The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 29 - Results, Reunions, and Rage.

AN: This is a thank you chapter for reaching 1 million views.

Cementos, and I walk out towards the exit where we are met with two stretcher baring robots.

I place the unconscious Aizawa onto the stretcher bots and watch as they wheel him away. We head back to the observation room and Cementos asks me a few questions.

"So when we were fighting, even though Aizawa had canceled your quirk, you were still able to break my cement. How did you do that?"

"My second quirk, Dragon Soul, is a mutant class quirk so it's not affected by Aizawa Sensei's Erasure. That gives me my extra strength and heightened senses."

'Telling him the obvious effects of my quirk is fine, but I'd really prefer that not many people know about Dance of the Battle Gods.'

"I see. Aizawa told me that your weakness is vehicles, and that's why he told me to make a roller coaster. At first, I was confused, but then I saw it for myself. Do you know why?"

I hesitate and consider not telling him, but we are alone and I feel like he wouldn't really be one to share much.

"It's a side effect of my enhanced senses. Something about the movements and all the other stuff makes me sick."

"That's an interesting side effect. I have one final question. Why didn't you use your lightning or clones even when you were under pressure?"

I smile at him, "I wanted it to be fun. Using those would end it too quickly."

He pauses as he realizes that he and Aizawa lost against a student who was holding back. I walk ahead of him, humming "It's a small world."

'Still, that guy figured out my weakness. This is rather dangerous, now everyone in the class probably figured it out as well. It was only a matter of time, but this really is quicker than I would've liked. '

We get to the observation room and everyone is looking at me in shock and awe.

Nezu clears his throat, "Ahem, well, congratulations to those who passed the practical exam. We will be discussing the exam and distributing the results later, but most of you should already know your result. All of you are dismissed. If you have any injuries, you may go to Recovery Girl for treatment."

We all head back to the locker rooms and change back into our school uniforms. Bakugo and Izuku weren't with us because they had sustained serious injuries while fighting against All Might.

Kaminari is praising me while I change, "Damn Natsu, you managed to beat Aizawa sensei and Cementos Sensei. I guess you're not the strongest first year for nothing."

Ojiro nods his head, "You sure are lucky to be blessed with such a powerful quirk."

As I take off my gauntlets, I notice that some of the edges have been chipped. Due to my constant use, and this fight, my gauntlets had taken some damage.

'I should probably get that fixed later. I gotta do it before the training camp.'

We talk for a while before I leave and start to head home.

As I walk down the hallway, I stop as I hear someone approaching.


All Might runs around the corner of the hall and catches up to me instantly.

"Thank god you haven't left yet. There is something I wish to talk to you about for a minute. Do you mind?"

"Not at all."

"So what did you want to talk about, All Might?"

"During the USJ disaster, you brutally beat many villains and crippled several for life. During your fight against Stain, I heard that you cut off his hands and shot him through the leg with a bullet of fire."

'Tch, Midoriya probably told him.'

"Also in the same event, you cut off all the limbs of a Nomu that you fought. Even today, you unnecessarily beat Aizawa beyond what you needed to. He is currently undergoing treatment, but he had a few fractures, serious bruising, and a few burn marks. My question is why do you go so far?"

He sits across from me and waits for my response.

I sigh slightly before answering.

"When preparing to kill, you also should be prepared to die. As a pro hero, you've been in many life-threatening situations right?"

Before he responds, I continue, "You've had to risk your life countless times to do your job yet you never stopped or hesitated. You always lept into action whenever you had to, regardless of your own safety. That shows your determination to save people. These villains are fully prepared to beat and kill us, so in turn, they should be prepared for whatever happened to them.

As for the Nomus, they are mindless monsters that obey orders and are in the truest sense, tools. Breaking a few tools never hurt anyone, especially when the tools are hurting people.

I do admit I went overboard with Aizawa sensei, but I was enjoying the thrill of the fight. Aizawa Sensei put up a great fight and I kinda got lost in combat. You may be the symbol of peace and you have certain moral obligations. However I don't, I will do what needs to be done. Is that all you needed?"

All Might sits there thinking about my words, "Yeah yeah, sorry to bother you, you may go. Thank you."

I leave him there as All Might thinks about my words.

The next day, the class is rowdy as they wait for the results of the test.

Aizawa walks in and everyone gets quiet and sits down, waiting for him to talk. He has some bandages around his body but other than that, he looks ok.

"Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods…everyone's going!"

The people who failed all have shocked expressions on their faces and thank the gods for this last-minute twist.

Aizawa then goes on to explain this decision.

"Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero all failed."

Kaminari looks surprised, "Wait but didn't I pass. After all, Natsu made it to the goal right?"

Aizawa replies, "Yes, Nastu made it to the goal. What did you do?"

He looks slightly depressed but is still happy because he can still go to the Training Camp.

Aizawa explains the teacher's jobs during the exam and tells everyone that they had left a way to win for all the students and it was up to the students to find and exploit that way.

"However, a failure is a failure. For the five of you that failed, we have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for all of you. Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school. So be prepared."

Aizawa passes out a guide for the training camp which contains information about the camp, as well as a list of items we should bring.

Everyone starts to look at the list and they are amazed by the amount of stuff they need.

Kaminari is rubbing his head, "Man, I need to buy a bunch of things."

I look down the list and I realize that I actually need to buy a few things. Also originally, this is when Shigaraki talks to Izuku about various topics.

Toru suggests that we all go to the mall tomorrow since we are finished with our exams.

Everyone agrees to go except for Bakugou. At first, Todoroki declines, but Kirishima tells him that we can celebrate his recovery since we never had time before due to the upcoming exams.

We all meet at the mall around 10 o'clock and a bunch of people recognizes us from the UA festival.

A few of my classmates are embarrassed and slightly surprised that they still remember that.

I open my phone and look at my list.

Big bag

New shoes


Everyone talks to each other and splits up according to what each of them needs. I head up to the second floor to check out the outdoor shop nearby but I also watch Izuku and wait for Shigaraki to arrive.

After a few minutes, a lanky man in a dark hoodie approaches the lone boy.

I start to make my way out of the shop, but the temperature drops a few degrees and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

'Shit, I was worried about this.'

"So, how have you been, Gray?"

The dark-haired man in jeans, a white sweatshirt with a hoodie takes his hand off my shoulder. His face is slightly bruised and I can smell blood from him.

"It's been a while, Natsu. Sorry, but I can't let you interfere with their conversation. Instead, let's play a game."

"Oh, I like games. What do you have in mind? Also, why are you injured."

"That's not really important. As for the game, it's nothing too complicated. I'll ask a question, you answer, and then it's your turn. You know, to get to know each other. I'll go first. How are the tendons?'

I unconsciously rub my leg at the memory of the night events, "Oh it's been recovering. But it does tend to take a while when someone splits your heel open."

We both casually laugh before glaring at each other.

"So how'd you get those injuries?"

"If you really wanna know, I was just fighting with someone before this. They put up a pretty good fight."


"Sorry but it's my turn now, you can ask me next time."

'Finding out information on someone who might be dead isn't worth a question. I have better things to ask.'

He puts his hand to his chin and appears to be thinking, but his eyes say otherwise.

"How did you know my name?"

"You look like someone I knew in the past."

"Ho, that's it. Just a coincidence then?" He glares at me while talking.

"Yep, just a coincidence. Why are you with the league?"

"I have some other reasons, but mainly because I'm bored. Most people are too weak or too bland for me to enjoy myself. At first, I thought you were different, but I guessed wrong."

'This f.u.c.ker is looking down on me.'

I try on some outdoor shoes that are around my size as he asks his question.

"How much do you know about me?" The temperature around him drops even further and I can see the mist coming out of my breath.

The store clerks look like they want to stop him, but with the aura he's giving, they decide not to do anything about it and pray that he doesn't disrupt anyone else.

I look at him with confusion, "What do you mean? Why would I know anything about you?"

He returns the confused look, "Wait, your friend hasn't told you anything yet?"

"Friend, what friend?"

"That old man that works at the gym."

The plastic cover on the seat melts as heat radiates from my body.

"What did you do?

"He was poking around in places where he wasn't supposed to so I gave him a little message. Frankly, what he's found out so far isn't what I'm worried about. I just don't need him to find anything else."


Roaring flames are emitted from my body and Gray sets off like a bullet.

I start to chase after him but he has a serious head start.

Izuku and Shigaraki both look up as they see someone run out of a shop and soon after, another familiar person runs out.

"N-Natsu? What is he doing? He shouldn't be using his quirk?"

"Ahh, looks like he told him."

"Told him what?"

Midoriya looks at the man I am chasing and realizes something, "Wait, that's that Gray guy!"

I continued chasing him, and because of his injuries, I was able to overtake him.

I slam him into the ground then pull him by his collar. Normally, the flames around my body would be able to char people within my vicinity, but this bastard looks fine. Sparks start to fly from my body.

"What. Did. You. Do?"

The rage is evident in my voice.

"Do you really have time to be messing with me? I beat him pretty good, hah-argh!"

[Lightning Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

I punch his stomach and the current runs through him. Combined with the strength and the fire, he spits a mouthful of blood. I look towards the direction of the gym and the temperature rises. I look back at the spot where Gray was, and the only sign of him was a small pool of blood splattered on the ground.

'I would take care of him now, but if this f.u.c.ker did anything to him…'

Activating my wings, I push myself even faster and streak across the sky until I get to the gym. I look upon the scene in horror.

The whole building has been frozen. Several heroes are in the front trying to melt the ice but to no avail.

There's a whole crowd in front including a few of the regular members and staff.


I disperse my wings and drop down directly in front of a familiar receptionist.

"What. Happened?"

The lady looks slightly nervous from the tone of my voice but responds nonetheless. My eyes are still sparking from my lighting mode, and my body is ablaze.

"Some black-haired man with weird tattoos on his face and two large duffel bags came in and asked where the martial arts floor was. I told him and he headed up. A few minutes later, I heard screams and the whole building froze. This happened maybe half an hour ago, and since it's the morning we had only a few people inside. But the man came down and sealed the way to the upper floors and no one has come down yet either. Enji-san was also up there.

At these words, the fire and sparks around me increase in intensity and the people around me take a step back.

I silently walk towards the entrance, but the receptionist tries to stop me.

"Natsu, let the heroes do their thing."

I push her off and continue on walking forward.

A nearby hero stops me, "This is no place for a kid, you should step back and let us do our work."

I ignore him and continue on.

He grabs my shoulder saying, "Hey! Did you not hear me?"

I look up at him, 'He has a power-type quirk. This shouldn't hurt too much.'

I grab his face and throw him a dozen or so meters to the side.

"Hey, what the hell!?!?!"

All the surrounding heroes look at me in surprise, I ignore them and start to head inside.

They try to block me, but I release my flames even more out of anger for wasting my time.

I yell at them to move but they stay there, saying it's dangerous.

"God damnit, Ji-san is in there! Stop messing with me!"

The guy I threw comes up behind me and hits me in the head to knock me out.

I turn around, "Weak."

I build up the fire around me, holding it back from raging. After a few seconds, the heat builds up and then I release it.

The pressure from the blast sends the heroes flying.

I make my way in, ignoring the yells of the spectators.

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

I punch a hole through the ice blocking the stairs. It leaves a large crack in it but doesn't break.

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

Wall after wall, floor after floor, I clear my way, until I get to the fourth floor. The stench of blood was extremely strong even though it was cold. There, I see a large collection of frozen limbs spread out across the floor.

I also see a larger arm and leg among them. I've seen them too many times to not realize whose limbs they are.


I hear a slight m.o.a.n, "Over here."

I rush over and I see Ji-san with his left leg and right arm cut off. His wounds have been frozen shut, but his lips were dark blue, and his skin was ghostly pale.

Tears start to fall from my eyes, "Noo, why?"

Without an arm and a leg, what would happen to his job, his life?

I fall to my knees, with a blank stare on my face.

Ji-san says something to me, but I don't hear him. I hold his body to me and my tears fall onto

his c.h.e.s.t.


I let out a scream of rage and anguish.

'This is all my fault.'


'If I were stronger this would have happened.'

The area around my body is warm, but a few feet away from me, the exterior heat is blazing. The nearby ice starts to melt.

Ji-San opens his mouth again to talk, but I still don't hear anything.


'If I had beaten him before, this never would have happened.'

The whole floor starts to melt and even on the outside, people could see steam from the upper floors.

The right side of my body started to form scale patterns and something was pulling on the back of my shirt.


'If I never asked Ji-san to look into him, Ji-san would have his arm and leg.'

Outside people could feel the temperature rise and gasp in shock as the top three floors started to melt.

My skin starts to turn red and the scales are becoming more and more prominent. Something ripped through my shirt.


'If only I were stronger. If I had the strength to avenge Ji-san.'

The cement around me started to melt and the whole building was steaming.

Outside Endeavour was watching, "I believe that I was required because the ice was not melting. Obviously, it's been solved. But who did it?"

A nearby hero responded, "Some pink-haired kid went in and we tried to stop him, but he fought back."

'Could it be him?'

Inside, my right hand had turned into claws and a leathery dragon wing had formed on my back. Scales were forming on my face and all my senses were amplified.


I look up, "I swear it on my life. I will kill you. GRAY!!!"

AN: Damn, I didn't even realize it, but there are a little over 3k words in this. So hope you enjoyed it, cause I know I did.

Also, we see that Natsu does care about people. Enji was like a father to him. So his reaction isn't that surprising.

I also have another novel that I'm just starting called MHA: Bungee Gum.

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