The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 30 - Holy Sh*t

AN: I think the title sums up the chapter.

I look up at the ceiling, "I swear it on my life. I will kill you. GRAY!!!"

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look down at Ji-san. He takes his remaining arm off my shoulder and motions to come closer.

"I-i found out some information about Gray. Turns out, he didn't like that, hahah-argh."

His words calm me down a little and my mind clears a bit.

"You stupid old man," my tears fall less now, "I need to get you out of here."

I pick him up and head downstairs.

*General POV*

One of the new reporters is currently filming live and the event is on TV.

"Only a few minutes before, the whole building was encased in ice. However, according to eye witness reports, the first place of the first year's UA sports festival, Natsu Dragneel, went inside and melted it. So far no one has come- wait no, I can see the silhouette of someone."

At first, it was hard to make out the shapes, and in the darkness, it looked like a messy jumble. As the shadow moved forward, the shapes became more discernible.

"The figure appears to be of average height, but extremely wide. There is also what appears to be a wing on the side."

The mysterious person comes into the light and several people scream.


Someone has come out carrying the body of a man. The man appears to have lost an arm and a leg and is obviously severely injured. Someone, call an Ambulance!

*Natsu POV*

I step out of the building and immediately cover my eyes. After being in the building for a while, the sudden brightness threw me off.

'A few heroes, the press, and spectators. It's quicker to go to the hospital.'

A fiery wing forms on the left side and I prepare to take off when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Endeavor stops me, "I need you to explain what happened up there."

I give him a cold look, "Can't you see there's an injured man here?"

"We can call an ambulance. It's more important for you to tell me what happened."

"Go look for yourself, I'm already pissed off."

Releasing my bloodl.u.s.t, Endeavor and many others freeze up.

'What the hell is with this intense bloodl.u.s.t, also I noticed this before, but the strength of his fire is insane.'

I push his hand off and zoom into the sky, carrying Ji-san.

I head to the nearest hospital and drop down in front of the doors. The people inside scream at the sight of the both of us, although mainly it's because of Ji-san's blood dripping on the floors.

The hospital staff is slightly stunned, but quickly understand what they need to do.

"Someone get a stretcher!"

"Prepare some tourniquets and a room ready!"

Some nurses come with a stretcher and I lay him down on it. They carry him away, and I want to go, but I know that I would just get in the way.

'Once this is over, I'll find a way to fix your limbs. I swear it.'

I head home and try to calm myself down to make a plan. I walk through the door of the orphanage and see Miss Takahashi.

"Hi, Miss."

"God damnit brat, I keep on te-"

She stops as she gets a look at me.

"Natsu, is that you?"


"What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean look at you. You have scales and stuff, and a wing."


I rush to the bathroom and look in the mirror, taking in my appearance for the first time.

"Woah, what the hell?"

The entire right-hand side of my body was covered in scales and I had a wing on my back. My arm and leg both have sharp claws where my hands once were. My face was also half covered in scales and a few teeth had elongated and sharpened. My nose had become more pointy and my eyes were slightly slanted.

'Is this the Dragon Force? But, if I remember correctly, the original Natsu never grew scales and wings like this during his Dragon Force.'

"Hmmm, this is interesting. I wonder, does this mean..."

I rush outside, excited to try out my moves and see if my draconic appearance boosts my fire.

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

A loud boom rings out, followed by an explosion.

'Shit, I broke the sound barrier.'

I look at the hole in the ground that was created by the power of the explosion.

'Damn, imagine getting hit by this. I was gonna try this one on a target, but I better not.'

Looking up at the sky, I take a deep breath in and…

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

'Everything got a huge boost! I wonder when these scales will go away? Sleeping with these would probably be hella uncomfortable.'

My serious demeanor returns as I think about Enji and Gray. I head into my room and start to plan out my revenge.

'I'll definitely be seeing him soon. If he makes another appearance before the training camp, great. But most likely it'll be at the camp. Another factor is how this dragon form works. Can I turn it off? Will I be able to use it when the time comes? I'll probably need to test this out during the summer break.'

*knock knock*

My door opens and Miss Takahashi walks in, she briefly looks at me before starting to talk, "You got this in the mail recently. It's from I-Island, so I think it's worth taking a look at."

Too focused to listen properly, I just wave and say, "Sure. Ok."

She gives me a concerned look before stepping out for a second. I lay on my bed, wincing as my wing pokes into my back.

'God damnit.'

I flip onto my stomach and close my eyes for a minute, collecting my thoughts and thinking of how to beat gray. I continue to plan until I eventually fall asleep.

"So, how did you like my twist?"

I hear a somewhat familiar voice, and I open my eyes. I get blinded by the bright white stage lights and realization dawns on me.

'Oh f.u.c.k no.'

"It's been something like 15 to 16 years since you last saw me."

Sitting across from me is a tall, slim man with white hair. He had a black and white pinstripe suit with a matching black tie and a gleaming smile. His light blue eyes contrasting his pale skin.

"Of course, for us, it was only a few days. Time is a fickle thing."

"Why am I back here, Gabriel? Also what the hell is with that Gray guy? He's not part of canon!"

He grins at me again, "Oh you poor boy. Couldn't you tell from the setup and the giant spinning wheels, this is a game show. It's no fun unless there is some twist. Besides, you were on a roll back then, and while it was fun, it was kinda boring.

So I asked the higher-ups, and they agreed to let me add something to make your life more interesting. I must admit, that the recent event was rather nerve-racking."

His words take a minute to sink into me, "So I'm just a source of entertainment for you guys?"

"More specifically the Big G, he gets bored a lot and sometimes we make some deals with Hell the other branches for sponsorsh.i.p.s, so overall everyone profits."

"Except for me."

"Well yeah, but that really just depends on what powers you get. Actually, you are one of our most-viewed characters. We have a few others, but a few of them die from being idiots."

"So you're the reason Ji-san lost his limbs?"

I release my bloodl.u.s.t, but Gabriel continues to smile at me, unfazed.

"To be fair, no, that wasn't me. That was all Gray, I just threw him in. Since he arrived, your ratings have soared, even from before."


I charge at him, but he snaps his fingers and I freeze in place. I try to move, but no matter how hard I try, I am frozen in place.

Spinning to face the crowd, "Well, that's all for tonight's special interview with Natsu Dragneel. Now we will continue our regular showing, on What's your life! Oh by the way," He turns to me, "you won't have any memory of this meeting, it's part of the contract."

Snapping his fingers again, I disappear and wake up in my bed with a major headache. I look out of the window and the sun is just rising.

'Shit, it's already morning?! How long was I asleep, and why do I have such a bad headache?

My head clears and yesterday's events flow back into my head, "Ji-san!"

Looking down at my arm, I notice the ever-present scales. I start to rush outside, but fall to my knees, my stomach rumbling.

"You're finally awake brat? About time, I was gonna go and get you. Also, did you look at the letter?"

I look up and see Miss Takahashi looking down at me.

I grin slightly before standing up, "Thanks Miss. What letter?"

"Damn it all. Nevermind, I'll tell you when you get back."

My presence in the dining hall causes somewhat of an uproar in the younger kids.

"WOAH? You're a dragon now, Natsu."

"That's so cool!"

"Can you give me a ride later?"

The kids that are slightly younger than me are slightly surprised, but mainly because they had never seen me like this before. After all, things like wings and scales aren't really special in this world.

I grab some food and begin to dig into the plate of meat and potatoes and everything else. I quickly wolf down everything and head outside.

"See ya!"

I take off and head for the hospital where I dropped Ji-san off. On the way, I pick up a box of Dorayaki, cause I know that he loves the stuff.

When I get to the hospital, I ask for Ji-sans room number, "Room 304."


I get up to the floor and hear loud talking and weird giggling coming from one of the rooms.

"So the kid walks into the floor and says, ""HEYYYYYY, IS THERE A MARTIAL ARTS MASTER HERE?" and then he-"

I slam the door open and see Ji-san holding the shoulder of a rather attractive nurse. When I enter the room, he looks to the side, "Tch."

"Oy, you old man, I save your life, and now you're talking shit about me with this nurse. I even got you some Dorayaki, but I guess I'll eat it."

Enji looks at the nurse, "Can you give us some time?"

She winks at him, "Sure."

She walks out of the room and we stay quiet until she closes the door. After that, all hell breaks loose.






This goes on for a few minutes until some older and not as pretty nurse comes up and yells at us to shut up, saying that we were disturbing everyone else.

I look to the side, 'I'm listening right now, and everyone is laughing their asses off."

I stick my tongue out as she leaves before looking back at Ji-san.

"I brought you some dorayaki."

I pass him the box and he puts it on the table next to him.

We sit there in silence before I ask him, "So what did you find out?

"No, how are you doing? I'm sorry that you lost your arm and leg maybe?"

I'm about to retort and argue again, but I hear the old nurse outside, and decide to just go along, "How are you?"

"Fine thanks."

"So what information did you find out that cost you an arm and a leg?"

"Enough for you to know what you're dealing with, but not enough to help too much."

"Information is information, any way to get ahead of the enemy."

"Gray is not his real name. Gray is the codename that he went by. I don't know his real name, my contacts, who are now dead, don't know his real name, I doubt anyone knows his real name.

Sometime when he was 4, he was picked up by the Chinese assassins guild, Hóng wěi, or Red Tail. No one knows anything before that.

For the next 11 years, he trained with them and picked up too many techniques and skills to count. Apparently, he's an expert in espionage, information gathering, torture, poisoning, medical knowledge, and assassination. Eventually, he started to take assassinations jobs, he got his first job when he was 8, and whenever he did, he always got the job done… and a little more."

"What does that mean?"

"During his time, he had a habit of letting loose. He gained a few notable nicknames that would strike fear into any member of the underworld even now. The Grim Reaper, SubZero, Yánwáng or the god of death, and the Cheery Berserker. He always took more than the target, bystanders, security, even family and friends that were somewhere else. In a few years, he rose to the top brass of his organization.

Eventually, he got out of hand, and the Chinese government got tired and went and put a bounty on his head."

"How much?"

"16,447,000,000 Chinese Yuan."

"Which is?"

He sighs before doing some quick math, "Around 260,807,491,498.43 Yen."

AN: This is 2.5 billion American dollars.

"Holy shit! Seeing as he's still alive, it didn't go well did it?."

"Nope. First, some newcomers in his guild tried to kill him. They were frozen alive. Then some of the other smaller guilds tried to team up on him. The sewer treatment plant counted 23 and a half heads, and those were the only ones we knew.

The government raised his bounty to 3 billion USD and many more tried to kill him. None succeeded. His guild was prospering like hell until they stopped getting contracts. Somehow, the government had found a way to stop people from giving contracts to Red Tail.

At this point, half the guilds in all of China were killed, and Red Tail had lost a few members from people trying to weaken them. This had been going on for around a year, and the Red Tail was getting tired. They tried talking him out of the guild, but he declined. Then a bunch of the other top brass planned an assassination attempt on him, but as you expect, it didn't go well.

It was around this time that he got that weird tattoo on his body. After that event, he went to the government building, killed half of the officials, and force-fed the other half the dead bodies of their coworkers. After that, he left China and went traveling around for a while, until he met with some man called All for One and then stayed in Japan. I tried searching into All for One, but that was when this happened."

"Holy shit.

"Yes, holy shit is right. I don't know how, but you got involved with possibly the most dangerous man in all of Asia."

I sit there for a moment thinking back to our fight and connecting the dots. 'That really does explain a lot of things. But why didn't he kill Izuku or Todoroki back then? If he wanted to get rid of any witnesses, I'm sure he could do it without hesitation. Maybe I'll ask him after I beat the shit out of him.'

I look at Ji-san's missing limb, and my face darkens, "Seriously tho, how are you?"

"I'll definitely need to quit being a martial artist, but at least I'm alive."

"I swear that I will find a way to help you, Ji-san."

*munch munch munch*

"This dorayaki are pretty good, thanks."

I look at him with a deadpan look before letting loose.



The door slams open, and the old lady walks in and she looks pissed.


I laugh on the way out as the nurse gives me a death stare, "See ya Ji-san."

"Next time you come, bring me more dorayaki."


I walk out and stand outside the hospital grinning to myself. The grin quickly fades as I think about the upcoming events.

'I should probably go back to the mall and get my stuff. That bastard interrupted my shopping.'

I head back to the mall and to my relief, it's open. I head to the outdoor shop I was at before, and thankfully they let me in, but they stare at me with dirty looks while I shop.

"I got a duffel bag and shoes. Lastly, I need a new jacket."

I look around this shop, but the jackets they have are all waterproof and look uncomfortable.

I walk around absentmindedly looking for a shop that looks like they would have what I need. I accidentally run into someone and quickly go to apologize, but then I look up at the person.





I see Momo, Jiro, and Toru all looking at me in surprise. They all are carrying several bags of varying sizes,

In unison, they all ask, "Are you ok?"

"Physically yeah, but why are you asking?"

Momo replies, "Yesterday, he ran into Shigaraki and was forced to tell him about your abilities and weaknesses."

'That little shit did what?!?!?!"

Then Toru continues on, "Then he mentioned that he saw you chasing after that Gray person from Hosu. After we talked to him for a while, he told us that he was at Hosu as well during that event and saw Gray."

Jiro finishes, "Then you left and never came back so we were worried that something might have happened."

"Oh that. It was nothing much, just catching up with each other, haha."

They looked slightly concerned as my tone was humorous, but my eyes were cold.

Momo, who looks the most concerned, asked, "Are you ok Natsu?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure-"

"I said, I'm fine," stating that the last part louder than I should have.

Momo looks slightly scared at my tone and I try to recover, "So anyway, why are you guys here?"

Jiro tries to take over the conversation, "Since we didn't finish our shopping yesterday, the three of us decided to go today and try to get everything we needed." Gesturing to the bags they were carrying.

Toru asks, "What about you?"

"Same as you guys, I needed to finish my shopping list."

"I see."

We stand there in awkward silence for a bit before Toru asks, "I was hoping that one of you would ask this, but Natsu, what's with the wings and scales?"

"Honestly, I don't know either. Momo, I have a question?"

She looks slightly surprised and a little nervous, "Y-yes?"

"Is it possible for you to create moving prosthetic arms and legs?"

'If she can, then I can help Ji-san.'

She reverts back to her normal demeanor and thinks about it for a second.

"If it was just a model for a prosthetic, yes. But right now, I can't make a working prosthetic. May I ask why?"

My face darkens for a second before responding, "My friend had a sort of accident recently and he lost an arm and a leg."

She looks slightly guilty for asking, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry."

"Well I have to finish up my shopping so see ya."

They all wave goodbye and I continue searching for a jacket. I search several stores before I realize something.

'What the hell do I need a jacket for? It's not like I get cold. But they are pretty comfortable sometimes.'

While I have a mental breakdown of whether I should get a jacket or not, Momo and her friend are outside of a restaurant discussing what just happened.

*Momo POV*

I take a sip of my drink, "He seemed different than usual, colder maybe?"

Jiro agrees, "I know what you mean a bit. Normally he's a loner, but he does have playful tendencies sometimes. But now he just seems distant."

Toru adds, "Do you think it has something to do with that Gray guy?"

"Probably, that would be the most obvious reason. Something definitely happened between the two of them, and I feel like it also might involve this friend of his. But for some reason, I feel like it's a bad idea to dig too deep."

Both of them say, "Agreed."

*Natsu POV*

I look at the hoodie on me. In the end, I bought a white hoodie with a large red sun emblazoned on the back and with white sakura leaves going over it on the lower left side. The front had the same symbol but smaller and over my heart.

'This is nice. I'm glad that I got a discount.'

I look down into my now almost empty wallet.

I head home in my new jacket but I get stopped by four drunk thugs.

"Hey, look at him, he looks all fancy in his jacket. He must be rich."

"Hey bro, wanna lend us some money? Surely, you have some, right?"

'What a drag.'

"No, sorry I spent most of it."

Apparently, this isn't the answer that they wanted because they looked pissed.

"HUH! Are you messing with us!"


The one closest pulls a knife and holds it to my throat.

"Are you robbing me, cause let me tell you I'm already annoyed."

"Stop playing with us, and hand over your wallet."


"Well, this sucks."

I pull my head down and bite down on the knife.

"Look at this idiot."


The blade shatters and falls to the ground. Turning around, I spit out the shards of metal into the face of the guy that was "holding me hostage."


The metal sprays across his face and a few enter his eyes. I turn towards the rest of them and they turn around to run, but they are no match for my speed.

I slam one into the ground and throw the other against a wall. The last one, who appears to be the leader, is on the ground trying to run away.

"Please forgive me! I didn't mean it."

"Shut up."

Kicking his stomach, he goes flying into the wall and gets knocked out cold.

I start to walk away when I hear sirens.

'Aw shit.'

"Put your hands in the air!"

'F.u.c.k me.'

I put my hands in the air and turn around.

"Wait you're…"

The police officers put down their guns and I get a better look at their faces.

'Wait, are they?'

"Do you remember us?"

'The two guys that stopped me while I was in my wheelchair!'

"Oh yeah, I remember you two. How have you been?"

"Not bad, glad to see you're out of the wheelchair. Also nice scales and stuff"

"Yeah, thanks."

We all laugh, ignoring the four injured people.

"Seriously though, what happened?"

I begin to explain the situation and they seem to get it.

"Ok if that's it, then you're good. I just need to take you back so that we can get your statement."

"Do I really have to? I really don't want to."

"Sorry, but it's part of the job. Hop in the car."

"I'll follow behind you guys. I don't really like to ride cars."

"You sure, you're not gonna ditch us?"

"Yeah, yeah. Besides, I don't wanna sit with all of them," I gesture to the injured men.


Reluctantly, I follow them to the police station and give them my official statement.

It's another hour until they let me out.

"Damn that was a pain."

I head home and lay on my bed. I go to my computer and try to find out some information about the Red Tail Guild, but to no avail.

I notice the letter next to me.

"Natsu Dragneel"

I slightly remember Miss Takahashi mentioning something about it so I decided to open it. Inside are another envelope and a piece of paper. I decided to look at the paper first.

"Dear Natsu Dragneel,

This is late, but congratulations on winning first place in the UA sports festival for the first years. As a gift, we would like to present you with two tickets to the I-Expo that we are hosting this summer on I-Island. As you may know, I-Island is a place where the leading scientists of quirk technology and development work to better the world. If you could attend, that would be our p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. There are two tickets in the envelope that will get you onto the plane and through security. There will also be a party hosting some of the world's greatest minds and benefactors. Hope we see you soon.


John Maxwell

Department of International Affairs


I open the envelope and see two plane tickets inside. I slowly put down the letter and tickets.

'What the f.u.c.k is this?'

I file through my memories and try to remember something like I-Island.

AN: He was not a hardcore Weeb, so he didn't watch the movie.

I'm prepared to ignore it because of the plane ride but I see, "leading scientists of quirk technology and development work"

I hop back on my computer and try to do some research on I-Island.

On Boogle, it states, "I-Island is an artificial moving island inhabited by over ten-thousand scientists conducting research on Quirks."

'If I go, I could get a prosthetic leg for Ji-san. It would be hella expensive tho. Whatever, I'll think about this tomorrow.'

I go to sleep and wake up with the invitation lingering on my mind.

'Since I still have school, I should deal with that broccoli headed bastard.'

AN: Extra Long chapter casual probably won't write one this weekend cause of Thanksgiving and I'm busy.

Also, yes that was dragon force. I wanted it to be slightly different than normal cause he's not really a dragon slayer.

It was a little hard because I had to get his character right, and at one point scrapped half the chapter.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy the cliffhanger and have a great Thanksgiving.

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