought gets interrupted as another wave of nausea overcomes me and I throw up over the side.

'I need to get out now!'

Pulling myself with the little concentration I have, I generate fire around me.

'I can't control it so, I'll just release it until it cracks the cement.'

Heat causes the cement to expand. So eventually, the cement on the inner layers should expand to the point where the outer layers can't hold it in and it will shatter. With the level of heat my flames produce, it should be peaking any moment now.


A loud bang causes the cement to fly everywhere. A few shards fly into my skin and the bang causes my ears to bleed and renders them useless. But the ruined cart stops and I crawl out.

I spend another minute there recovering and deciding my course of action.

'I can't afford to get caught on another trap like this. Aizawa should be close to unconscious. I didn't go that easy on him. Damnit I should've cuffed him when I had the chance.

I stand up and look at the sky. My ears are still ringing so I need to use my other sense for this fight.

I could escape and leave from the gate, but this fight is different from Nezu. Besides, Aizawa knows some of my techniques so, it'll be interesting as to how he'll counter. I'm pretty sure that he's counting on me not running. I activate my wings and fly back to the area where I was. I can't see where they are, so I assume that they are in hiding.

'Dust, concrete, trash, smoke, ash, and blood. Found you.'

I fly towards a multi-story blue building that has windows on the outside and appears to be an office building.

'They are somewhere in this building.'

I walk inside and spikes of cement fly out at me. Since Aizawa can't see me yet, I decide to test out my arm and shin guard.

Fire envelops my gear and the glow of the fire spreads.

Pulling my fist back, I wait for it to almost reach me and use the fire to propel it forward for even greater firepower. At the front of my fist, a small ball of condensed fire forms.


The fire explodes upon contact, causing shockwaves and shaking the building. All the spikes get shattered and cracks form in the walls around me.

Looking down at my fist, I say one word, "Nice."

I continue walking and following the smell of Aizawa blood.

As I make my way closer, Cementos tries to deal with me by sending pillars and spikes, sinkholes, and even creating fake walls.

I destroy the projectiles, fly over the sinkholes, and breakthrough the fake walls. Reaching the final floor of the building, I see Cementos with his hands on the ground.

Having his quirk countered again and again definitely caused a mental strain on him, coupled with him using it, he must be exhausted. Despite not being able to see me, he had been able to attack me with his concrete. He probably sensed my position from the cement.

I check my watch and look at my remaining time.




"Come out! I know that that's not you!"

"Cementos" had a different scent and the one in front of me was just a model of him made from concrete.

Realizing their trap was been discovered, Cementos manipulates the cement causes pillars to wrap around my hands and legs to retrain me. The cement stretches my arms wide and starts to surround me.

I activate my fire but it doesn't come out. A mirror pops out from the side of a wall with an opening and I can see Aizawa's red eyes glaring at me from his goggles.

I smile at him and see his eyes harden.

Tensing my back muscles, I slowly pull my arms in, cracking the concrete surrounding it. First the right arm, then the left. I punch the concrete off my legs and free myself. I charge towards the opening and turn the corner expecting to see Aizawa, but instead, I see another mirror and looking closely, I can tell that it's actually a chain of mirrors.

'Interesting. But sadly, I know you're weakness.'

I sit down in front of the mirror and wait for the split-second moment when he blinks. Realizing my plan, he tries to keep his eyes open as long as possible but to no avail.

The instant he shuts them, I release a wave of fire, cracking the mirrors and blocking his vision.

Not wanting to waste any time, I release my aura and search for them. Cementos is transporting them to a lower level to buy time. However I notice something, there are several of them.

I count at least eight other "pairs" and a few of them are scattered across this floor.

I take a deep breath in and concentrate. Because my aura ability is to sense movements in heat, I can also sense the heat or temperature of what I'm "touching." I briefly scan each one before finding the pair with body temperature.

'They are on the second floor and I think they are trying to build over to another building. I should go and greet them.'

I sense a hole opening up in a wall on the second floor and break open the building and hop down to where they are.

The moment I see them, I kick-off of the building behind me and fly into the room. Aizawa manages to react and jump out of the way, but Cementos gets caught in one of the handcuffs.

The speaker blares, "Cementos has been caught, and can no longer assist!"

"To be beaten by a student. Good job Natsu, I wish you the be-, hey!"

I ignore him because Aizawa had taken off and I needed to catch him. Knowing that he's at a larger disadvantage in the open, he dashes through the building and tries to shake me but it's useless.

I catch up to him and once again try to put the handcuff on him.

He stops and I overshoot, missing his hand. He uses my momentum to throw me against the wall in front of us. I roll mid-air, and the kick-off of the wall this time aiming behind him to knock him unconscious.


I fly past him, and aim for his neck when he blocks it. Midair, I twist my body and hold onto his arm stopping my momentum and dislocating his arm.


He pulls his arm back and aims a kick of his own at the c.h.e.s.t, but with his dislocated arm ruining his balance, he kicks too high and I duck under his leg and jab at his exposed t.h.i.g.h.


He falls down and immediately gets back up and winces in pain as he pops his arm back in within a second.


I continue my offensive and aim a jab at his chin. He wraps my arm in his scarf and pulls me forward, hitting me with a palm strike to the chin.


I grit my teeth and take the blow. The shock of the impact temporarily stuns me. Instinctively, I whip my head forwards and slam my head into his own.


His eyes glaze over upon impact and slump down.


There is a moment of silence as I stand there in the hall with the body of the teacher in front of me.

The speaker goes off again, and I can hear the shock in Nezu's voice.

"N-Natsu has beaten Eraser Head and Cementos. Knocking Eraser Head unconscious, and capturing Cementos!"

I pick up Aizawa and take him outside. There, Cementos is waiting for me.

I look sideways at the man hanging over my shoulder, "Thanks, It was a good fight."

AN: This was a fun chapter for me to write and I hope you guys enjoyed it. We recently hit 1 million views, so I'll try write some more chapters later. Soon I'll watch the movie and start to write the chapters for it.

Also I wrote one chapter for the bungee gum story. It's called MHA: Bungee Gum. I'll probably focus on this for a while before going back to that one tho.

Thanks for the power stones and have a great day!

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